Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 78: Chapter 78

"Is there a murder in 701 or a grievance against eternity?" Yan? L's first reaction was this.

Jiang stopped holding his cigarette and glanced at him, seeming a bit helpless: "Nothing."


"First of all, you need to know why, although some things seem so simple and so irrelevant, others just don't want to tell you, although from any angle, it is an innocuous answer despite leaking." Jiang paused, Said: "Because the truth is always inextricably linked. The truth of this society is like a crime. As long as a little horn is opened, experienced criminal investigators can dig deep into it and take countless inside stories from ten. Dig out in eight hells, especially you. "

"A frontline criminal police officer who presides over provincial capital cities with strong capital forces as the background and has a strong case resolution ** It is very troublesome to have any of the above three conditions, not to mention you have all three points? Who can guarantee your The state is very stable, and you won't get sick? In case you rush into the battlefield like a burning tank, who can control the situation? "

Yan? L was a little dazed by these rhetorical questions, and then pointed to himself: "I look like a person who will get sick anytime?"

Jiang Zang raised his eyelids and looked at him, sighing.

"His" Yan? L took a breath in disbelief, "then tell me what happened in 701, why did Qi Sihao dare not continue to investigate Wang Xingye's fall, I promise not to break the casserole and ask to the end."

Jiang Zhan bowed his head with soot, this movement was very subtle, and then he said, "I did n’t find it out, but I inquired about it. People who told me about it also took great risks because it The time came after the explosion of the Gongzhou Plastic Factory three years ago. "

Yan? L froze for a moment.

What time was it?

How did Jiangzhan find out?

"After the operation failed, the department set up an investigation team. The first task was to investigate whether the undercover 'rivet' adventure was passed to the police, and whether the report about the location of the drug dealer's trade was true. The police confirmed the report before the operation began. It was Red Heart Q that was passed to the rivets via some encryption method. After the rivets were sacrificed, the investigation team got his electronic equipment. After a series of complex decryption, tracking and positioning, the technical team narrowed the scope to this community, and then The last row of this building is Room 701. "

"That is to say, if the message received by the rivet really comes from the red heart q, then it was first issued by the red heart q sitting in room 701 of this apartment building." Jiang Zang suddenly looked strict in the smoke of smoke? L: "Next do you think that if you can lock the various populations in and out of this community from monitoring, you can find out the red hearts?"

This is true by common sense. 80% of modern criminal investigation work relies on various surveillance cameras, so it often leads to a large number of rehearsal tasks. It also illustrates the tediousness of daily criminal investigation in reality.

But Yan? L knew that since he asked this question, it meant that the Gongzhou investigation team had not been able to follow this path.

"Because of the surveillance, we found that some vehicles in and out of this low-profile neighborhood were registered under the name of private companies, and these private companies have inextricable relationships with the families of officials at different levels: some are far-fetched, But some are ambiguous. If the monitoring time is further checked, there will be several senior-level seniors in the community, even the deputy mayor of Gongzhou, Yue Guangping, who just retired at the time. "

Yue Guangping Yan? L suddenly remembered who he was.

The Deputy Bureau of Wei once said that Yue Guangping was the only one who persisted in Jiang Zhan's death after the bombing, and could even be hijacked by drug dealers, so he strongly advocated leading the rescue operation!

Jiang Zhan did not go to watch Yan? L His face was always unpredictable, and his tone was always plain: "These people and cars have their own reasons for entering and leaving the community, such as visiting relatives or friends or passing by purely. Fortunately, but even this investigation is difficult to continue, if the scope of the review covers the entire community, it is not known how many sensitive and delicate relationships will be exposed to broad daylight; but if only for that building and room 701 , The monitoring conditions at that time could not be achieved. "

"Of course, the investigation team three years ago had many other clues. It didn't have to be under heavy pressure to check this neighborhood." Jiang Zhanhuafeng turned around and said, "There are few people who know the inside story, so this This clue has gradually disappeared. You Lu Bureau should have participated in some work outside the investigation team before you can learn about the key points. "

"... Who told you the inside story?" Yan? L could not help asking.

