Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 84: Chapter 84

Yan? L blurted out: "Be careful!"

The accident happened too quickly, and he had no time but to jump on the river to stop the ankle and hug the pier at the same time, and immediately stopped the tendency of the river stop to continue to slide out.

But in the blink of an eye, one and a half of the three people who were originally on the river embankment were suspended in the air, and all the weight was tied to Yan? L's hand holding the stone pier, freezing solidly.

"I'm a liar ... but only one word lied to you." Jiang Wei was overwhelmed by the weight of Bu Wei's fall, and each character was squeezed out of the teeth: "That's the sentence, what's your name for me? It doesn't make sense to say ... not so. From the very beginning, you are just me in your eyes, it has nothing to do with me, nor is it my shadow. "

Bu Wei raised her head, and she had only one elbow tightly grasped by Jiang Zhan's right hand. The weight of dozens of kilograms made Jiang Zhan's blue and white nails deeply penetrate into the flesh.

"The **** k lied to you. No matter what he told you, it was lied to you. You are too young to see the truth and you have been distorted by many ideas, but as long as you come up ... "

Jiangzhan felt that his center of gravity was leaning outwards by one centimeter and one centimeter, and cold sweat slanted across the cheek from the corner of the corner, because his teeth were too hard and his face was purple:

"As soon as I come up, I will tell you, Buwei, everything that has happened in these years, all"

Bu Wei finally reacted, and her soft laughter came from the wind:

"You might as well wait till below and tell me together."

At this point, the balance had reached the end of the crossbow, Bu Wei grabbed Jiang Zhan's arm with his other hand, and pulled him down with all his strength!

Yan? L lost his voice: "Stop!"

Jiang Zeng was forced to slide outwards suddenly, his heart was almost stopped, his brain was blank; when he responded, he had already grasped Jiang Zhe ’s ankle, and most of his body went out, in a thousandth of a second In time, Kankan stopped the momentum of weightlessness

Immediately afterwards, Bu Wei, like a kite with a broken line, fell straight into the river from a dam several meters high!


Water splashes reflected in the depths of Jiang Zhan's pupil.

He was completely suspended above his waist, and the wind screamed, and it was impossible to achieve a balance, not even the protruding stones on the river bank. Jiang stopped and gasped as he stood upright and suddenly roared, "Yan? L! Let go!"

Yan? L gritted his teeth and cursed: "You **** ..."

"Let go!" Jiang Zhan growled hoarsely: "I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to conceal you!"

Yan? For a moment, Jiang Zhan suddenly strove to kick his hands away, and in the gap that was more hasty than the blink of an eye, the whole person fell into the river with Bu Wei!

"I am!"

Yan? L This swearing is from the heart, it is more real than 24k real gold. He climbed up, pulled out his trousers and kicked off his shoes twice. He didn't think of anything in his mind, and jumped across the embankment and leaped outwards!

The river rushed towards the face, and re-shot into the eardrum instantly.

Yan? L spit bubbles to the surface, took a deep breath, another fierce child plunged into the river, struggling to swim forward.

Fortunately, in the summer season, the river was not too cold at night, and Yan's migration speed was very fast; after a while, he felt the water flow in front of him was turbulent, so he stepped forward a few steps, and he reached out and touched a person.

That hand is clearly Jiangzhan.

Yan? L Although I was a kid, I was the only son of the richest man anyway. In order to prevent the kidnapping of this **** plot, he still received the necessary skills training in snorkeling, drag racing, and survival in the wild. Jiang stopped swimming is not bad, but the water is definitely not as good as that of a semi-professional. I was caught from behind three or two times, struggling to land in the splash.

"Huh ... huh ..." Yan? L The soaked shirt was clinging to the pectoral muscles, and with the wheezing violently undulating, he forcibly dragged Jiangzhan to a pebble beach under the river embankment, pinching his chin to face Opened the bow several times. This force was not heavy, but it was not light either. Jiang Zhan put up with it and couldn't hold back, and finally spit out several mouthfuls of water from his throat.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ... Jiang Zhan lay down on the rough pebble beach, his face full of water wolf embarrassed, and Yan Yan, who was sitting across from him, wrapped himself in his arms.

"Are you crazy, would you dare to jump down in this water at midnight ?!"

"I caught her in the water just now," Jiang Zhanch coughed hoarsely: "Just a little, just a little ..."

Yan? L patted his back hard.

