"Report the command vehicle, here is point B. The kidnapper is walking away from the hostage. Visually, the nearest kidnapper is three to four meters away from the hostage. However, due to the angle and the glass material, the specific situation can not be seen clearly, please indicate . "

Inside the command vehicle, Lu Ying reflected on Lu Ruan's face, Shen Rushui: "Continue to monitor. Once the kidnappers approach the window sill, Captain Kang immediately airborne and broke the window, Yan Yan began to respond."

Two simple words came from the communication channel: "Yes!"


Lu Bureau pondered for a few seconds, and then suddenly asked: "Attention to all monitoring points, is there a way to pass signals to the hostages from outside?"

"No," Kang Shuqiang replied cautiously in the sound of a rustling current: "The second floor is a large window, and the gangster's line of sight is uncertain, so it is difficult to transmit the signal to the hostage under the premise of concealment. In case of the hostage's attention The discovery of the kidnappers in China will certainly have unpredictable consequences. "

Lu Bureau nodded and sighed softly.

——When they were talking, in the Mercedes-Benz far away, Han Xiaomei listened to the situation from the walkie-talkie, forgot the chocolate wrapped in his mouth, and his delicate brows tightened tightly.

"The kidnappers walked away from the hostages?" Jiang stopped in the front driver's seat.

"Well, but we can't act now, we can't determine the exact condition of the scene."

The front row was quiet for a moment before listening to Jiang Zhan groaning: "The situation has eased somewhat, it should be that the hostages have made some kind of compromise."

"What compromise?" Han Xiaomei asked.

After hearing no answer for a long time, Han Xiaomei looked forward, and when Jiang stopped turning off his phone, he looked up, and his unwavering eyes reflected in the rearview mirror:

"Hostages have the ability to synthesize 'blue gold'."

In the laboratory.

"It has nothing to do with her, you let her go!" Chu Ci took a deep breath, and seemed to find no suitable words, so he repeated with his emotions: "——Let her go."

This nondescript "lab" table is full of semi-finished drugs, the big pot at the corner is piled with ice, and pink bills are messy on the dirty ground; the technician and Wang Le both grin and frown at each other, rough Push Ding Dang forward.

The girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she darted forward.

Chu Ci's eyes fell on her pitiful face, but she moved away without staying for half a second, throwing herself at the wall clock on the wall.

What should we do now?

Delay time waiting for rescue, or immediately declare your agreement to go with drug dealers and wait for the opportunity halfway?

If in a few more years, Chu Ci should be able to deal with this sudden situation more maturely and roundly, and he will be more adept at facing dilemmas; but at the time, in his early twenties, he had not yet touched the society, and he operated the public security system. The method is still unfamiliar, and a bit jerky in the subconscious.

——If I go with them, will the police really treat me as a partner, will it be difficult to tell in court later?

The fever and lack of water that lasted more than ten hours made him collapse. Chu Ci closed her eyes forcefully, and then opened, about to say something, and suddenly she glanced somewhere in her eyes and gave her a throat.

Outside the glass windows in the far corner of the factory building, something was rushing past in the middle of the night, it seemed to be a rope.



SWAT? !!

Chu Ci's brain was buzzing, he couldn't see Ding Dang's tearful gaze and he couldn't hear the kidnapper's teasing. He raised his hand to help the edge of the table behind him, the first one fell empty, and then he grabbed the large glass test tube a second time, cramped tightly.

"Don't wait for Diao Yong's stupidity, let's go before we talk." Chi Rui ordered the other two giggles while he picked up the banknotes scattered on the ground: "Wang Le will go to drive the truck later, all the people who should move away As for the kid— "He signaled to Chu Ci:" Tie him with Ding's girl, you understand. "

Wang Le knew: "Okay, I'll get the car keys."

"Is that the moth hitting the glass?" Chi Rui narrowed her eyes suddenly.

He got up and looked at the window farthest from them. The night outside the window was deep and wide, without any movement. After a long time, Wang Le somehow asked, "What moth?"

Chi Rui stayed on and thought about it, and felt that the light was not too bright after dark | safe. Although the main light-transmitting windows were frosted glass, after all, the party at night was still a little embarrassed, and Wang Le turned it off. Several bright incandescent lamps, raised their feet to check the window frame latches.