Jiang paused for a moment and said, "Yue Guangping."

"What is your relationship?"

Jiang Zhan seemed a little funny, although he didn't have the slightest smile on his face: "He is the old boss who pulled me by hand and rescued me from the **** k after the explosion. What do you think we should be related? "

Yan? L changed his mind, followed closely: "If the investigation team did rescue you then, why did the official leave no records, and the file said that you had no bones in the explosion?"

Jiang Zhi never touched the cigarette except for the first two, basically he was gradually burning to the end. He put the faint flashing red dot on the trash can and extinguished, and smiled: "Did you just promise that you won't break the casserole?"

Yan? L is a little stuffy.

"Whether Wang Xingye climbed that building by himself or was coerced up, he would die too much." Jiang Zhan threw his cigarette **** into the trash can and said lazily: "We all know that it must be spades to kill him k, but the scene was dealt with, no one could catch any clues to look down ... I don't think Wang Xingye himself thought before he died, that the psychological abnormality of spades k, really dare to kill on the roof of that building Right. "

Han Xiaomei didn't dare to get out of the car. It was a bit like sitting in a big g cab alone.

Why did Yan team suddenly get angry? Why is consultant Lu opposed? On the surface, it seems only because Wang Xingye's fall could not be investigated. In fact, even she could see that the real contradictions exposed between the two were far more than that.

Consultant Lu no, she corrected the person in her mind who said that he was the captain of the Jiang detachment.

Almost no one can be found on the intranet. Even if there is a word spread in the system, it is nothing more than a commander who has been mishandled or a vicious betrayal insider. The former is stupid and the latter is a shame. Regardless of the truth, it is enough to keep the top secretive.

But Han Xiaomei didn't feel that way.

An idiot who lost his teammate's life by improperly directing a command will not come to the scene to lock up the suspect as soon as the sniper occurs. He will not keep track of the target vehicle for hundreds of kilometers; a traitor who commits a drug dealer to betray the police will not Life-threatening moment after the impact, she ordered such a trivial trainee to stay in the car and go out alone to face the wicked gangsters, rushing for time for the Yan team.

"Even if everyone is talking about gold, at least I can secretly keep a little of my thoughts," she thought, "as long as I don't say it."

Suddenly, a particularly familiar ringtone rang in the back seat. I didn't bring my cell phone when I was chasing. Lv Bureau called him back.

Han Xiaomei was still very firm about the revolutionary consciousness. He turned his head to look at the back seat, and then desperately extended his head to look out the window. In just three seconds, he let the phone ring until it was broken and he got out of the car with the phone The "Yan team" clashed 180 times back and forth before realizing that the two choices had the same purpose and the same purpose. After the call was disconnected, the Yan team returned with a thunderous rage and tore her into pieces of dried fish. .

"Hey ... hey," Han Xiaomei finally trembled and answered the phone just before the ringtone automatically hung up. "Hello Director, I am an intern of Yan team ..."

Opposite Lu Bureau asked calmly, "Oh", "What about your strict team?"

Han Xiaomei Fu went to her heart and said, "Go to the toilet!"

"You're coming to Jiangyang County, right?"

The return from Gongzhou to Jianning is indeed through Jiangyang County, but they have not yet left Gongzhou yet. How dare Han Xiaomei lie to the director, she had to vaguely say, "Well, it's almost coming ... but Yan team has been in the toilet for a long time ..."

The phone was silent for a moment.

"Let's do it." Lu Bureau said calmly, "But Jiang Yang County's investigation of Fan Zhengyuan has progressed, or should you talk to Yan? L said that let him hold on to Jiang Yang County and continue to pull? "

Ten minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz G that continued to speed forward.

"After investigation, Fan Si's hometown is in a village under Jiangyang County. He went back before the incident. We are arranging the local police and the security officer to accompany us to conduct a search?" Yan? L doubted: "Are you sure it is Fan Si? Not Fan Wu? "

Han Xiaomei nodded while driving.

