Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 155: Chapter155

He ran away.

The anti-water prince Qin Chuan miraculously deceived the judgment of the attending doctor and the surveillance of all plainclothes. Taking advantage of the short gap between the guards, he successfully broke off the handcuffs, turned the window, and disappeared without a trace.

It took Lü Bureau less than half an hour to learn about the situation and to control it urgently. However, Tianluodi did not catch this cunning shark. From the hospital bed handcuffs to the window sill covered with his DNA, the detective fought against the surveillance video for two days, and only found his blurred half-back at the exit of a highway, and his hand raised backwards in the wind.

The gesture seemed to be saying goodbye.

No one knows why Qin Chuan chose to run away that day, perhaps because he finally recuperated to the point where he could take action, or maybe because the guards did be negligent during the shift that day. Qin Chuan's elusive good and evil no one can feel the clue, but Lu Bureau said: "It may also be because you have been waiting for you."

Yan Yan: "Ah?"

"Ah, what do you think about when we were talking in front of his bed that day, in fact, he was always awake, listening to everything in his ears, and waiting for us to go out, he immediately got up and ran away, do you think this how to explain?"

"..." Yan Zheng was speechless for a moment, and Lu Bureau sighed: "Since you didn't want to go to jail, why did you want to be stunned?"

Lu Bureau stood in front of the office window, and wolfberry and chrysanthemum rock sugar tea was rippling in a large enamel tea pot, exhaling hot air, and a thin white mist condensed on the reading glasses. So he fixedly looked at the busy street in the distance, his eyes shone with shimmering light, and he sighed for a long while:

"Qin Chuan, he has a side of justice and loyalty in his character, it is my responsibility to not lead. I have doubted him when Lao Yue just walked, but at that time he actually had time to reach the cliff, but he showed It ’s too easy to give to the outside world. When it ’s never settled, it changes from start to finish ... ”

"Old, old!" Lv Bureau finally concluded with a mockery.

Yan Yan wanted to say comfort, but he didn't know what to say. Lu Bureau turned around and walked to the big desk, signed the co-investigation notice, raised a wanted notice in front of him, and narrowed his eyes with emotion.

"... I'll get him back," Yan finally whispered.

Lu Bureau nodded, both were watching the warrant, Qin Chuan Junwen's face was smiling and looking back.

"Waiting for you?" Jiang docked at the bedside and slammed "The significance of DNA methylation in forensic practice (Author Gou Li)", smirking and said: "——what are you doing, your feelings with Lu Bureau are also It ’s too rich. The running path of the surname Qin was by no means planned by him alone, and he was most likely to be accompanied by his associates. The reason why I chose that day was because the timing was just right. Where can there be so many?

Yang Mei sat on the sofa chair in the single VIP ward and drank the seafood soup, so delicious that she nodded. She is unfamiliar with Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan once cut a face on her brother Jiang, so she still ranks third in her revenge book, and fourth is the foreman of Gongzhou Nightclub who lost her diamond necklace. Five are the KTV bosses who are buying her business next door.

As for the first and second place, they are all dead.

"Look at you, you still drink and drink!" Yan Yan taught her, "This is what I made for people to bring to Jiang Jiang to make up for your body. Why did you drink it! See you are fat for two months! I do n’t even wash my head or makeup. Would you like to get married in the future? ”

Jiang Zang was about to speak to defend Yang Mei. When he heard the word marriage, he immediately felt a sense of urgency and stared at Yang Mei with blame.

"Why do you marry," Yang Mei wiped her mouth, coldly: "The old lady is also good to live alone, make money to buy a bag to buy a house to buy jewelry, and go to a yoga class with Han Xiaomei on the weekend, is not better than anything ? "

"Although, but ..." Yan Yan had not given up.

Yang Mei's next sentence made him speechless: "No, but the profit of the sleepless palace is tripled every year, and the old lady has money!"

Yan Yan, who knows the good of money, has to admit that he is very confident.

Jiang Zeng smiled, shook his head, opened the latest masterpiece (signed version) of Director Gou again, and casually asked, "Is the notice of investigation issued?"

"It's early, don't pay back for the New Year." Yan Yan booed: "But according to the latest progress, he may have escaped from the province of S, and the hope of getting back in a short period of time is relatively slim."

Jiang Zang said, "I think he might go abroad."

"Go abroad?"

