Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 99: Chapter99

"I've seen this bullet." Jiang paused and said, "Exactly, I've seen this batch of bullets."

Yan Yan was a little surprised: "What?"

Jiang Zang raised his chin to the phone and asked, "Do you know what the metal lettering outside the fire cup at the bottom of the cartridge case means?"

This is not a difficult problem. Although Yan Yan's police academy class is average, the man's love of guns and firearms in his nature has not forgotten this part of his knowledge: "Arsenal code and year of production, what happened?"

"The bullet ’s lettering is 421, 04, that is, in 2004, it was produced by the Southwest Fulin Group code 421. Southwest Fulin Group was one of the earliest military companies in China. Before the liberation, it mainly produced various types of bullets and After the reform and opening up, because of policy changes, like most of the military enterprises at that time, they gradually turned into auto parts manufacturing enterprises. "

"Until the beginning of this century, the Furling Group began to undertake some military projects. Most of the firearms and bullets produced were supplied to the Southwest Military Region after the supply and demand department was reorganized, and a small amount was supplied to the public security system. About 03 years ago, the Furling Group responded to the national military industry. The policy was internally adjusted, and some types of firearm bullets were changed from full brass cartridges to aluminum copper plating. All 9mm pistol bullets produced after the Spring Festival in 2004 were all copper-plated. "

Yan Yan suddenly understood something.

The shell he photographed was obviously all copper, that is to say, the production date may only be a short period of 20 days from January 1, 2004 to the Spring Festival!

"Yes." Jiang Zhe knew what he thought without looking: "Excluding the New Year's Day holiday, the actual start time should be only about ten days. Then estimate the total production capacity of the Fulin Group and the production of other types of bullets, market numbers The full brass nine-millimeter Rug rounds of 412, 04 should be very rare. "

Yan Yan immediately asked: "If you just investigate the whereabouts of this batch of bullets, can you not lock down the suspect?"

——As soon as the words came out, he realized his absurdity.

It was impossible for another arsenal to obediently investigate him. Starting from the perspective of bullets, it was not reliable to report to the Ministry of Public Security to apply for a comparison of the national police gun rifling data.

But Jiangzhan did not make fun of him, but instead nodded: "It is indeed this idea."

Yan Yan: "..." Are you looking for steps for your husband in disguise?

Jiang Zhan didn't seem to find Yan Yan's expression, or he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Judging from Jiang Zhan's minimalist style, the latter is more likely.

"I said, I've seen this batch of bullets. That was when I was at the Gongzhou Anti-Drugs Detachment a few years ago. If the output is very rare and once existed in the Gongzhou public security system, then According to the general principles of the product distribution of ordnance enterprises, it is likely that the entire batch of brass 9 mm Luger bombs were supplied to Gongzhou, and it is unlikely that a batch with a small output would be dismantled and transported to a farther place. Go outside. "

Jiang Zhan's narrative was smooth and quiet, and Yan was dumbfounded before asking: "... Are you sure?"


Jiang Ding said that there is a high probability, which basically means definite.

"But how do you know the facts about the bullets produced by Flynn Group, and remember the bullet number a few years ago?"

Jiang stopped smiling, and the smile under the shadow of the lamp was not obvious. It seemed to just twitch the corner of his mouth. "I always pay more attention to this. Besides, we have changed the production of bullet brass from copper plating in China, and everyone who knows a little about military news knows it. Right. "

This is obviously perfunctory.

It should be because I saw the subtlety of Yan Mao's eyes, and Jiang Zhe added a rare sentence. The meaning of this bitter smile can no longer be masked: "The prices of copper bullets and copper-plated bullets are not the same ... Do I have to continue explaining? ? "

Yan Yan opened his mouth halfway, silently "ah" for a moment, patted Jiang Zeng's shoulder, and smiled: "You were also a master of intelligence spying everywhere in Gongzhou."

Jiang Zhan asked indifferently: "Do you think it is easy for ordinary people to upgrade and upgrade in the Gongzhou system? From the average professional level of the Jianning Municipal Bureau, the difficulty of the Gongzhou copy is almost the same as your multiplication by ten."

Yan Yan didn't care about Jiang's usual ridicule of Jianning City Bureau. He was already used to ridicule anyway. He was more concerned about: "How can we determine now? The rifling data of police pistols can only be checked by the local public security department. , But Gongzhou ... "

It is theoretically feasible to report to the Ministry of Public Security for further investigation according to the process. But the system has been lingering for a long time, and even Yan Que, a once idealist, knows that many things from "theoretical feasibility" to "practical feasibility" are often hidden by the naked eye.

Waiting for a year and a half to compare the rifling, it may be that the grass on the head of the grave may be half a person tall.

Jiang paused and opened his mouth. It seemed that he had some words to stop, and then exhaled softly: "There is a way."

Yan narrowed his eyes and only heard him spit out three words: "Qi Sihao."

