Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 57: Chapter 57

At 3:30 that afternoon.

"Few phoenix trees are rare in the wild. According to Li Yuxin's description, it should be located somewhere on the Tianzong Mountain in the highland of Xiangyang. The specific position should be analyzed in detail after aerial photography and satellite maps come out ... Yes, I brought up Li Yuxin It ’s not very compliant, please help me urge the provincial department to complete the approval process ... OK, OK, we will go to Jianning directly at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, we can go to the vertical mountain around 6 or 7 o'clock, and do not give up search and rescue until the last minute! "

Daqie was speeding on the river embankment in the county suburbs. It was still the criminal policeman Zhang Guanyao driving in front, Ma Xiang sitting in the co-pilot, and Yan L and Jiang Zhe in the back and left handcuffed Li Yuxin in the middle.

All the prisoners must be sober when escorting the prisoners according to the regulations. Fortunately, Yan Lian called loudly in the car, making people unable to sleep if they wanted to sleep, and everyone stared at a pair of panda-like dark circles.

"Get me the aerial photos and send them to me right away. Let me mobilize everyone for the last five and a half hours, and hurry up!"

Yan l finally hung up the call with the city bureau.

"Our trip is quite fruitful, Brother Yan." Ma Xiang, the front row comforted, "not only dug up the 712 case last year, but even found two dead bodies at the He Liang case discovery site waiting for us to go. dig……"

"Shen Xiaoqi and Bu Wei were not rescued. The kidnappers have not yet been captured. The previous cases were dug up in empty talk, but the living ones were the first."

Ma Xiang agreed with a pout, but couldn't help but look back: "Hey, I say brother Yan."


"In case it's the end, we just can't catch up, do you think Bu Wei will accept coercion to kill Shen Xiaoqi?"

"This is ..." Yan L just wanted to say something, and a few words flashed through his mind at the moment he spoke:

"The person he really wanted to execute was not He Liang or Shen Xiaoqi ... it was me who betrayed him."

"It's hard to say, mainly we don't know behind the scenes that the host He Liang is a" coward "and also" betrayed "what Li Yuxin is referring to." Yan paused and glanced to the side with a certain finger. Consultant Lu? "

Jiang Zhe crooked by the window of his car, looking at the air defense, his expression was a bit tired.

"Advisor Lu?"

"..." Jiang Zhan finally said hoarsely: "How do I know, I'm not Bu Wei, and I also lack her personal information to profile her character."

"Have you heard what the consultant said?" Yan l taught Ma Xiang.

Ma Xiang blinked somehow.

Jiang Zang was not well. When he was quiet, there was a kind of indifference that was incompatible with the surroundings. His body was slightly bumpy as the vehicle moved, and suddenly the mobile phone in his pocket trembled.


This number is only known to Yan L and Yang Mei, but Yang Mei has no reason to disturb him by sending messages when there is a case.

Jiang Zhan found out his mobile phone, Yan l.

"..." Jiang Zhan frowned and opened the text message bar. The content was:

[Do you think the betrayal in the kidnapper's mouth is some kind of symbolic hint in the execution ceremony, or does it specifically refer to something? 】

——I want to know why everyone is in the same car, but this way is used to discuss the case?

Jiang Zhe stretched his elbow by the window, stared at the screen of the mobile phone for a while, but still didn't open his mouth, raised his hand, and simply typed the words "specific reference" and sent it out.

Separated by Li Yuxin, dozens of centimeters away, Yan began to bury his head in to input something, and Shaoqijiang stopped his mobile phone again.

[What does it specifically mean? 】

Jiang Zhan: "..."

Yan l: [Li Yuxin mentioned that she fainted on the third day. When she woke up, he found that He Liang was **** and kneeled in front of her. The kidnapper on the phone ordered her to kill him. 】

[If the confession is conclusive, it may be that He Liang did something during Li Yuxin's coma and offended the kidnappers who had been observing behind the scenes. 】

[It is also possible that this matter has nothing to do with He Liang from the beginning to the end. He Liang is just a substitute for a certain image in the mind of the master behind the scenes. The so-called "betrayal" is actually something that the master has experienced. 】

Jiang Zhan: "..."