"She has some money and told me that she plans to go south to work. I guess she will still contact Spades K in the future. Although she can't be contacted, maybe she can get Jinjie and more associates through her ... ... I didn't expect her to be directly ... "

I don't know if it's emotional or uneasy, Jiang Zeng's whole body is wet and cold, and he's shaking terribly. Yan? L clutched his palm tightly, let him support most of his center of gravity, sitting on the bank of the river almost half-hugging, listening to the wind and snarling away in the distance of the river , Disappearing at the end of a distant plain.

"It's useless, you won't be able to save it." Yan? L said concisely and forcefully in his ear. "The rescue in the water requires the rescued person's cooperation, but she just wants to drag you to death."

Jiang stopped shaking and nodded, leaning on Yan's fiery arms for a long time, and barely gradually subsided.

"Spades k." Jiang Jiang suddenly said without warning, his voice was still hoarse after soaking in water: "He is particularly good at inducing this kind of antisocial tendency in his nature, or his mind is not fully developed, and he is easily confused by power. He is born by nature. He has been gifted in this respect since childhood, not only for Bu Wei, but also for me ... and ... "

"I know." Yan? L Shensheng said, "You and Spades K are the first victims in a true serial kidnapping case, aren't they?"

Jiang Zhe was silent for a long time and nodded.

"What year happened, also 15 or 16 years old?"

"……Do not."

Yan? L lowered his head slightly, facing the sight of Shangjiang stop, and saw his little **** mouth grin shortly: "It was when I was ten years old, when I first met Spades K."

Yan? L was slightly surprised inside.

He could guess that the two had known each other very early, but did not expect it to be so early!

"I was abandoned at the door of the orphanage since I was young, not this orphanage," Jiang Zhan said weakly, raising his chin in the direction of Jiayuan Road in the distance. Unlike the adoption of children as fashionable as I do now, I grew up in the orphanage to ten years old and did n’t read much. I ran wild all over the mountain. Until one summer evening, I came across a small river bank that looked like A boy of almost the same age, dressed especially well, playing the violin against the water ... "

In the early summer evening the sky was full of red, a well-dressed little boy stood by the river in the countryside and played the violin.

If this scene is entrusted to the director to shoot, it will definitely be a very romantic and poetic scene, maybe it is also very beautiful. But I do not know why, it may be that what happened later, this picture actually made Yan? L felt a weird chill in my heart.

"I've never seen this little boy in a nearby town. I felt very rare in my heart. I guess he might be a rich young man. Then he peeped a lot. I found that he often played the piano in the abandoned theater. It sounds good, so I sneaked out of the orphanage, ran several miles to the theater, and hid behind the scenes on the second floor to listen to his performance. "

"I made friends once or two. I really thought I was a friend at the time." Jiang stopped and laughed at himself: "I blame me for committing Tai Chi, and I was so curious that I couldn't help myself."

Yan? L was holding his hand, his palm was close to his palm, and when he heard the words, he struck on the back of his hand.

"How did Spadek introduce himself to you at that time?" Yan asked.

"Eight eighty-nine-year-olds, what kind of introduction is needed, I ca n’t remember even the fake name he made up later ... It should be called Kaikai or Keke. Anyway, I did n’t think much about it at the time. With a new friend, I foolishly sneaked out of the house every day, and occasionally the orphanage could not eat enough. When he was hungry, he brought me some snacks and snacks and invited me to eat. "Jiang Sui raised his hand to block His face, "Don't look."

Yan? L took his hand gently and tough, and looked directly at the pale face: "So when you encounter kidnapping, you will try your best to protect your little friend?"

Jiang Zeng buried her head and nodded a moment later.

"Spades k is not a self-made drug lord. On the contrary, his family background has concentrated on the three major elements of money, background and crime. I also learned later that it turned out that he was sent to the country because the family was involved. The big drug lords were fighting each other, but they actually came to avoid the disaster, but they didn't expect to escape the fate of being kidnapped, and they brought me. "

"... Is the entire abduction process the same as Bu Wei and Shen Xiaoqi?" Yan? L whispered.

Jiang Zhan's head was buried in his chest. From a slightly higher angle, only black hair with dripping water on his head and a small white cheek were seen, reflecting the light of a distant street lamp slightly.

"Yes," Ban Hanjiang stopped hard and authentic.

"At the time we were trapped in the valley, and he had a high fever. I could only go looking for water. I was so thirsty that I didn't dare to drink blood ... I didn't think about it a lot. I thought that if I died, I should No one cares. But he must be a young master with parents, relatives, and love. He is like a fairy. If only one person can live, it is more worthwhile for him to survive. "

When a ten-year-old child was on the verge of desperation, he thought so.

Yan has been rough since he was a child. He has not paid careful attention to the so-called gap between the rich and the poor or the class threshold. But at this moment, more than twenty years ago, the self-confidence and carefulness of an orphan from the ravine, whistled through time and hit him hard.

