Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 4: Chapter4

This street is only four or five hundred meters away from the nightly palace ktv. Yan found a place and stopped him severely. Then he greeted the traffic police brigade and returned to the place. It only took ten. minute.

"What's the matter with you?" Yan l stood in front of Jiangzhan and raised his chin. "Where's that girlfriend, is it okay for you to run out alone?"

Jiang Zang's face was still not very good, but that was because of the lack of blood in the bed for a long time. He heard a smile and said, "The doctor made me leave without much trouble. Yang Mei went out, so I went out and turned around."

Yan L reached out to help, but was stopped by Jiang Zhan, so he pulled back and lit a cigarette, "don't mind?"

Jiang Zang asked, "Can you give me one?"

Yan l was a little surprised. He had few men who did not smoke, but somehow he felt that Jiangzhan was one of them, presumably deceived by the other person's Russian appearance.

"Thank you," Jiang stopped and took the cigarette and lit it. He exhaled a long breath. "Thanks to police officer Yan just now, I'm really embarrassed. The matter of repairing the fare ..."

Yan said, "Come on, I'm a bus! It's over to report a loss."

Jiang Zhan glanced at him from the white mist of cigarettes, which meant that he probably did not expect that Jianning Public Security's car was so high-end. Yan laughed and didn't explain, saying: "It just happened that there were some doubts about the case. I will go to the reconnaissance site and drop you back. What happened just now, standing still in the middle of the road, scared silly No way? "

Jiang Zhe hesitated a moment: "Just now ... I saw a car accident a little bit blinded. There may be some post-traumatic stress response."

"Yo, then you dare to come out alone."

Jiang Zang said, "Always learn to walk alone, or is it a waste?"

He walked very slowly, and Yan didn't rush. The two walked slowly along the sidewalk, and the neon lights of the nightly palace Kyv sparkled in front. Yan pointed at the burned-out cigarette **** and said, "You have such an obsessed and rich girlfriend, but it's much better than our dead salary, afraid that it will become a waste."

Jiang Zhan shook his head helplessly, listening to Yan before answering, and then asked very naturally: "How do you know each other?"

Yan Yan's routine is not covered, dare to wait here.

"We also worked out of the county together in the early years. After spending a few years in Gongzhou, I returned to my hometown after earning some money. She came to Jianning from Gongzhou to open this ktv. She said that she dared to fight than me. The business is getting better and better. When she asked me to come to Jianning three years ago to help, I had a car accident on the road. "

"How come out?"

"It's raining and speeding, and I almost died." Jiang Dian sighed. "It's a girlfriend, but it's not like I'm in trouble, isn't it?"

Yan l agreed immediately: "That's it. What do you two do in the future? Just drag it on?"

"After a while," Jiang stopped laughing. "I can't help anything by staying here. I'll just go back to the county to live."

KTV has suspended its business due to the scene of the murder, and the door has been deserted. The two entered the door while talking, and when they looked up, they saw Yang Mei looking forward at the bar: "Jiangge!"

Jiang Zhan: "Oh, I ..."

Yang Mei's full of joy almost flew out: "Ah, you scared me. Where did you go, Jiang? Why don't you say hello? How can you walk away with so many cars outside?"

Jiang Zhan: "..."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Why didn't I answer my cell phone? Xiao Zhang, why didn't Xiao Zhang go out with you? What can I do if something happens? Quickly, sit down quickly, did you eat so late? Eat What's up? Hey the foreman comes over and tells the kitchen to bring me the steamed eggs! "

Jiang Zhan: "........."

Yan l raised his eyebrows and said nothing with a smile.

Yang Mei just kept turning around him. Jiang Zhan had to rush to cope with the past and said what happened to Yan on the road just now. Yang Mei was immediately grateful to Police Officer Yan, while pushing Jiang Zhan to urge him to go upstairs for dinner, he had to cook in person and ask Yan to go out to eat.

