Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 64: Chapter64

The next day, Tianzong Mountain.

A Mercedes-Benz bounced across the mountain road and was cut out of countless marks by the sharp branches along the way. Finally, it stopped on the roadside with a loud flame.

"I **** ..." Yan? L threw the door and touched the door and the hood a little bit of pain, stopping Jiang, who had already been turned pale, and said: "This trip to the ghost place is really **** offensive what."

Jiang Zhan waved his hand out of speech, suddenly covering his mouth: "Puke"

Suddenly Yan thought that he was about to vomit on himself, but then found that it was just retching, Jiang stopped coughing a few times before he barely squeezed his tumbling stomach and took a few drinks.

"Look at you," Yan said with a distressed expression on his face: "Don't hold on, what are you afraid of? Let's get a certificate when you are pregnant."

Jiang stopped swallowing the water around his neck, and asked exhaustedly, "Do you know that this wild country ridge has buried you in the ground for three months and no one will find it?"

Yan? L: "Yo, you still put on the music. Didn't you pay enough for nutrition, or did you pay for the gift? Would you like to buy you two and a half pounds of dragon and phoenix gold bracelets?"

Several major highway entrances and exits in Tianzong Mountain have been interrogated by police. The area where the incident occurred has been surrounded by the cordon. When driving up the mountain, they also passed several checkpoints. Yan knows that the road is difficult to drive, and he specifically opened the g65, which has been parked in the city center for a long time. However, the closer it is to the Phoenix Forest, the more rugged and difficult it is. Finally, he can only lose the big g to the roadside.

The two of them went deep and shallow, supporting each other through the woods and trekking to the fiery red Phoenix woods on the hill.

Yan? L said: "Almost you have it. Three media, six hires and eight lift cars. The house can add your name, but you must listen to the certificate. Other conditions, let's discuss it. Is the banquet for you or me? On the side? Or on both sides? Dowry is not necessary. Keep your own money for your own home. I guess I have to make up for it. "

Jiang Zhan was holding the stones in one hand, and was tightened by one hand, gritted his teeth and climbed up the steep slope.

"It's your body that you need to take good care of." Yan? L whispered lessons to him: "Look at you like this, don't work so hard in the future, how good it is to keep a dog at home and water the flowers, or not to go shopping for an afternoon tea ... "

Jiang stopped holding his knees and panted for a while, "Here it is."


Jiang stopped raising his chin and signaled: "The execution place."

Yan? L looked back, not far away from the top of a steep hillside, the lush phoenix trees were scattered, and a yellow and black cordon was surrounded by wooden sticks in the open space, in which the ground was clearly recessed into a deep pit.

That was where He Liang was buried, and Bu Wei Shen Xiaoqi was attacked.

"Afternoon tea is waiting for me," Jiang Zhan sighed, got up and walked over.

He Liang's corpse has been picked up and removed, and even the sand and gravel at the bottom of the pit have been shaved off. Gou Li personally supervised and transported it back to the city bureau for inspection. Jiang Zhan squatted down the edge of the inverted cone-shaped pit and looked down, Yan? L came over and stood beside him, listening only to him: "This depth is at least more than a meter."

"Uh-huh, exactly two meters at the deepest point. The excavated soil is piled up in the Phoenix Forest. The bottom of the pit is covered with thick weeds, fallen leaves, and wooden strips. Most of the thin wooden strips are obvious. Marks of breaking. "


"It should be a simple but effective trap. I did it myself when I went hunting in Africa a few years ago. First of all, the soil was hollowed out, and a load-bearing layer was made of wood strips and haystacks. Then it was piled with floating soil and fallen leaves. Meat is used as bait; when the prey comes up, it crushes the fragile haystacks and slams into the pit. "

Jiang Zhan turned to glance at him: "Should the bait be water?"

"Should be," Yan? L said. "According to the speculation of the on-site technical investigation, Shen Xiaoqi should have drank the bottle of water while standing on the trap. His own weight collapsed the load-bearing layer, and then he fell into it unexpectedly and weighed on He Liang. Body. "

They were silent for a moment.

Think about that scene is really pretty? Human, the ground suddenly collapsed under his feet, and fell directly to face to face with the body ...

Jiang stopped coughing: "Have you taken the nearby footprints and fingerprints?"

"Footprints were raised, and all the marker poles on the ground were checked. However, it rained that night nearby, and the scene was ruined without much reference value." Yan? L sighed and said, " At present, it is certain that more than one criminal went to the scene at the time of the incident. This is in line with Li Yuxin's confession. It should be a kidnapping group appointed by the master behind the scenes. "

"Every gang can run away?"

"You see the geographical environment around you." Yan pointed l helplessly: "I don't even say I want to find a mountain mule to hide in this hillside, trees, or virgin forest. You see the grassy nests all over the ground. Most of them are tall and can't be found across a distance of ten meters. "

Jiang Zuan casually said, "You get it, your field team is rough." He stood up, squatted for a long time, and numb his legs, and fell uncontrollably into the pit.

"Oh be careful!"