"Shen Xiaoqi swears to Bu Wei that she will repay her when she goes out. This detail is the same as that year, because Spade K said so. Maybe his original words are heavier than Shen Xiaoqi. What swears that he will always be a brother or something It's like a TV series, but I can't remember it for more than two decades. "

Jiang Zhe smiled bitterly, staggered his gaze, and looked at the sparkling river.

But at that moment it was severe? L felt like a rhinoceros, and he couldn't remember what Jiang stopped thinking, instead he always remembered clearly.

It was so clear that he was even more reluctant to mention it.

"You were still saved afterwards?" Yan? L asked warmly, "the so-called mineral water is ..."

"What water, there is no bottle of water at all." Jiang shook his head calmly. "The so-called betrayal of Spades is a metaphor. Another thing is that after we were trapped for a few days, we suffered from dehydration and high fever. Spade k's buddies finally tracked into the valley. At that time I was not very clear, only vaguely felt that someone called 'catch the rope' above my head. I subconsciously stretched out my hand, but **** k moved faster. , Suddenly pushed me from behind, grabbed the rescue rope first, and I watched him dragged up. "

"They left you ?!"

"That's not true." Jiang paused and said, "But it's really been a long time, and even the sun has gone down ... someone just pulled me up."

It's been an understatement now, but for a little boy who is severely dehydrated and dying, the joy of hope and instant despair, and the suffering of waiting for hours alone are beyond the imagination of many adults.

Yan? L moved his lips, but didn't know what to say, only a moment before he squeezed out: "The group was ..."

"I don't really want to save me," Jiang Zang said softly, "I know."

A faint moonlight passes through the clouds, reflecting the rivers, plains, and the tops of mountains and rivers further afield. Jiang Zang closed his eyes silently, and when he opened it again, he seemed to see a similar night, the same lonely moonlight, and passed the rude frosted glass window of the township hospital

He lay on the small bed, opened his eyes, and saw the familiar figure standing in front of the bed against the light, holding a small wild fruit in his arms.

The two children did not speak, and after a while, the standing little boy asked abruptly:

"I pushed you, do you remember?"

"..." Xiao Jiang nodded.

"do you hate me?"

Jiang paused for a moment and shook his head.


The high fever made Xiao Jiang faint and hoarse, and said quietly, "Because that's your family. They should save you first, and it should be."


"I have no family again."

The little boy finally moved. He carefully placed the wild fruit in his arms on the bedside, then stomped his feet, and leaned against Xiaojiang's ear, his voice soft and firm:

"I'm your family."

"From now on, you will share wealth, status, and authority with me. You are my only brother."

The wind swept across the earth from the depths of the sky, through mountains and rivers, plain railroad tracks, and the vast misty lights of the city, blowing sharp whistle, spinning and flying towards the end of the horizon.

Jiang Zhan snored slightly, and was immediately pressed into his arms, pressing his palms against the wet black hair.

"So you grew up with Spades K?"

Although it is a question sentence, Yan? L's tone is a gentle statement. In fact, he is ready to accept any answer.

To his surprise, he felt Jiang stopped in his arms and shook his head: "No. Do you remember that I told you that when I traced the new fentanyl compound 'Blue Gold' a few years ago, The abandoned village poison-making base has encountered Spades K, and was pointed at his head with a gun? "

Yan? L Of course I remember that when they returned from Jiangyang County to Jianning, when Jiang Zhan was forced to climb out the window to drink, he said that the authenticity was still open to question.

"That's true." Jiang Zhan seemed to see through his mind, and his eyes slightly smiled bitterly: "It was the first time after 20 years of the kidnapping that I encountered adult spades ..."

"So now you know the reason why after the covert investigation was exposed, he killed those informants, but agreed to let me go, even promising to cooperate."

The torrential rain outside the factory door, the countless pale blue ghosts shimmered in the dark, and the dim light that could not see the end filled the vision, as if the ghost fire danced in the eighteenth floor of hell.

"Twenty years have passed ... but I have never forgotten you."

There was a faint impact in the heavy rain in the distance, and a thud, and then another gunshot.

Jiang Ding's fingers dangled beside him could not stop trembling, but he forced himself to calm down and raised his head slightly, although this action might affect the cold muzzle on the temple:

"Then you want to kill me now?"

"No." He heard Spades smiled. "You are my only brother. It has always been. My wealth, status, and authority, all the strange things in this world can be shared with you ..."

"Like 20 years ago you and I shared the springs, wild fruits, and the life-saving rope between mountains and forests." 2k novel reading network

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