The front door of the factory warehouse was wide open, and it was already full of cordon. Several police cars were surrounded by the isolation circle. Workers were blocked by the police and talked over a long distance.

"At two o'clock last night, there was a sudden power outage in the storage warehouse, and the lighting and monitoring were interrupted. The watchman Nian Bowen was suddenly attacked when he was about to go out to check the situation. Someone struck his back occipital bone with his bare hands, leaving him unconscious. The warehouse card was stolen. "

"Between 2:30 and 2:40, Diao Yong, the security supervisor, passed the controlled chemical warehouse and found that the flashlight beam was shaking in the middle of the rows of storage tanks. At first he thought it was the watchman's blog post, but he asked, but When the other party heard the voice, he immediately turned off the flashlight; Diao Yong found that it was wrong. When he stepped forward again, he was attacked by the other party in the dark, and was stabbed in the right chest rib by a sharp weapon. His head was unconscious.

Yan Heng hurried through the crowd, a police officer opened his way in front of him, Han Xiaomei followed in small steps, and reported the case in a breathless manner, while stealing the young man wearing a haze mask behind Vice Vice Yan .

Probably aware of her gaze, the man coughed implicitly with his fist against his mouth.

"Don't get close to him, he catches a cold." Yan Zheng didn't reply.

Han Xiaomei had to forcibly suppress her inner drama that was about to overflow the screen, and said "Oh".

"What about Diao Yong's injury?" Yan Yan asked.

"It was very serious. It was unconscious for more than three hours before being found in the warehouse. Fortunately, the stab wound was not deep. He was taken to the hospital for rescue at six in the morning. Now the situation has stabilized and he can speak. On the hospital bed, he made a simple transcript with the police in the police station in the district, and identified the person who attacked him as a new intern in the company's laboratory, which was Chu Yu, Feng Yuguang's roommate. "

The policeman pulled up the cordon, Yan Yan bowed his head and drilled into it, frowning: "The wounded was found at 6 am this morning, why did it take several hours to report the case?"

Han Xiaomei: "Uh ..."

They walked to the warehouse door and stood still.

Rows of gray-green storage tanks stand in the workshop, and several different colors of pipes are staggered and organized.

Tracers have already extracted their footprints and fingerprints, and have successively removed the survey boards. The situation at the theft site is far from chaotic and even unexpectedly neat. If it was not for a few broken vessels and a small pool of blood on the ground, there would be few signs of fighting.

"What is the physical shape of the injured security supervisor?" Yan Yan asked.

Han Xiaomei hurriedly turned over the transcript: "Hey ... that ... strong and strong, once a fitness coach."

Yan Min gave a thumbs up and shook the scene, feeling very strange:

"But the battle at this scene was a hit, don't you tell me, then the senior chemistry student is still a martial arts master?"

A bitter laugh came from behind him: "He really is."

Yan Zheng turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a suit and shoes and a little blessing coming under the leadership of Gao Panqing. His eyes were clear, his face full of embarrassment, and he diligently reached out and held his hand: Okay, hello, long after long. "

"you are……"

Gao Panqing said: "The chemical plant engineer, the deceased Feng Yuguang and the suspect Chu Ci's teaching director, Ding Jiawang. Last time I came to the city bureau for inquiries, but you are not here, Xiao Ma received."

Yan Yan said silently: "Oh-"

Ding Jiawang watched Jiang stop behind Yan Yan, thinking that he was also a senior citizen of the city bureau, so he naturally reached out to hold it. He did not expect that his hand had reached halfway, but was trapped by Yan Yan in the volley. infection."

Jiang Zhan wore a baseball cap and mask, his hands in his pants pockets, and there was no sign of sticking out.

"..." Ding Jiawang couldn't help crying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yan Yan grabbed Ding Jiawang's shoulder and forced him to turn to the scene: "Director Ding, right? You said that the missing Chu Ci was really, what is it?"

Han Xiaomei watched the scene just now happening under his eyelids. In his heart, a series of dog blood loves and hatreds had been instantly replenished. From "My people can only touch me" to "I want the whole world to know this scene I contracted for you "; its bizarre direction, twists and turns, and strong emotions are enough to write a tens of thousands of novels.

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Zhan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at her coldly.

Han Xiaomei froze, subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the nonexistent drool in the corner of his mouth: "No, nothing."

When Yan Zhi heard Jiang Zhe's voice, his ears moved, like a wolf dog with a keen sense of smell suddenly smelling a kitten, and turned back soberly: "What do you say, what are you doing at the scene? Come, you come, you come to my side. "He grabbed Jiang Zhan's arm, forced him to stand beside himself, and waved at Ding Jiawang," It's none of your business, you continue to say. "

Ding Jiawang smiled awkwardly.