Yan? L saw his hand fast, and pulled Jiang into his arms immediately before Jiang Zhan planted into the pit. Because of the impact of inertia, both of them stepped back at the same time.


Jiang Zhan's entire face was severely pressed. L Forcibly pressed in the shoulder socket, male hormones mixed with a good perfume. His expression became a bit stiff when he was stunned, and he slowly raised his head and stepped back a half step. He was about to say nothing to divert the subject, but found Yan? L his eyes were clearly skeptical.

"You did it on purpose?" Yan said.

Jiang Zhan: "..."

"Then you have to go back to the car first. The crime scene here is so bad."

Jiang Zhan took a deep breath, forcing himself to quickly flash back to the scene of the bottom of the river in Jiangyang County. In half a minute, his psychological construction and cultivation level had been rapidly improved, calm. Say: "Let's go through the case first."

Yan? L pinched his chin, obviously still very skeptical.

"From the traces of the scene, the footprints of the kidnappers and the two victims came to the hillside respectively, and then the footprints of the victims disappeared. The footprints of several kidnappers obviously deepened. It should be that they carried the victim to the top of the hillside.

Jiang stopped and walked to a place not far from the yellow benchmark, leaned out and smashed the grass, observed the dried marks in the dirt, and then walked back to the edge of the pit along the mark:

"I do n’t know what happened next. Maybe Buwei is under the control of the kidnapper or fainted like Li Yuxin. Shen Xiaoqi went to the trap alone to get water, fell into the pit dug by the kidnapper in advance, and then told He Liang The ossified corpse caused great damage. "

Yan? L said: "However, Li Yuxin's DNA can still be detected from He Liang's nails, which is enough to prove who killed him."

"As long as one thing has happened, evidence will inevitably be left ... You see, Shen Xiaoqi's struggle at the bottom of the pit left obvious marks, in the process the mineral water bottle fell into the pit."

Jiang stopped talking and crouched down again. The edge of the pit had been set up by the police as a supporting point. He wanted to climb down slowly to see it, but was stopped by Yan? "It's too slippery, don't go down." He jumped into the pit with a swift whisper of his own skill.

Jiang stopped safely, squatting on it and watching it strictly? L He checked it everywhere and asked, after a long time, "Did you find it?"

"No! What are you doing? Be careful not to plant it again and let me pick it up! Although I don't mind picking it up, don't play the same trick twice!"

Jiang Zhan: "........."

Yan? L feels good about himself, stands up and pats his cuffs covered with dirt:

"The empty mineral water bottle was taken back by the technical team to be tested from the inside to the outside. Even the plastic of the bottle was cut out for laboratory analysis. Basically, it can be determined that it is an ordinary bottle of mineral water and it has not been mixed with messy drug ingredients. The saliva on the bottle mouth and the fingerprint of the bottle body are the same. That is to say, if Shen Xiaoqi was fed to Bu Wei by mouth, the entire bottle of water was drunk by himself. Bu Wei did not fish at all, which was in line with the 'betrayal' in the abduction case Image. "

Jiang stopped nodding.

"Let's restore the situation at the time of the incident," Yan? L said. "Suppose the kidnappers chase, induce or coerce the two victims to the vicinity of Fenghuang Forest, and then put this bottle of water on the open space to make them want to survive. Strong Shen Xiaoqi climbed over to drink alone, and then fell off the pit; finally, she awakened Bu Wei and forced her to execute the death penalty on Shen Xiaoqi who betrayed herself like Li Yuxin. "

Yan? L climbed on the rocks on the ground, crouched down and gestured:

"But at this distance, Bu Wei could not reach Shen Xiaoqi anyway, unless he lifted a stone and smashed his head."

"Bu Wei doesn't necessarily have the strength to lift a large stone." Jiang Zang shook his head. "And the meaning of killing a person by hand and using a weapon at a long distance is completely different. You can see from He Liang's nails that Li Yuxin must have passed. It took some fighting to choke him with a knife. The method of killing has always been an important and immutable part of execution rituals from ancient times to the present. "

"So the kidnappers took Shen Xiaoqi out of the pit with great pains, just to let Bu Wei kill him by hand? Why not plug a knife into Bu Wei and then get her down? It is more convenient for girls to be lighter."

Yan? L and Jiangzhan stood beside the pit, and they looked at each other, feeling very strange to each other.

Suddenly Jiangzhan thought something: "... how many possibilities do you think, the **** k was on the scene the day of the crime?"

"If I were a drug dealer, I would definitely not dare to show up when the police closed the mountain. Li Yuxin's confession also showed that the master behind the scenes contacted her through a satellite mobile phone. But the words of spades k were more difficult to say, mainly because we were at Hu Weisheng I met him once on the rooftop, and this poisonous style of behavior seemed to ... "Yan? L frowned and considered the words," a little bit disgusted. "

Jiang Zang smiled briefly: "I don't think he will show up here, and he didn't talk to the scene on the day of the crime."


"Command vehicle."

This answer is quite concise, but Yan? L suddenly realized.