Qi Sihao, then the police of the Second Anti-Drug Division, Jiang Zang's men, is now the head of the first branch of the Gongzhou Criminal Investigation Corps.

A man with a lot of careful thinking and a bit of hob flesh and bullishness, and deliberately put on a uniform to straighten the waist when facing Yan Yan.

Yan Ye has never seen a veteran frontline policeman with a soft and cold palm, or even the deputy bureau of Wei who has been in the leadership post for a long time. The scars and calluses on the palm cannot be eliminated, but Qi Sihao is the first.

"Is there a breakthrough in him?" Yan Yan sat upright and asked straight.


Yan Xie's look of Xie Yuanjiang stopped, suddenly responded: "You are going to Gongzhou with Yang Mei this time, just to confirm this?"

It may be because Jiang Zhan has warmed up, his pale and blue complexion has returned to normal, and the whiteness is very even, so his hair and pupils are unusually black, and even a little dark. "You remember us The bag of fentanyl compounds found on Hu Weisheng's roof. "

Of course Yan Yan remembered that Jiang Zang tried to hide it and take it away at the first sight of the bag of blue powder.

Jiang Zang said, "I didn't take it because I wanted to take drugs ..."

"I know." Yan Min interrupted him, and there was an inconspicuous smile under his eyes: "You are in the transparent bag for drugs."

Jiang Zang did not expect that he knew the answer, and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"I later wondered why you wanted to hide this pack of drugs. If it was only because of the drug itself, Hu Weisheng was arrested. It would be a matter of time before the new fentanyl compound is discovered by the police. There are so many 'blue gold' transactions on the border. The police It only takes a little more time to get the sample. That means you are not thinking about hiding the blue gold itself, but other clues. "

Yan Zheng approached slightly, staring at Jiang Zhan's black-and-white eyes, with a smile: "It's the hand-written label on the sealed transparent bag."

——Group 7 nine boxes of 7704.

In the lower right corner of the sealed bag, the handwriting on the yellowed label slightly faded and clearly appeared in front of Jiang Zhan's eyes.

Yan Yan leaned too close, and the sense of oppression in the male instinct was faintly covered.

Jiang Zhan leaned back slightly, squinted his eyes, and looked up and down on the handsome face of Yan Deputy Detachment. He snorted from the nasal cavity for a while: "Although your reflex nerve arc has been slow for a full five months ..."

Yan Yan's detachment accepted humblely as praise.

"... but how did you react?"

"Oh, in fact, two days ago, Lu Bureau asked me to go to an illegal to-be-deposited warehouse to help me with the review. I saw the seized stolen goods sent by the anti-drug detachment. There was a box of **** | I put a note to mark it. "Blinking slyly and slyly:" I only searched for drugs before, I never knew what would happen to drugs after they entered the warehouse to be sold. It was only after I saw this that I realized that you were hiding it. The bag of blue gold is because it found the number to be sold in the lower right corner of the bag, which confirmed that Hu Weisheng's bag of blue gold was the stolen goods that had been seized-but how did you determine that it originated from Gongzhou, not from other places? "

Jiang Zhan's pupils pressed into a line, flickering sharply in the dimness.

"Because of the pending number," he said coldly, "it's my handwriting."

-No wonder his first reaction was hiding!

Yan Ye silently "Oh-" for a while, pondering: "So Hu Weisheng was boasted after being drunk, saying that this bag of blue gold was stolen from spades k, this should be a lie. It should be a respect. Someone inside the state system sells the seized drugs for sale in private. By chance, this bag of blue gold flows to Hu Weisheng? "

Jiang stopped and nodded: "It should be."

"His," Yan Mo rubbed his chin, pondered for a long time, and said with emotion: "Your copy really is a treasure of feng shui of personal talent ... hey! Hit someone again!"

Yan Yan smiled at Jiang Zang's hand, pulled his upper body into his strong and fiery arms, and asked, "How do you know that Qi Sihao, the private drug dealer?"

Jiang Zhan maintained this slightly tilted upper body position, put his hands in the soles of Yan Yan's palms, held him tightly, and did not pull back, saying, "I'm not sure, I'm just skeptical. The provincial public security departments' centralized destruction of seized drugs Usually once a year, usually with the participation of waste disposal professionals and people from the provincial notary office. If there is any fraud, it can never be done by one or two people, and there should be a whole chain of interests. And Qi Sihao as The detachment captain is a heavyweight who covers the green light, saying that it is absolutely impossible without him. "

It really makes sense.

"And," Jiang paused, his eyes glooming gradually: "I went to Gongzhou this time, and determined something."

Yan Yan's expression focused.

"I made a list of surviving anti-drug police in the plastic factory bombing three years ago and found that the condition of these people's homes is not very good now. Some have retreated, some have been transferred, and several have gone to the police station. Maybe it's because I don't want to have a relationship with drugs anymore. "

Jiang Zang raised his head, Yan Yan could not see his look, and saw that his throat was slipping up and down, as if he swallowed his mouth hard—when he reopened, he had suppressed the husky in his voice and replaced it with a cold forest. :

"Only Qi Sihao was promoted to a fortune and got in and out of a luxury car. According to enquiries, he had just sent his child abroad to study."