【What do you think? 】

The news followed, and the phone continued to quake, and it took a long time to quiet down. Jiang Zhan glanced to the side, Yan l was okay, leaning on the leather back of the back seat and looking ahead.

Jiang Zhan took a deep breath and finally spoke on the phone. After half a second, Yan's phone turned on:

[You installed a bug on me when you left the ward? 】

Yan l laughed.

This person is too sensitive, and sure enough, any temptation may lead to an ending that is completely discerned.

He could almost feel the sharp sight of Jiang Shutou, but he just didn't see it. He typed a few words in the reply box, thought about it, and deleted it and re-entered it.

Suddenly Xiao Zhang in front said, "Brother Yan, the truck in the back seems to be following us."

Yan l pressed send, turned his head and looked at: "What?"

The suburban road is quite desolate. Daqie is driving along the river embankment. At this time, no cars pass at all, so it appears that the logistics truck behind is unusually conspicuous. It is estimated that the distance from the rear window is only about 20-30 meters.

I do n’t know why Yan looked at the front of the car, and suddenly felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart, so he commanded Zhang Guanyao: "Small open slowly, see if it is super."

Xiao Zhang heard the answer and stepped on the brake slightly.

At the same time, the truck accelerated and approached, Yan's eyes reflected the approaching headlights.

"..." Yan suddenly yelled, "Accelerate! Accelerate !!!-It has not changed course !!!"

The truck didn't change lanes, it wanted to hit it!

The accident was unexpected, and Zhang was too late to respond. The instinct to obey the order overwhelmed everything. The two cars biting back and forth pressed the accelerator to the bottom at the same time!


Seeing the poor truck, like a roaring steel monster, it hit the tail of the car!

Everyone leaned forward at the same time, Daqe was led by a strong impact and pierced the highway guardrail, Xiao Zhang stepped on the brakes and slammed the steering wheel in exclamation, and the tires made a harsh friction sound on the ground.


The front of the big cut was bounced back by the guardrail, the whole body spun out of control, and the truck was severely hit in the middle and rear section.

Huh! !!

The whole big cut was pushed out sideways, and the side hit the metal fence horizontally. The huge force caused the door and the fence to undergo a terrible deformation at the same time!

Time stretched infinitely at this moment, and Yan l seemed to feel something in the bottom, trying to reach out to his side: "Jiang Stop——"

But as soon as his roar exited, he was drowned in a terrifying world.

Da cuts out of the side fence, like a huge steel coffin, rolls down the river bank, and plunges into the river!

The water quickly drowned the roof of the car, and several deafening shouts in the carriage were silenced at the same time, replaced by gurgling blisters.

The water around the bottom of the water is completely blurred with red and green, mixed with red silk, can't tell whose blood is, and can't see anything at all.

Everyone suddenly lost consciousness when they rolled over, but Yan was awake the moment he soaked in cold water all over his body. He couldn't care to check that he smashed the forehead of the car window, gritted his teeth, unfastened the seat belt, and reached out frantically. Side. Fortunately, he bought the money and donated it to the criminal investigation detachment. He usually drove it by himself and was familiar with the details of the car. He clicked and untied Li Yuxin's seat belt.

What about Jiangzhan?

What about Jiang Zhan, who is separated from him by a seat?

Yan l leaned around and touched his finger, and what he touched, he realized that it was Jiang Zhan's motionless body!


The air bubble came from behind with impulse, nearly pushing Yan deep into the car. But then he was caught from behind, by Ma Xiang and Xiao Zhang.

When a large amount of water enters the front block of the car, the glass and door cannot be opened because of the extremely strong water pressure. Until the compartment was filled with water, the internal and external pressures gradually decreased, and Ma Xiang and Zhang Guanyao seized the escape opportunity in just a few seconds. They opened the door against the water pressure and rushed out. They immediately came to the back seat to save people.

"Hmm ..." Yan l struggled forward with both hands, and was then dragged out of the carriage with both hands, and Ma Xiang held him tightly from behind. Zhang Guanyao is more water-based, taking advantage of this gap, a fierce son pierced into the car door, dragged himself out of the sinking large cut, and raced up against the clock.