"No, I'll take a look at the scene, and I'll have to rush back to the city bureau later." Yan smiled. "You are busy, just call a waiter to take me to the kitchen."

Yang Mei immediately put down her bag and shoes: "How can I be busy? Come here, I will take you there. After the fence was closed here yesterday, I was asked to block the back kitchen, not to cooperate with the police. ? I have made three orders and five applications to prevent the waiter from talking outside, I am afraid that the secrets of your police case will be leaked. "

Yan l put on shoe covers and gloves: "No, you don't know any secrets anyway."

Yang Mei stood smiling at the back kitchen door.

The thick makeup makes her age invisible, but the facial features are beautiful, and even the delicate curly hair is sprayed with perfume—Yan has never seen a woman who can dress so carefully downstairs in her own house, the only one The explanation is that she knew Jiang Jiang would return.

Yan l finds it very interesting.

This woman is very flexible, can talk, and has a long and smooth mix of three teachings and nine streams. And her fiance, who was said to have been born in a small county, not only had to work and be weak, she had been in bed for several years, and had very little labor.

No matter from which point of view, the two are very unsuitable, but when Yang Mei faced him, she naturally looked up.

Yan's eyes fell on the freezer, and he instantly recalled the clip of the cigarette that Jiang had stopped just now-the latter took it over, lowered his head slightly, and the side of his neck bent into an elegant arc, lighting the cigarette with the lighter in his hand, Exhale gently.

That seemed to be a habit of being smoked.

Yan opened the freezer door and asked casually, "Do you have a good relationship with your boyfriend?"

Yang Mei smiled by default.

"How did you meet?"

"In the early years, we came out of the county to work together. After a few years in Gongzhou, he returned to his hometown. Later, I opened this store in Jianning. The business grew, and I wanted him to help. There was a car accident. "Yang Mei sighed with great sigh:" Speaking of him, it is also my responsibility now! "

Yan l shouted and shook his head, closed the freezer door, and walked through the kitchen to the back door.

"You are ..."

"Ah, I'll take a look on the road, I don't need to come over." Yan l waved his hand without looking back: "You are busy with you."

There are few people in the dirty and narrow back alley. KTV is not open today, it seems even more deserted. Yesterday the technical reconnaissance went back and forth to dig the ground three feet, and even the dustbin turned over, it basically has little value for reconnaissance.

Yanl dialed a number with his mobile phone, and walked along the path of the deceased in the surveillance video: "Hey, Ma Xiang, have you returned to the team? You can check me on the intranet."

The mess on the phone side should be overtime. Ma Xiang asked with a loud voice, "Well-who to check?"

"Lu Chengjiang." Yan said, "It was the same person who was in a wheelchair at the scene last night. Check his place of birth, graduation school, working experience, and check the house opening records, if any."

"Why, this guy is suspicious?"

"I can't see it for the time being, check it first."

The biggest advantage of Ma Xiang is that it is good. Yan walked out of the back alley, walked back and forth through the open path, and walked down the road while searching for it. After a while, he just listened to the phone and said, "There is-Lu Chengjiang, native information Consistent with last night's transcript, a college degree, spent a few years in Gongzhou, and watched the scene with the one named Yang Mei in the nightclub. "

Yan acted suddenly, and it turned out that he was very surprised. "Are you sure you are the same person?"

"OK, it's written on the household registration website."

"... what happened later?" Yan asked.

"Later, Yang Mei mixed several gambling and fighting cases in the nightclub. The specific details must be checked in the file of Gongzhou. However, she was lucky, one intentional injury was withdrawn, and one was reserved for gambling. Waiting for trial, let me see ... oh, yes, it is estimated that the money is not spent, it is not easy to get a bail pending trial in Gongzhou. "

Yan asked: "What about Lu Chengjiang?"

"She returned to her hometown when she was first suspected of intentional injury. It doesn't look like they are so affectionate."