"——Report the command vehicle! A gangster is approaching the East Corner window sill and cannot be sure if it is equipped with firearms!"

Not sure if you are carrying a gun?

Several eyes turned to the center of the command vehicle at the same time, and the air seemed to freeze in a short while, and then Lu Bureau saw a few words from the teeth:

"One group, next!"

As if a switch was pulled, all changes in all aspects occurred at this moment-

Kang Shuqiang closed his teeth and bit his eyes, hung a lifeline around his waist, and kicked the wall with his feet. The whole man swinged a semicircle in midair and rushed to the glass by inertia;

On the inside of the window, Chi Rui suddenly saw a shadow of frosted glass, and suddenly approached, and her pupils tightened suddenly.

At the top of the resident's building in the distance, Ajie behind the scope was expressionless and pulled the trigger.

A 5.8-mm machine-gun bullet struck through the night and crossed hundreds of meters, hitting Kang Shuqiang's back.

The SWAT captain, like a kite who broke the line, smashed the whole glass in a loud noise and smashed into the room with blood!


A series of murmurs came from the hallway, Yan Yan's eyelids jumped heavily and he asked the headset softly, "Old Kang?"

In the command car, Lu Bureau's face changed dramatically.

"I am!" Chi Rui roared, "Police!"

With a crackling sound, Chu Ci smashed the glass test tube with his hand and held his sharp tip!

Chi Rui, Wang Le, and the technician turned around and flung towards the hostages. At the same time, Ding Ding's consciousness chose the safest direction and screamed and rushed behind Chu Ci.

At this time, Chu Ci's performance was like traveling without any hesitation. He took Ding Dang with one hand, but instead of pushing behind him, he held her neck at a blistering speed and dragged him in front of him, while sharp glass fragments Straight on her white carotid artery!

"Don't come over!" Chu Ci sternly said, "Otherwise I'll kill her!"

Three drug dealers stopped at the same time!

"... What are you doing?" The young girl's delicate body trembled and trembled in horror: "It's me, Chu Ci, you can see that it's me, why--"

She seemed to be terrified, but Chu Ci did not give her half a look: "Because you are the mastermind of these people."

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Ding Dang froze for a moment, and his eyes met the three drug dealers.


It was two more shattered glass, and everyone turned at the same time!

I saw the other two special policemen almost broke into the window with a mentality of dying, and even looked at the captain who had fallen in the pool of blood. When he landed, he rolled up instantly and raised his gun and shouted, "Raise your hands! Put down your weapons! Otherwise, fire! "

"Report the command vehicle, Captain Kang was shot behind! The injury is unknown! Repeat the shot behind Captain Kang! The injury is unknown!"

When the words landed, all four were shocked, and Lv Juhuo stood up: "Yan Yan!"


"Break in !!"

Like a cheetah launched instantly, Yan Yan rushed out of the darkness and lifted his foot to open the door. When facing head-to-head, Chi Rui in the air saw his arms widened, throwing himself into Chu Ci, trying to take him hostage.


Yan Yan said nothing, raised his hand in the middle of his thigh, Chi Rui screamed in pain and rolled over!

In this short blink of an eye, the long-latent policemen on both sides of the road poured out, and the guns were raised one after another, pointing at three drug dealers facing each other in the center of the factory building.

"Raise your hands! Police!"

The situation was imminent, with muzzle muzzling.

"..." Drug dealers, you see me, I see you, Chi Rui's convulsions on the ground are constantly jarring. After a few seconds, Wang Le first reacted, threw the gun to the ground, and raised her hand with trembling.

"Go look at Lao Kang," Yan Ming whispered to his police officer, while pointing his muzzle at Ding Dang, signaled Chu Ci to step back.

Ding Dang has long been indifferent, shivering desperately to hide behind: "I really don't know anything, I don't know, don't believe him ..."

"Leave this to the Public Security Bureau," Yan Yan said coldly, and reached out to hit her.

However, just when Ding Dang was about to touch his fingertips, the moment when everyone didn't respond, suddenly there was no warning-bang!

Desk interview tube burst!


Chemical storage cabinet burst!


The whole row of reactors exploded!