On the day of the incident, several command vehicles were nearby. Any short-wave signal and satellite communications could not escape the channel monitoring system of the command vehicle. In other words, like Spades K, who monitors Li Yuxin's killing of He Liang throughout the process, if he wants to satisfy his extreme paranoia about the execution ceremony, he can only let his subordinates record the entire process!

"It's impossible to carry a camera over in the wild countryside, but if the execution is under the pit, the mobile phone can't record it clearly." Jiang Zhandan said, "So I can only pull Shen Xiaoqi up. Several kidnappers surround the victim. Like Li Yuxin killed He Liang at the time ... "

"But why were the two victims found under the hillside and pushed by the kidnappers?" Yan? L suspected.

This problem is really difficult to explain.

Even if they used all the evidence on the scene to try to restore the situation at the time of the crime, they could not grow their eyes, or turn the time back, and go back to the scene to see for themselves what the victim experienced.

Jiang stopped taking a breath and rubbed his throat with the fingertips of his gloves. It took a long time to murmur: "Perhaps Bu Wei made a completely different choice from Li Yuxin, so that she would also be executed ... But anyway, it is really strange to fall off the cliff. "

Yan? L was immersed in the case, and then glanced at him, and saw that he slightly raised his head while touching his long and straight neck, and suddenly swallowed uncontrollably.

Jiang Zhang asked, "What do you think?"

"Oh, huh? What?"

Jiang Zhan: "..."

The two stared at each other blankly, Yan? L quickly looked at the watch to conceal his absentmind: "Go away, what time is this. It is useless to look at it again, or wait until the victim wakes up."

Indeed, at present, this stubborn and speculative situation can only provide key clues when waiting for Buwei or Shen Xiaoqi to wake up. In addition, it is difficult to make breakthrough progress.

There was no way to stop the river. At this time, it was already four o'clock. It was estimated that it would be late at night when driving back to Jianning city. They could only carefully and steadily walk down the steep hillside, Yan? L from time to time, holding on to the river stop that was about to fall, walked for a long time before going back through the woods to the big car, like riding around The car drove the off-road vehicle with superior performance down the mountain.

The carriage bouncing on the bumpy mountain road, Yan? L drew out the cigarette case to indicate to the river stop, the latter was pale, and waved weakly and said no.

"Look at your face." Yan? L lit a cigarette and said, "I'll come back to the city to invite you to dinner and make up for it."

Jiang Jing's calm and clear voice at the time of analyzing the case was rather fragile at the moment: "Please mention eating again and beware I spit on your car ..."

The voice didn't fall, Yan? L looked in horror, and slammed on the brake.

Jiang Zhuang's drowsy brain reminded me that this is the best match g65. If he really vomited in the car, he would have to be severely caught. Selling kidneys and selling his kidneys, he sat up straight: "It doesn't matter, I can still "

The next second he froze.

Yan didn't open the window or drive him out of the car. Instead, he did not hesitate and couldn't wait for him to pull off his shirt. He put his hands in front of him and said, "Spit it."

Jiang Zhan: "?"

All the gangsters in Jiangzhan gritted their teeth at the moment they saw the shirt sign, but Yan? L didn't care about this at all. He seemed to be unconscious, but turned his body deliberately, fully showing the strong lines of the upper body, boasting arrogantly: "I have been willing to be deceived by private education for so many years, that is for this moment!"

Jiang Zhan: "........."

Yan? L started the car with emotion, the naked muscles stood proudly under the sun. Beside him, Jiang Zhan expressionlessly hugged the clothes that must be more expensive than car washing, and never thought about vomiting all the way.

Yan? L just so smoked, shirtless, drove the wind to go all the way back to Jianning, harvested numerous horns along the way. When he was off the highway, he was also approached by the beauty car owner in front of him. He couldn't help but feel complacent. He stopped at the Xunjiang River several times. He said, "Look, you don't hurry to know the goods well."

Jiang stopped clothes and covered his face to pretend to be asleep.

The two returned to Jianning more than eight o'clock, and the sky was getting dark. According to the meaning of Yan? L, the boat and car have been very hard in the past few days. At this time, you should go to a romantic restaurant and have a good meal. If you ca n’t, you can also order a “non-chilly” seafood porridge for take-out. What is an authentic geoduck? However, he hasn't decided which seafood porridge to take out. It's not cold. Suddenly the phone rang and it was the city bureau call.

"Hey, Lao Gao?"

Yan? L calmly listened for a moment, Jiang Zhan did not pretend to sleep, and lifted his clothes to his face.

"Okay, I see. I'll check it later."

Yan? L hangs up the phone, then sighs at Jiang Ding, affectionate and full of love: "Why can't I even let you eat well?"

"..." The nine-day God Thunder was so violently chopped, Jiang Zang had wanted to ask him what Gao Panqing said, but he forgot the word instantly.

Fortunately, Yan? L The wind was exhausted, and he took the initiative to give him the answer: "Lao Gao called to say that Bu Wei was awake, and his mental state was not very good."

He paused and asked apologetically, "Will you buy two buns?"

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