Jiang Zeng turned a page and pouted, "Shooting": "Qin Chuan does not do anything absolutely. He is accustomed to killing with a knife. He likes to stay behind. When he was loyal to **** k, he showed Wang Xingye secretly, otherwise Will not leave a flaw in civilian monitoring, so that it will be caught by Lu Bureau. In addition to Wang Xingye's such a thing that is not enough to fail, I guess he has other contacts, he may have paved himself more than A back road. "

Yan Zheng thoughtfully, Jiang Zang said, "I think you should have seen this clearly. What makes Qin Chuan very different from ordinary people is that the good and evil in the personality of others are fluid. The reason why Wen Yan He began to seduce him into the water more than a decade ago, not only because he was the only child born of Yue Guangping, but also because he smelled the side of Qin Chuan that was similar to himself—they all liked the kind that controlled evil in their hands. Feeling. When Qin Chuan deliberately asked Ajie in front of me to return to the 1992 police gun, he pointed at Ajie's head with a gun muzzle and wanted to fight, regardless of Ajie's suspicion, because he enjoyed the kind of The excitement of taking chestnuts from the fire in the hearts of many people. Compared with Wen Yan, Qin Chuan only has a tight curse in his heart. "

"If it is possible, it is better to bring him to justice as soon as possible," he paused and concluded. "Otherwise, I am afraid that he may gradually become a second **** k under the influence of external forces."

Will Qin Chuan take the road of no return?

No one can say this clearly, but Yan Yan feels that he has more than a **** k in his heart, and there are other things.

However, this will only be known the day he will grasp Qin Chuan in the future.

The result of Jiangzhan's treatment has not come down, and Lu Bureau said that it was because the provincial government department had been in a relationship with Gongzhou City Bureau. Since the deputy director Hu made a transcript, Jiang Zhan has been interrogated several times, and each time he comes out, he feels more nervous; but then he always calms down because he ca n’t wait for the results. After coming down, tell Yan Yan that he would not be afraid even if he was sentenced to a few years in prison. He brought Gou Li's latest works and Prajna Paramita into the detention center, and when the sentence was released, he was a versatile master swordsman. .

Yan Yan smiled bitterly and said that her husband can't do anything else. You must apply for medical treatment on bail. You can rest assured.

At the beginning of March, Jiang Zhan was finally discharged from the senior single ward, and officially ended the days of Yancheng Municipal Bureau, home, hospital, hospital, hospital ...

Not only did his hair grow out, it was very soft and bright, and even Yan Yan was so surprised that he started to touch it when he was empty. However, Jiang Zhan has become accustomed to the sense of bareness and coolness, and euphemistically expressed his wish to cut the board and open his head—this time, not only Yan Yan, but even Yang Mei, Ma Xiang, Han Xiaomei, and other people with normal aesthetics expressed strong opposition, so He had to give up.

In the end, he was still comfortable at home. Jiang Zhan ate and slept all day long. When he was bored, he went down to the community park to feed the kittens. Ms. Zeng Cuicui sent soup every two days and fed him as a big baby. As a result, he felt weight gain shortly after he was discharged from the hospital. She was found to weigh three kilograms at the last stop.

"Yan Yan!" Jiang Zhan shook his head out of the bathroom and shouted, "You promised to take me to Gongzhou to weigh five pounds, come and see!"

Yan Zheng looked at the ball with his feet in the living room, and when he heard the words, he rubbed his hands and got up, and said to himself, "I'm fattened, I can eat meat ..."

Jiang Zhan wanted to go to Gongzhou Martyrs Cemetery. This is the first time he has voluntarily made this request since the 1009 plastic factory bombing.

Yan Ye was not unwilling to take him by car. The doctor said that Jiang Zhan ’s cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions were still too weak to withstand much emotional fluctuations. Lu Bureau also felt that Jiang ’s performance was likely to lead him to the tombstone. past. Until the weather became a bit warmer, after mid-April, the review results were very good, and Yan Zheng finally stopped with Jiang's permission with the doctor's permission.

Unlike literary and artistic works, when they arrived at the cemetery, they not only did not have a drizzle in the cloudy sky, nor did they worry about clouds and mists. On the contrary, the weather was fine. The shoots of the branches germinated, and clusters of small flowers swayed in the wind on the green grass, and even the gray tombstones reflected the gentle light of the year.

Yan Yan said, "I'll get you a Maza and sit for a while. How can you stand so long?"

Jiang stopped speechless, walking around the dozens of tombstones with a bouquet of flowers, and wondered what he was mumbling in his mouth. He couldn't move for a long time, raised his trousers and sat on the floor, exhaling a long breath.

"Okay, I'll be alone," he said casually. "I'll go out to find you later."

Yan Min patted his shoulder, touched a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and went out with one hand in his pants pocket.

Interpol is one of the most dangerous professions in the peaceful era. The older the Interpol, the more he can see how evil the evil people can be in this world, how good the good soul can be, how valuable life is, and death and parting come again. How easy it is.

Just because life is too fragile and easy to die, it is necessary to say goodbye to the deceased with a mentality of expecting reunion, and to protect the living with severe punishment.