Yan l banged in his head, but he couldn't say anything, only a series of bubbles popped up.

——He knew that Xiao Zhang was rescued by Li Yuxin, and Jiang was still in the back seat.

He was caught in a car that was getting more and more falling!

In theory, people can hold their breath for up to two minutes under water, but strenuous struggle will quickly consume blood oxygen. At this time, the breath in everyone's lungs has reached the limit, and if it does not surface, it may not really float out.

But at that moment, Yan's mind was completely blank, and he didn't think of anything at all. All the movements were the instincts of passing that moment by life and death--


Ma Xiang felt that he was holding Yan's arm out of the way, and then Yan swooped out, his hair and pendulum were raised back against the water flow, which was like crazy digging into the deep black river!

Ma Xiang silently screamed: "Brother Yan !!"

Daqe is like a coffin that has lost its gravity, wandering slowly in the dark and cold river water. Yan l wrapped the water into the back compartment, but this simple movement on the land became extremely complicated and long. Finally, he struggled to find out what was the body that was no longer moving on the back seat.

Yan's heart blood vessels almost burst, all consciousness was concentrated into one sentence: don't die, please don't die.

With a click, Yan opened the safety clasp, and untiedly untied the safety belt that was wound up enough to catch Jiang Zhan's hand. At this time he couldn't tell whether his arms were still alive or had turned into a cold body; he could only use his last strength to pedal hard, float up, and rush out before the body was completely sunk in the mud Car door!


As if it was endlessly long, at the moment before the lungs burst, Yan l supported Jiang Zhan's armpit from behind and rushed out of the water!

"Brother Yan!"

"Vice Yan!"

"Keekekekekekekeke ............" Yan l broke out a terrible wheeze, nosebleeds, and his face was filled with mud. He didn't have the time to pant evenly, and hugged Jiang crazyly and slapped his face. After a few seconds, he saw Jiang Zeng stunned, and spit out a spit!

Suddenly Yan Yan almost collapsed, so it didn't sink.

Ma Xiang and Xiao Zhang supported Li Yuxin, who was breathless, and felt relieved. Ma Xiang exhaustedly punched Yan, compared his thumbs, and signaled them to go upstream.

But just then, suddenly--


The air was frozen, and the few who were dying alive did not respond.

boom! boom!

The gunshot shook the air, and Yan and others looked up at the same time. I saw that the van that had knocked over them stopped at the bank of the river, and several people ran out of the car. They took out the guns for the first two and started shooting at them!

boom! boom! boom!

This group of people came out with the idea of ​​never ending!

"Go into the water!" Yan l roared, and then stopped Jiang and plunged into the water!

Ma Xiang went into the water at the same time, but Zhang Guanyao was helping Li Yuxin. The action was slow for half a beat, only to feel that the girl's body was suddenly pushed backwards by some invisible force, and then the blood filled the river.

She was shot.

Ma Xiang dived from the bottom of the water and pulled the stunned Zhang Guanyao into the water-but it was too late. The bullets of the sparklers twirled, and Zhang Guanyao's body was cold and hot, and when he was planted in the river, he brought out a large stream of hot blood.

Under the muddy river, Ma Xiang watched his teammates wrapped in blood mist, his pupils tightened like a pinch.

At the same time.

The undercurrent was turbulent and turbulent, Yan l tried to swim with one hand, holding one hand in front of Jiang Zhan's chest, and he could hardly open his eyes to see the surroundings. Suddenly, he felt that Huaijiang River stopped struggling.

what happened?

Yan l barely looked at it, and the blood was all cold at the moment-when Jiang stopped suffocating to the extreme, he opened his mouth and spit out a long string of air bubbles.

It was that the air in the lungs was squeezed to the bottom, and the water was poured back!

Yan L raised Jiang Zhan's face, grasping the hair on the back of his head and forcing him to lift his head, and passed his mouth to mouth. If this is a kiss, it should be very embarrassing, but the lips under the river are cold and soft, half-stretched weakly, almost without any living temperature, and the entire spine and cold hair stand up at the moment when the lips and tongue touch.