"Squat!" Yan Ming shouted in a voice, "It's a sniper bomb!"

The glass shards poured down, the whole pot was iced | Poisonous flowers were scattered, and countless kinds of chemical raw materials were puffed up. The reagents exploded in the reaction kettle were ignited by Mars, and the first loud explosion was issued!

In the distance Mercedes-Benz, Jiang Zhan looked up sensitively.

"Report the command vehicle, report the command vehicle!" The roar from the walkie-talkie came from the back seat: "Someone remotely sniped outside the east corner window, the scene chemical was ignited and an explosion occurred! Repeat again, someone remotely sniped outside the east corner window. The scene A chemical explosion happened! "

"How could this be ..." Han Xiaomei couldn't believe it: "How, how is it possible ..."

In the night at a distance, the light of the explosion reflected in the eyes of Jiangzhan, and then a thick smoke flame spewed out from the window of the factory building, writhing up into the ink-like night sky.

-Anti-drug, explosion, teammates caught in a sea of ​​fire, what a familiar scene.

Nightmare staring at him as if repeated thousands of times, slowly revealing a grinning smile from the abyss.

Jiang Zhan took a deep breath, and then trembled all out. Where Han Xiaomei couldn't see, his fingers on the steering wheel tightened to the bone joints, but his voice didn't seem to be abnormal when he spoke again: "The captain of the special police team was sniped behind when he broke into the window from the east corner? "

"Ah? Yes!"

Under such visible conditions, even if the most outstanding killer came out in person, combined with the internal equipment and target shooting conditions, the range would not exceed the limited range. Coupled with the locked shooting angle, most of the nearby buildings are ...

"With the target window as the starting point of the acute angle, each of the left and right radiates fifteen degrees and extends 600 meters backwards. What are more than five floors?"

Han Xiaomei quickly answered with a tremor: "Large ... mostly flat-level warehouses and parking lots, there are office buildings in logistics centers, and residential buildings, but it is time to demolish the viaduct ... Ah!"

Before her words fell, Jiang Zhan stepped on the accelerator, and the inertia force almost made Han Xiaomei hit the copilot's back.

"Fasten your seatbelt." Jiang stopped without turning back, quickly struck the steering wheel, and passed through the gap between Cherokee and Special Police Iveco. A beautiful flick rushed directly onto the road.

Han Xiaomei: "Mr. Lu Lulu, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Zhan didn't answer, the lines on the side were tight and cold.

The target of the sniper is not difficult to speculate, he thought.

But why take this earth-shattering approach?

"Ahhhhhhh ..."

The smoke at the scene of the explosion billowed, and a fierce cough made Chu Ci not have the energy to see the surrounding scenes. In the vertigo like a mountain of mountains, suddenly a hint of ominousness from his instincts rose from the bottom of his heart, and Chu Ci held the ground barely to stop the cough.

-Smelly eggs.

Hydrogen sulfide!

Chu Ci struggled to get up and was pushed back to the ground fiercely before he stood still. I saw that Ding Dang grabbed the gun that Wang Le had dropped on the ground, clasped his hands tightly, and held his muzzle against his eyebrows. The pure and innocent appearance had disappeared: "How do you know?"

Chu Ci did not answer, and tried to hold her breath, but her eyes were still black.

"Why did you find it, why ..." Ding Dang's bloodshot eyes floated a little crazy, finally gritted his teeth, "Go to death!"

boom! boom! boom!

Counting the gunshots almost made a sound, Chu Ci opened his eyes, and saw that it was Yan Yan who flew forward from the oblique, and immediately before Ding Dang pulled the trigger, do not grasp the muzzle and raise it forcefully--

The bullet exploded out of nowhere, and made a series of bullet holes in the ceiling!

Ding Dang screamed in anger and struggled. The voice was not human, and he was slammed on the ground to grab a gun with his backhand and threw it away.

Immediately after the special police rushed forward, he took off his gas mask and clasped his hands on Chu Ci's face. The two special police quickly hurled Chu Ci out of the door, and the criminal police immediately took over and sent him downstairs.

The plant has been cut off from electricity and the corridor is very dark. Chu Ci felt groggy and felt that he didn't point his feet, as if Tengyun was driving in the mist. He tried several times before raising his hand, shaking off his gas mask and hurriedly saying: "... hydrogen sulfide ..."