Yan Ming walked out of the cemetery, took a deep breath of fresh air mixed with vegetation, and suddenly felt that the mobile phone in his pocket was shaking.

"Hey, Lu Bureau?"

The Yu team retreated, and Yan Zheng's official succession was also put on the agenda. Even after being promoted to the middle position, even middle-level leadership posts are not convenient for scolding. Lu Bureau and Wei Bureau seem to have caught the last few days to scold enough for the second half of his life. Now, I ca n’t help but see him. The need to pinch the sleeves caused Yan Min to dock the two people's phones, creating a considerable psychological shadow.

"Where do you recruit cats and dogs, Gongzhou?"


Yan Zheng hasn't had time to argue that this is because you personally approved the leave, and only listened to Lu Bureau continued: "The ministry's opinion on Jiangzhan's handling was approved."

Yan Yan's cheeks tightened. "How?"

There was an air stream over the phone. It sounded like a long sigh. Lu Bureau said, "Thanks to Lao Yue at the end!"

Among all the points where Jiangzhan may touch the line, the shooting of Qi Sihao was not very serious, because he had already taken refuge in Spades K and sold a strict existence to drug dealers, so this point is controversial. What was really serious were some of the things he did for Wu Tun when he first joined the police in the early years, and several demolished houses that were later covered by Spade K-Hu Weisheng is a typical case; and Jiang Shun was "killed" after the 1009 incident Gongzhou's upper-level individual tigers took advantage of the situation and planted it to him, which is completely unclear now.

Although it is said that the active power and the negative power are offset, the specific power is calculated, and the calculated amount is too deep. The water in it is so deep that it is almost endless.

The Provincial Department, Jianning Municipal Bureau, and Gongzhou Municipal Bureau had quarreled for two months, and finally the Ministry of Public Security was alarmed. In early April, the Ministry of Public Security sent a thorough investigation and transferred a large number of old files from ten years ago. When investigating the disciplinary violations of Jiangzhan's early years, he found a lot of evidence of his being stolen, so he arrested two at the speed of light. The retired leader of the municipal party committee; after further in-depth investigations in the ministry, it was discovered that some errors in Jiang Zhan's early years were later made up by various means.

——Yue Guangping.

After Jiang Zhan confided his identity to Yue Guangping and proposed the 1009 action plan, the old director quietly pulled out all the problematic files of his early years, supplemented the instructions and signed. When he did this, it was tantamount to carrying the pot on himself. Although the compliance of the supplementary instructions was insufficient, in the future, if Jiangtian stopped in the future, Yue Guangping could serve as a barrier to provide him with a final buffer.

The deceased has gone, and Yu Yin is still alive. Before these old files were exposed, no one knew what Yue Guangping had done, not even Jiangzhan himself knew that there was always a pair of aging and powerful hands behind his invisible protective umbrella.

"The public prosecution will not be too serious. It is inevitable that the party will seriously remember it. Go back and let Jiang Zhan blame himself and resign ..."

That was, in fact, firing, and he could not put on his uniform and return to the police. But compared to public prosecution jail, this ending is already very good, and even worth celebrating.

"... I understand," Yan Ming said for a long time in silence, with emotion: "Okay, it doesn't matter ... I'll tell him."

Lu Bureau urged a few words and hung up the phone.

Yan held his cell phone, took a deep breath, settled down, and walked towards the lush green cemetery. He stepped on the soft grass with soft leather shoes, passed through the heavy gray stone monument, stood beside Jiangzhan, and bowed his head with a bright smile.

"That's it. Lu Bureau just called and he said ..."

The blue sky was blue, the flowing clouds fluttered, and a ray of light burst out. Immediately after that, thousands of golden lights, like the golden arrows fired by the gods, penetrated the earth and earth, illuminating the vast mountains, rivers, cities and villages in the southwest of the motherland.

In the cemetery of the martyrs in Gongzhou, the pines and cypresses are very strong, and numerous stone monuments stand up to the sky.

Jiang Zhan buried his face in his palms, and despite his hard work, he couldn't control his trembling shoulders. Hot tears rolled down from his fingers and hit the yellow land where his comrades-in-arms were buried.

Yan Zheng pulled him hard, pressed his forehead against his shoulder, and sighed for a long time.

The apricot blossoms were rushing like rain, brushing the rows of serene and silent steles and the red and moist eyes of the river, swirling in the wind up to the sky.


one year later.

At nine thirty in the evening.

In the bungalows of a community in Yucheng Road, Taiping District, Jianning City, the ground was covered with survey boards, and the rattle of criminal photographs was endless. Carrying a suitcase, Gou Li rushed to the scene, the outside of the cordon was full of curious crowds of pointers, and the trainee police drove out a few words from time to time.

"How is Brother Yan?" Han Xiaomei's face did not change, and she raised her chin at the dead body.