Yan L lit a cigarette again, following the footsteps of the deceased last night, staring thoughtfully at the pattern of the sidewalk floor tiles.

"That Lu Chengjiang's hometown had to be checked at his hometown, but the accident three years ago was the same as he said. Well, Yang Mei, came to Jianning after the second bail pending trial, and sold this ktv because of the industry. The contract also had a lawsuit with the original landlord, and it was won again soon. I went to Brother Yan, and this woman is either backing up or having a word in her life. Can she save herself every time? "

It was gradually getting dark, the street lights were lit one after another, and Yan looked back from a distance. Suddenly a few steps away from the sewer ditch, something flashed a tiny light.

I did n’t notice it at the beginning. A few seconds later, some intuition formed in the frontline criminal investigation work for more than ten years suddenly rang in my mind.

"Brother Yan?"

"……and many more."

Yan l stepped forward, crouched down, and saw a bright little thing lying quietly in the dust between the side of the sidewalk and the one-way lane—

Zip sliding wedge.

Yan picked it up with two fingers, peered at the small piece of half-wrapped leather against the light, and narrowed his eyes.

"Why Brother Yan, what was found on the site review?"

"Go to check Yang Mei's lawsuit filed in Jianning and let the technical detectives stay in the office." Yan stood up, put the zipper head into the evidence bag, and said, "I returned to the city bureau half an hour later. Found that if verified, it would be a breakthrough clue. "


Yan l hung up the phone and turned around, and all the actions stopped for a moment.

Not far from the back alley, Jiang Zhan stood quietly under the street lamp, carrying a large takeaway plastic bag in his hand.

The two looked at each other for a long while, and the sound of cars on the street in the distance was near and far, and the moth hit the street light with a slight snoring sound.

Jiang stopped and stepped forward, handing the still hot plastic bag to Yan l, saying gently:

"Sergeant Yan, don't eat too late."

He glanced over the zipper sliding wedge in the transparent evidence bag, and his fingertips and Yan l's hand touched immediately.

The two stood face to face, less than half a foot apart. Yan L saw his reflection in Jiang Zhan's light-colored pupils, and then realized that his chin muscles were tightening so tightly that he exudes a strong color like his enemies from his instinct.

But this is actually very strange.

The man in front of his face couldn't hide his illness, which was too far from the word threat.

"... I see." Yan took a step back, sinking his face in concealment, and nodded: "Thank you."

Jiang Zhan stood in place with his arms folded, smiled and said nothing, and turned around, and walked away under the street light.

The sound of high heels knocking on the ground came from the alley. Yang Mei stopped behind Jiang and watched Yan disappear at the end of the road, and looked at Jiangzhan with anxiety: "Are you going to help him investigate this case?"

Jiang Zhan's warmth-like streamer has disappeared, and his tone is flat: "The case is not broken, the police's attention will not be withdrawn, do you want to be stared at by the police for several months?"

"... That," Yang Mei said incessantly, and then asked, "how do you want to check?"

Jiang Zang lowered his eyes, didn't immediately answer, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Yang Mei wrapped a thin shawl and looked up at the yellow light of the street lamp laying on Jiang Zhan's hair and side cheeks, like a fine layer of light gold tulle.

No matter how many years have passed, Jiang Mei in Yang Mei's eyes is no different from when he first met. Nianpei's years of exile and the life-threatening tribulations did not deprive him of enough to face any situation, overwhelming care.

"Zipper," Jiang stopped muttering.

Yang Mei looked at him without blinking.

Suddenly Jiang Zhang raised his eyes and said, "Do you have something to sell to a second-hand store?"

Yang Mei: "Second-hand shop?"

"Fendi?" Ma Xiang took the zipper in the exhibit bag, and shone at the light.

Yan l grunting and eating takeaway eel rice: "Huh."