In such a chaotic situation, Ma Xiang caught his voice and asked loudly, "What? What did you say?"

"The concentration of hydrogen sulfide higher than 0.01% will paralyze the sense of smell. People can't smell it, thinking that the poisonous gas will escape. Actually ..." Chu Ci broke out with a cough, and his mouth was full of rust, and he swallowed back: "Actually Already thick enough to explode a second time, hurry up, tell ... hehehehe! "

With a wink, Ma Xiang signaled that the police would continue to protect Chu Ci to go to the ambulance downstairs, but turned sharply on his own without rushing back to the scene of the explosion!

——On the same second as he stepped on the corridor on the second floor, a sirens approached from afar.

The fire truck arrived.

Resident roof.

Ajie disassembled the sniper | gun parts, put them away, and finally took out one thing from the briefcase.

It was a round-necked white t-shirt that had been carefully kept, although it was old and yellow. The fabric on the back is printed with a faded pink pattern, a half circle is covered on the horizontal line, and a few rays are stretched outside the circle-it should be a stick figure of the sun rising; it should belong to the age of seven or eight from the size of a t-shirt Child.

Ajie bent over and placed the t-shirt on the ground. He picked up a brick to prevent it from being blown away, then carried the "document case", put it in his pocket with one hand, turned around and walked down the roof.

The wind whizzed past, and the small t-shirt under the brick couldn't stop swinging, revealing the old mottled blood stains many years ago.

At this time, there was no one around the open space downstairs, and most of the street lights were broken. The last few lights of the fruit gave out a dim and dim light. Ajie was standing in front of the Land Rover car, trying to take off his leather gloves, and suddenly heard the sound of the engine not far away.

A car is coming.

At the end of the road, the lights flashed. While seeing the model, Ajie raised an eyebrow unexpectedly-so fast?

"There is someone over there!" Han Xiaomei's scream was deafening: "Mr. Lu! Ahead!"

Needless to say, Jiangzhan has hit the throttle with a kick!

"..." Ajie cursed silently, opened the door and rushed to the driver's seat, firing in one go. The professionally modified Land Rover finally exerted its performance, and within a few seconds of its launch, the speed reached its peak, and the sharp arrow stabbed to the distance like a string.

But Jiang Zhan didn't hesitate and didn't even slow down. The silver-gray cls400 bit the tail of the pure black Land Rover tightly, and followed it to the highway!

Wuhai Industrial Zone is located in a remote area, and there are very few traffic after night, and the road conditions are very empty. The two cars were one behind the other, like a meteor chasing each other, splitting into the heavy mist, and in a blink of an eye, the limited cars on the road were thrown away.

"Oh," Ajie turned to the rearview mirror and saw that the cls400's headlights were always no more than twenty or thirty meters away from him, and he couldn't help humming softly.

At the scene of the anti-drug, the factory exploded, and the car collided at a high speed. The series of accidents developed precisely in chronological order, as if a nightmare repeats itself. For an almost certain patient with ptsd, he is not afraid of devastating mental stress.

How long can you chase? He thought with a mockery.

Your hands can hardly hold the steering wheel, right?

"A suspect was found south of Dongyuan Road, suspected of being a sniper, asking for rescue! Repeat the request for rescue !!-Ah!" Han Xiaomei's head hit the window during a sharp turn, and the walkie-talkie took off and slipped Entered the bottom of the front passenger seat.

In the front row, Jiang Zhan didn't even move his eyebrows, rubbing a few large trucks to change lanes, changing the sound of the car's horns next to Land Rover and turning on the highway.

"Mr. Lu is careful!" Han Xiaomei hissed and screamed.

Jiang Zhan's face was calm, and he could not see any emotional fluctuations. But only he knew that the scenery flying backwards in front of the window was spinning rapidly, forming a vortex like mountains and rivers, which swallowed every inch of his senses.

A similar road chase, speeding, and colliding with a suddenly rushing truck ...

Jiang stopped shaking his hand next to the steering wheel slightly, and where Han Xiaomei couldn't see, his canine teeth cut deep into the corners of his lips, and blood spilled along the lips. 2k novel reading network

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