"That's ... that's what happened. Later, we found out that this student is not only smart, with a very high IQ, but also good in skills. Don't look at him who is alone and very quiet, but he is so strong that Feng Yuguang is strong None of the guys were opponents, and they stabbed from the house to the outside with one kick. Even if they were not professional, they had at least learned practice. "

Yan Zheng was very surprised: "They have fought?"

"Hit," Ding Jiawang affirmed, "just before Feng Yuguang's accident ... more than a week ago."

Yan Zheng and Jiang Zhan looked at each other and turned and shouted, "Why is there no response to this situation? Ma Xiang! Give me Ma Xiang!"

"No blame for the police, no blame for the police," Ding Jiawang hurriedly stopped in his head. "I didn't reflect this last time. Hey, it's my fault. I think it's normal for the fight between big and small guys. It ’s been a while since Feng Yuguang was killed. One thing is worse than one ... ”

"Any details, any incident, anything related to the case, whether you think it is of value or not, must be truthfully detailed with the police!" Yan Yan said politely: "Suppose we learned the situation last time, think Chu Tsz's crime is very suspicious, and he will take corresponding monitoring or monitoring measures. Then the incident last night may not happen, and you will not stand here now! "

Yan Xun's reprimand was harsh, and in the presence of everyone, Ding Jiawang was trained like a grandson, with red and white on his face.

"right now……"

Yan Yan also scolded and was blocked by Jiang Zhan's raised hands.

"Why are they fighting?" Jiang Ding asked.

"This is a bad mess to talk about, Comrade Police." Ding Jiawang was very embarrassed, and smiled bitterly: "He two, there was a contradiction when he first came from Beijing. Chu Ci did not want to live in a dormitory with Feng Yuguang. But we The company's intern dormitory is limited, and you need to add money to upgrade a single room, not much, five or six hundred. Chu Ci can't afford to tell the truth ... "

Yan Yan doubted: "He is so difficult?"

"It's really difficult, Guizhou people, studying in Beijing, the highest scholarship every year is sent back to their hometown."

"What about Feng Yuguang? Isn't his family doing business in Beijing?"

Ding Jiawang cries bitterly: "Hey, no, but what can you do if you don't want to add this money? After the fight, we also talked to him and asked if he would like to move out to live alone, but he felt that living in a double dormitory is quite Alright! Where do I know what kids in this year are thinking? "

Yan Min touched his chin and glanced at Jiang Deng for solicitation.

"The multi-looking effect driven by the subconscious expectation in the principle of increasing interpersonal relationships." Jiang Zhan whispered.

Yan Yan did not understand: "What the hell?"

"That is, the psychological age is still in the kindergarten stage, and it constantly means to brush the sense of existence in a simple and rude way." Jiang Zhan no longer explains it, turning to Ding Jiawang: "What is the direct cause of the fight?"

"... two people can't say one, so come, listen to that meaning, it seems that Feng Yuguang went back to the dormitory at night, something was missing, he insisted that it was taken by Chu Ci, and after a few words, he started. After getting off the distance, he said, "Just so far, I kicked from the door to the door, scared the host to almost hit 120 ... I never saw Chu Ciwen's quietness. . "

Yan Yan asked, "So what did Feng Yuguang lose?"

"No one knows, and he can't say clearly. In the end, he said in a hurry that he was thrown into the laboratory later." Ding Jiawang spread his arms in two hands: "What do you mean by this!"

Yan Huan beckoned Gao Panqing, whispering against his ear: "The words just to check the surname Ding are not true, and then bring out all the import and export surveillance videos of the entire factory."

Gao Panqing nodded.

"This conflict between Chu Ci and the deceased is bigger than his own account," Yan Zheng bumped Jiang with his shoulder and asked, "Yuan Fang, what do you think?"

Jiang Zhan glanced at him unclearly, walked forward, and squatted down beside the solidified blood on the ground.

Yan Yan followed and stepped forward, squatting in front of him head-to-head, listening only to him and asking: "Did the serum chlorine penetration test be done?"

"Preliminary physical and chemical measurements determined that the formation of the pool of blood was between 2:30 am and 3:00 am today, which basically accorded with the oral case of the wounded."

Jiang Zhan pointed to a pool of blood: "How come there is only one place."

"After the security officer was stabbed, he fell to the ground and was hit by a flashlight from top to bottom, causing a coma." Yan Min took the transcript from Han Xiaomei's hand and flipped through two pages. Gesturing Jiang to stop with his fingers: "You see, the amount of bleeding is not great. After the coma, the blood flow formed a pool of blood underneath. The injury above the temple was more serious, causing a certain degree of concussion. I have sent the forensic doctor to the hospital I've been injured. "

Jiang Zhe said nothing, and got up and walked to the neat rows of storage tanks.

Yan Yan followed him forward, only to see Jiang stop for a few steps, stop, and looked down carefully at the port of each discharge pipe, and did not know what was thinking. Before long, he returned to the pool of blood, kneeling on one knee, staring at the crimson mark.