No, he has only this one idea, Jiang Zhan can't stand it.

It must be fast, it must be fast!

As if blessed by the heavens, the undercurrent suddenly accelerated, wrapped around the two and crashed into the rocks, then turned an acute angle. Yan l guarded Jiang Zhan's entire body and suffered a huge part of the impulse. When he snorted, his throat was full of sweet smell, and then the eardrum was smashed by the hammer.


The river narrowed abruptly, and the water rushed to the shore!

In the chaos, Yan couldn't count how far he had swam out, and could no longer observe the surrounding scenes. He just felt that there was a considerable distance from the falling river. Jiang Zhan's entire pale face was soaked in water, his eyes closed tightly and he didn't say a word, Yan touched his pulse, although stable but extremely weak, immediately turned him upside down on his knee, and pressed his back sharply.


Jiang Zhan twitched his body, and the water that entered the lungs was hardly controlled. He immediately fell to the ground, folded his hands under the sternum, and pressed hard, supplemented with artificial breathing, and got up again to press.

Blood and water did not know from which part of his body poured out, a drop dripped on Jiang Zhan's face and clothes, exuding a large blood stain, but Yan was not aware of it.

He didn't even feel any pain and lost the concept of time. He didn't know how many times he switched between chest compressions and artificial respiration. He didn't notice that his hands were getting paler and weaker, even shivering sharply.


Finally, Jiang Zhan's throat suddenly convulsed, spurting water mixed with blood foam, and woke up in a wobbly convulsion.

As soon as Yan l felt relieved, the breath supporting his will was relieved, and the whole person couldn't help sitting back. When he felt like he was going to fall, he conditioned his elbows to reflexively. Whoever expected that his two arms were cold and soft like noodles, he fell down when he touched the ground.

What's wrong with me? He lay on the ground thinking.

Where is so much blood?

Immediately afterwards, he saw Jiang Zhuang shaking up, sitting kneeling beside himself, his face paled to the point where he turned blue, his ten fingers shook his shirt unbuttoned, and took off his soaked shirt with his back. Tightly stuck in his belly.

Jiang Zhan was just awake from drowning, but his strength was unexpectedly great. Yan was breathless when pressed by him, and asked in a confused way: "Why ... what happened?"

"Don't talk, it's okay, don't talk ..."

"What's wrong? Don't cry," Yan murmured, "don't cry."

Jiang Zhuang's eyes were red but his expression was calm. He moved Yan L's upper body into his arms and hugged it tightly, keeping his heart at a level higher than the bleeding mouth, and said, "You were shot."

"..." Yan l's pupils widened slightly.

Although he has encountered many dangers in various operations for more than a decade, some are indeed called the ghost door closed, and even a few times he has made psychological preparations that may be glorious, but in such a sudden situation, it is near It's really the first time that I have been exposed to death.

That's it? Going to die?

But the hostages haven't been rescued yet. I still have a lot to say to Jiang Zhan. I haven't seen my parents for the last time?

Is this too fast?

The earth seemed to be shaking, banging banging. He didn't know that the cars on the distant road stopped one after the other, the whistle sounded one after another, and many pedestrians were running here.

"Don't be afraid, it will be all right, don't sleep over. You see, the rescue has come, don't sleep over ..."

Yan couldn't hear what Qing Jiang stopped saying, and in fact he couldn't even hear what he was talking about. His consciousness was blurred for a while, feeling that his soul seemed to become very light. He almost floated out of this heavy body several times, but was all caught by Jiang Zhan's arm.

"Yesterday," Yan asked murmured dimly, although he couldn't hear his own voice: "Yesterday was ... in the car, are you ..."

"I know." Jiangzhan said hoarsely, "I always knew."

His wet cheek was against Yan's forehead, and the sound of forcing himself to tremble sounded calm and powerful: "You listen to me, Yan, wake up and listen to me. Didn't you ask me if I had a brother last time? of."

"I used to have many brothers, but they all left me three years ago."

"But you are different, Yan l. Even if I die one day, I will look at you in the sky, I will always watch you live well." 2k novel reading network

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