Yan? L glanced over the upper body and stared suspiciously at the front row Han Xiaomei: "You must hear clearly. Fan Wu's group has weapons and bullets. In case of a collision with this group of people, I will take you A car is old, weak, sick, and disabled, "then he turned to Jiang Zhan," pregnant. How can I fight? "

Han Xiaomei: "..."

Jiang Zang was immersed in the world of chess, and he didn't look up. "He said the opposite, I'm old, weak and sick."

"But I'm not pregnant?"

Jiang Zang said: "Then you need to pay attention to it. I think your waistline seems to be an inch thick recently."

Han Xiaomei was aggrieved: "..............."

Yan? L suddenly received a new text message, and he picked it up and looked at it, a little puzzled: "Why did Lu Bureau just send a popular science article in the criminal investigation group where young men squatting toilets are prone to hemorrhoids?"

Han Xiaomei immediately retracted her head, pretending to know nothing.

The so-called villages under Jiangyang County are actually quite far from Jiangyang County. Because the Emperor is so far away, the township police station has to manage several expansive hills, so each village has separately set up a security officer that is not in the establishment. Its role is to solve the dogs in the east today who bit the chickens in the west and tomorrow in the south The sheep of the family ate the grass of the Beijia family; the external role is to use the advantages of the locals to cooperate with the police of the police station when a "big event" occurs.

Searches like this are a must for Yan? L, and for local police stations and security officers, this is a rare event in a few years.

Lv Bureau has already said hello to Jiangyang County, probably telling the words "urgent time, let our deputy criminal investigation branch complete the work and return to work as soon as possible", so when Yan? L rushed to the township police station, The director had personally led a thin middle-aged policeman to wait at the gate with sincerity and fear.

I did n’t have a lot of shame when I met, and I did n’t have time to drink. Yan? I stuffed two packs of soft Chinese with one person, said goodbye to the director, took the policemen who were so happy to see the teeth, and then drove all the way to the village. The mountain road is extremely difficult to walk. When the village mouth is dark, the local security officer is collecting watermelons from his own melon field, sitting on a tractor and waiting for them, picking his feet while shaking a large fan.

Yan? Let Jiang stop in the co-pilot, sit in the back seat with the thin policeman, and talked all the way to the east, and patted him, "If you go and tell this uncle, I know that I will lead the way in the middle of the night Thanks to his hard work, he didn't let him go to work in a hurry, and quickly took us to Fan Sijia. I bought all of his watermelons. "

The skinny policeman was happy to be human, opened the window and said to the mud-legged director in local dialect. As a result, the director was very pleased when he heard it, and he applauded continually, and immediately felt the sharp long knife from the back.

Yan? L: "...?!"

Yan? L Conditioning reflexes reached out and touched the gun, the police stopped him: "You wait, you wait, he is going to give you cut melon!"

Yan? L ca n’t laugh or cry: "It ’s too dark to eat! Tell him do n’t cut, do n’t cut, hey, or just cut a piece of it, our flamboyant Lu consultant has n’t eaten anything tonight. Come to consultant Lu to eat a piece of melon to quench thirst ... "Then he took the sweet and red watermelon cut by the security officer and handed it to Jiang Xiaomei's salivating eyes.

"Want to eat?" Jiang Zang whispered.

Han Xiaomei nodded eagerly.

"Go by car," Jiang Zang instructed, "I'll cut it for you when things are done."

Han Xiaomei was endlessly inspired and started the g65 to keep up with the tractor of the security officer in front.

The lights turned off in the village at night, and there were no real fingers on the mountain road. Even if the two headlights of the car were shining, they could not penetrate too far. At this time, the advantages of the locals became apparent. The tractor did not know how many laps to go around, and finally bypassed the Jiuqu 18th turn. It stopped in front of a certain slope, and the security officer turned back and yelled a few times. .