"I didn't see anything particularly suspicious at the scene," Yan Min thought, "I also feel a little strange about the bloodstains, but I don't know where it is strange-what do you think of Yuan Fang?"

Jiang Zhan glanced at him again, seeming to stop talking.

"What happened to you?"

"..." Jiang Zang looked around, only to see that the technical investigation and cameraman had been withdrawn. The criminal police closest to them were being surrounded by the leaders of the chemical industry. They lowered their heads to make on-site transcripts. They should not hear the movement here. .

Jiang Zhan beckoned to Yan Zheng.


Yan Zheng squatted beside him, only listening to Jiang Zuan and asking softly, "Who is Yuan Fang?"

"... Oh!" Yan Yan covered his mouth.

He remembered that Jiangzhan didn't know anything—he had been in a coma for three years, and basically missed all the internet trends and hot words. Besides, Jiangzhan was obviously not like a person who loved to surf the Internet. He was basically unearthed. Outdated veteran cadres.

"Look, I can't always tell you Jiang to stop in front of everyone. It's so bad to hear, you say it's Jiang." Yan Yan covered his mouth and quietly explained to him in ear: "Now I Just tell people that you are my friend, named Yuan Fang, and make up a pseudonym, ah? Good. "

Jiang Zhan's expression was dubious, Yan Yan smiled and patted him.

"... There is no doubt about this scene." Jiang Zhan finally turned to the bloodstains, saying, "The blood pool is thick in the middle, the edges are thin, and one side is slightly affected by the covering of clothing. There is no wipe or transfer-like bloodstains around, which can basically be determined as the first scene; The strange thing is because the surrounding area is too clean and there are no other signs of fighting. "

"If the suspect is well trained in knives, he can really hit it," Yan Yan agreed.

"It's possible. We can't make too many pre-sets for suspects based on experience alone, and chemistry graduate students might also be trained in controlling knives. For example, I've seen adult groups fight dead and injured. In the end, the main responsible person was The case of a twelve-year-old boy, and ... "

Jiang Zhan stopped suddenly, stood up and moved side by side, and said, "Why didn't you return when you searched the suspect's dormitory?"

Yan Yan keenly smelled a play: "What else?"


"Ask you, hello!"

"There are still people who knocked the gun dealer with a blow from the bottom of the bottle!" Jiang Jingli pulled his wrist back and said coldly: "It fully proves that there is no upper limit to human courage and luck!"

Yan Minfeng personally made a "thank you praise" lip.

"Vice Yan, Vice Yan!" Holding a piece of paper, Han Xiaomei rushed out panting, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the smile on Yan Jun's face that had not completely disappeared. He suddenly caught a sudden rush and nearly tripped.

Yan Mi changed her face magically for a second: "What are you doing, frizzy?"

"Yellow--that yellow--"

Since the anti-vice campaign, Yan Ye ’s heart rate has increased as soon as he heard the word “huang”, adrenaline spiked, and his back was faintly painful: “Will your girl speak, ah? Teach the police, Lao Gao, Lao Gao! "

"Ah, hey, Director of Technical Investigation Huang and Huang asked me to give this to you." Han Xiaomei almost bit his tongue: "This is an emergency inventory of the chemical company's safekeeping office. The preliminary stolen raw material documents, I I, I ... I'm still waiting to make a difference with Director Huang. "

Yan Yan's face was embarrassed, she took away the documents from her hand, looked down, and saw that the paper was full of chemical terms and molecular formulas, so she couldn't help telling Jiang Zhe.

"..." Han Xiaomei murmured silently.

Yan Min sensitive asked: "Are you scolding me?"

Han Xiaomei felt guilty: "Ah? No, no."

"Your mouth shape, that's right, isn't it scolding me?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't mess ..."

"You two are endless," Jiang Zhan suddenly said coldly.

Han Xiaomei kicked back and forth three steps in a row, just like a docile and frightened mouse.

Jiang Zeng took out his pen, circled two groups of chemical formulas on the paper, and said, "These two can synthesize methylamine." Then circled two groups: "o-chlorophenylcyclopentanone." Finally, circled a group: "sclarin. "

It wasn't until the last three words came out that Yan Ming fully understood his meaning, and his expression suddenly became iron-blue.

"It's all the precursors of phenylpropyl | amine drugs," Jiang Zhan gently threw the watch back to Yan Yan, sighing:

"It's really high IQ, but it's a pity. I'm going to send a notice of investigation to arrest someone."

"Impossible, let me go in and see. I don't believe ... how is that possible!"

A female voice suddenly came from outside the crowd, and Jiang Zhan and Yan Zheng looked back at the same time. I saw a very beautiful young girl who was trembling and fainting, and Ding Jiawang barely stretched out her hand to support her, bitter and helpless.

Yan Yan frowned suddenly: "I know this woman." 2k novel reading network

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