"I knew that the robbers would be provoked because of the uneven distribution of the stolen goods, but I really didn't expect to be able to kill them." Yan Yan took the signing board of the police, and raised his head without commanding: "Immediately send a notice to the train station Bus station highway toll station, the traffic police brigade transferred the surveillance video to the physical evidence technology team at the northern section of Yucheng Road between 6:00 and 9:00 tonight, Ma Xiang! The waist code of the stolen diamonds was used for contrast inspection! I Where's the second dog? Is a forensic doctor in place? "

"Who is your second dog!" Gou growled: "Call director Gou, director!"

Yan Yan smiled, and the probe looked out of the door: "Hey, why aren't you teacher Jiang yet?"

A car drove from a distance, and in the eyes of the public, slowly stopped at the gate of the community.

Associate Professor Jiang of the Department of Investigation of Jianning Police Department bowed out of the car door, put one hand in his pocket, and one hand gathered up the coat of the windbreaker. The trainee police had long been accustomed to it, and greeted him with a smile from a long distance, handed over the gloves and shoe covers, and attentively lifted the cordon for him.

Jiang stopped and thanked him, looking up at Yan Xiao's gaze with a smile not far away.

No one could see the smile rising from the bottom of Qingjiang's eyes. He put on his gloves and strode towards the crime scene in front of the red and blue flashing police lights.

The author has something to say:

——End of the text

Looking at Fanwai next week

"Broken Cloud" has been serialized for seven months. It is my longest article. Thank you very much for the readers who have accompanied you. Your support, encouragement and opinions have already become an inseparable part of this article.

When this article started serializing, I actually saved 17 chapters, and it was unprecedented (I have saved 2 chapters before). However, due to various objective reasons and subjective mistakes, I have been waiting for a while before the start of the third volume, and I have been waiting for a while during the World Cup. I am very sorry and guilty. I decided to learn the lesson. The next article must not be published until Chapter 40, to ensure that I will not take a long vacation because of anything.

There are many things in this article that I am satisfied with, and some things that I am not very satisfied with. I will start to edit the text slowly after a while.

The third volume was completely deleted and rewritten causing some trouble. In the original third volume, the Yu team took on a very full plot and was killed by an internal gang in a mission because it covered Han Xiaomei. This directly contributed to the rapid growth and rebirth of China and South Korea Xiaomei in the fourth volume, as well as some character changes caused by the change of identity and increased responsibility after the strict promotion of the captain of the main branch. The lack of this part of the content has caused the two generations of female criminal policemen to lose their significance in the transfer of missions. I feel very sorry.

But there is also a good side to the rewriting of the third volume, mainly because Qin Chuan's character image has changed completely. If possible, it may become a link and continue to the next one (not sure if there is a next one).

"Broken Clouds" signed film and television copyrights and radio dramas in February this year, and subsequently signed animation and simplified publishing. I did not like Simplified Publishing before, mainly because I wanted to delete the meat and write the foreign language. This time the publisher did not ask me to write the foreign language. But because of the World Cup leave, I am very sorry, so I will write out the Internet Fanwai (looking at next week), and will try to write the physical Fanwai.

Someone may have noticed "Broken Cloud 2" in the column. It ’s like this. About April or May, some film and television parties came to ask Jinjiang what I planned to write in the next article. I probably have a few interesting topics, but Nor was it finalized. The auction was suddenly sold by June, but at this time I was still not sure how to write the next article (mainly because it was about to fly to Moscow at the time, but the fourth volume was progressing to a complex time. Open your eyes every day. Just thinking about how to pave the plot to the decisive battle). Because the article id was needed to sign the contract, I was about to go out to the airport the day I boarded the plane, and the editor suddenly knocked me to open a computer to send out a copy of the document in advance, so I dragged the suitcase to temporarily give me the name of "Broken Cloud 2". I don't even think about what kind of story to write. I will leave Melbourne at the end of August and go to work in London in September before returning home at the end of the year, so writing a new article is also the end of the year. This time I have to wait until Chapter 40 to start publishing, hoping to give readers a good reading experience.

So that ’s it. Although serialization is not an easy task, I look back and think that the six months we spent with you are still very happy. If it ’s not enough, Maoer fm ’s exclusive serialized “Broken Cloud” radio series is held every Saturday. Since this is a sharing system for Jinjiang and the author, the editor also asks me to drop some exclusive short paragraphs from time to time in the radio series. Thank you very much for your support.

When it is released next week, it will sort out the list of all the tyrants from June 11 to the present. It is estimated that it will be very long. Students who do not want to turn the page can app click on the upper right corner to block the author.

Then, after next week, see you in the next story.

Ten years have passed, I love you, bow! 2k novel reading network

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