The upper part of the zipper head is black sheepskin, the edges are wrapped with yellow oil edges, and the lower part of the metal is stamped with the text logo of the fendi. The whole is still very new, but the small ring buckle connection between the tail and the sliding wedge is loose. It should be pulled hard after being pulled hard or where it is hung.

Ma Xiang was a little confused: "What can this prove?"

Yan l squeezed the greasy chopsticks with one hand and pushed the computer screen on the desk at an angle to signal him to watch the official website of fendi.

Ma Xiang: "What?"

"The color matching zipper on the black sheepskin bag butter is basically only used on their new men's shoulders this season. Seeing that there is none, this is the one." Yan l clicked one of the pictures with chopsticks, click Zooming in, said: "Given that the seasonal models have just been released shortly, the sales volume is limited, and luxury stores will record customer information, I have sent a group of people to the exclusive store in the International Finance Center to retrieve surveillance videos."

Ma Xiang said, "Sure, this is OK ?!"

"Okay, it's just a trip. If you make a mistake, you won't lose anything. What about Yang Mei's case that I asked you to check?"

Ma Xiang was stunned, only a few moments later, and quickly put his hands in the kraft paper bag.

Yan L leaned back in the back of the chair, opened the file and began to look through it. Ma Xiang immediately secretly picked a piece of eel and put it in his mouth.

Yang Mei's case was not complicated. In essence, the original shop owner suddenly raised the price and broke the contract before signing. Yang Mei was furious and brought the other party to court. However, because the contract itself has loopholes and incomplete procedures, she is very likely to lose the lawsuit and will be dragged into a long and complicated appeals process. From the perspective of a strict insider, Yang Mei is best to open a court The lawsuit was withdrawn before approval, otherwise it is likely to delay business and lose a lot of money.

However she won.

It has nothing to do with the lawyer. At least, after reading the trial records, Yan didn't think that the lawyer used the bird. The only explanation was that the judge fell in love with Yang Mei's peerless beauty.

Or, just like this woman miraculously escaped from prison twice in Gongzhou, someone who was high up and hidden behind the heavy fog helped her again.

Ma Xiang sneaked into the eel for the third time, and then was struck by the lightning-like chopsticks on the back of his hand: "Ouch!"

"Neither packet of instant noodles is enough for you to eat? Be careful to repeat the tragedy of Director Gou next door. His figure is added every day by his mother!"

Ma Xiang felt very grieved: "We the masses of the people work overtime instant noodles every day, and it is best to warm up the hot pot. As a leader, you are not a soldier, and you still have a small capitalist stove?"

Yan L hummed: "I have a skill for the small stove that I exchanged for beauty. You can also lie to one."

Ma Xiang: "What? The ktv boss really looks at your handsome face ?!"

Yan l: "..."

"I said yesterday that she didn't look right at you! She wandered around your strong pectoral muscles and biceps! Her weak little white-faced boyfriend could be compared to your male hormone, Yan Genu tried hard, Whether my brother can sing free k in the future depends on you! ... "

Yan said angrily: "Get out of here, don't force my biceps, do you want to be told that we are a pair?"

Ma Xiang immediately felt tender and tender: "Give me eel rice. I can give it for ten minutes ..."

Yan l kicked him off the table, the latter said that his pink glass heart broke. The phone rang when it was noisy, Yan l covered the eel rice with one hand and answered the phone with one hand: "Hey? I am l, let me talk about something soon."

"Brother Yan, we found surveillance at the International Finance Center! The deceased had bought the men's backpack you said at the Fendi store in mid-April. The price was 18,000, cash, high-definition images and sales records. Transfer it out! "

Ma Xiang, a straight man who hasn't seen the face of the world, rounded his eyes on the spot, with what's written on his face, eighteen? !!

Yan l exaggerated: "Lisuo. Did the identity information left by the deceased come out?"

"Yes, yes," said the phone on the other end, and Soso turned around, probably looking for an identity card. After a while, the voice sounded again: "This is it-the name is Chu Ci, compassionate." 2k novel reading network

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