"You can't drive it, you have to leave." The police gave Yan? L translation: "Behind is the house that Fan Si lived in the village in that year."

"Okay, trouble him to take us over." Yan? L took out the banknotes from the wallet, and did not specify the number in the dimness. After touching the thickness, he had a brain jam to the police and motioned him to hand it over to the uncle: "Han Xiaomei was waiting in the car, and consultant Lu followed me, remembering to bring the survey box. "

The professional melon farmer and part-time security director sold a whole tractor watermelon. He couldn't help but feel refreshed, and his steps were particularly brisk. He led the other four policemen across the soil slope, and then came around a long winding road. To the edge of a brick wall surrounded by broken walls, signaled that this is the house.

"No one, right?" Yan? L confirmed again.

The sheriff's director shook her hands, and the police also translated: "He said that Fan Si had left the village many years ago. He made an occasional return some time ago. He was in a hurry and didn't say hello when he saw someone. He stayed there. In Xiaobao's backyard, he left again the next day. This village is not big at all. If new faces appear, the whole village will know in less than half a day. Fan Si could not sneak back without anyone knowing. "

Yan? I said with certainty that I knew Fan Si could not sneak back. He was so dead that he couldn't die anymore. Even when he came back, he was a ghost. But in these years, the ghost is far from being scary. Looking for spades k, what's the matter with the people's police?

So he sent the security officer, touched Jiang and Jiang stopped wearing shoes and gloves, and asked the thin policeman to stay outside the yard and jump into the room.

This is a typical rural home building. The glass is tattered, the walls are covered with cement, and the flashlight is photographed all around. It can only be described by four walls. Yan? L pushed open the squeaky wooden door, turned the river with his elbow and stopped, and whispered: "Hey?"


"Are you afraid of ghosts?"


"If you are afraid, you can hold your husband's hand for comfort, heh."

Jiang Zang stared at the strong, muscular man's arm that stretched out in front of his eyes, and spent a lot of money and time in the gym at a glance. Somehow, he looked down and looked at his arm that was thinned. He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Yan? Laughed wildly: "I said you don't want to be overwhelmed by this academic ..."

The words did not fall, Jiang Zeng suddenly raised the flashlight to the tip of his chin, letting the light reflect his shameless face from the bottom, and he was stern with his tongue out.

Yan? L: "………………"

Then Jiang Zhan turned away without expression.

The three brick houses were as clear as they appeared, empty and clear at a glance, with no axe, drugs, gun bullets, or anything sufficient to become physical evidence.

But this is definitely wrong. Fan Zhengyuan has not returned to his hometown for many years. He returned once before the assassination of Jiang stopped. According to the normal logic of criminal investigation, he would either come to fetch things or hide things, so he would just run idly for nothing.

Yan? L made a few laps in the hall, pondered to get out of the house, and only listened to the backyard, so the sound of Jiang Zhe came: "Hey!"

"Hey, hey, when you go out and be asked," What's the name of the gentleman you married? "Do you want to say," His surname is Wei? "Yan? L flashed a flashlight, bypassed deep and shallow The brick building went to the backyard, and saw Jiang stopped with his back to him, squatting on the overgrown land, and seemed to be lifting something from the ground.

"Ouch, your posture is quite awkward. What is this?"

"..." Jiang Zhan didn't know if it was because of excessive force and how he heard the sound of his teeth grinning: "The cellar ..."

Yan? L for a while.

"What are you doing? Come and help!"

The cellar was covered with a slate, Yan? L put a flashlight into the waistband, reached out and held up the other end of the slate, but did not immediately lift it up completely, maintaining that action, rushing to the river and screaming: "Are you helping ? "


"Squeeze it?"


"Otherwise you can pinch me." Yan Yan said, turning his head to him.

Jiang Zun did not know where the small universe erupted, and his hands went strong together, booming! The slate was lifted sturdyly, revealing the tunnel that only one person could pass underneath. 2k novel reading network

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