Yan Min's expression moved slightly, and he patted Jiang Zeng's shoulders in comfort.

"I'm fine," Jiang Zang said hoarsely.

I do not know why Yan Yan's heart suddenly passed a trace of unknown congratulations.

The explosion three years ago was the eternal thorn in Jiang Ding's heart, which made him sleepless day and night, and stabbed in his heart forever. But someone can hate that it is always a good thing. Not until the last day, look around and find that all sins are ultimately to themselves. The only person who can hate and retaliate is himself.

For a survivor like Jiangzhan, someone can love and someone can hate, all are hopes that support him to live.

Jiang Zhan, this person, basically does not show negative emotions in front of others, even if he is in a state of dysfunction in front of Yan Yan, it is very short-term. He quickly took a deep breath and rubbed his face heavily.

"When planning the operation three years ago, Qi Sihao was just an ordinary anti-drug policeman. Even if he colluded with the men of Spades K, it was unlikely that he would leak key information. However, he became a detachment leader and sold it for sale in private. In terms of drugs, he has exposed a lethal handle that we can grasp. "

Jiang Zhan and Yan Yan always had bright eyes when they looked at each other, but when he raised the corner of his lips, the slight smile on Jun Xiu's face had a cold meaning:

"——You said, if Spadek knew that Qi Sihao had been involved in the private sale of blue gold, what would he do?"

Jianning Public Security Bureau.

"I don't know anything, what happened to Yan Yan has nothing to do with me? What do you guys want?"

Fang Zhenghong's excited roar was so clear and audible across the glass that he didn't need to wear a wireless headset. Yu Zhu frowned and took the headphones a little further, sighing: "Lao Fang has really been ... for the past few years."

Lu Bureau's fat figure stood on her side with his back on his back, and his glass face reflected his motionless face.

"Lao Fang, calm down, we are all old people for years. You also know that the program must go, don't you?" Wei Yao sat at the iron table in the inquiry room and consciously persuaded him: "Our criminal investigation deputy branch of the Public Security Bureau is very likely to have happened in the city bureau. Do you think we can ask you? We not only asked you, we also ..."

Fang Zhenghong interrupted impatiently: "The only object you suspect now is me, all right!"

At this moment Wei Yao really missed Yan Yan's good temper. Although this mixed boy Diao Erlang is more and more scolded and skinned, compared to Founder Hong, the richest man's baby Dumiao is much easier to handle ...

"We not only doubt you, we also doubt Qin Chuan, but also everyone in the criminal investigation detachment. Anyone who has the motivation and conditions to commit the crime is within the scope of the suspect." Wei Yao moved his **** on the chair and tried to let himself listen. Going up even more earnestly: "Lao Fang, if there is a behind-the-scenes player in the bureau, we must kick him out, otherwise this time it will be Yan Yan, who will be next time? Maybe you, maybe I may be more innocent colleagues. So we will not let go of any doubts. We must thoroughly investigate and eliminate the future troubles. We must never cover up a brocade and take it as if nothing happened ... "

Xu Wei of the Deputy Bureau of Wei did not know how many times was interrupted by Founder Hong: "Why can't a bed of brocade be covered?"

Wei Yao blinked his old eyes.

Founder Hongsen said coldly: "Isn't that the simplest and most efficient way to deal with it?"

It may be the reason for the dark light in the inquiry room. Fang Zhenghong's original blue-and-white-yellow complexion became more and more ill under the light. His two eyes were exuberantly red, and his eyes were a little muddy. An indescribable gloomy feeling.

"..." Deputy Bureau Wei froze for a while, and finally asked, "Lao Fang, do you have any opinions on the organization?"

Yu Zhu outside the glass window shook her head, smiling a little: "This old Wei, how can you make the inquiry like this?"

"Because of concern, chaos." Lu Bureau said quietly.

Yu Zhu froze, but saw Lu Bureau push the door into the interrogation room.

"I've explained everything that I can explain. How many times do you want me to say that? If you hold on to me, do you just because I have been convicted ?! Yes, the surname is the son of the richest man in Jianning, what happened to you? We must investigate with utmost importance, but I will tell you, Lao Wei, but Fang Zhenghong himself earned from the bottom by virtue of his own efforts. I have arrested more prisoners than he has ever seen! Well worth it ... "

The Deputy Bureau of Wei was having a headache. When Lu Bureau came in, he immediately stood up: "Lao Lu, look at this, hey--"

Lu Bureau waved his hand, motioned for Deputy Wei to go out, then opened his chair and sat across from the interrogation table:

"Old man."

There was no smile on Lü Ju's dignified and chubby face. The heavy weight weighed on Fang Zhenghong, letting his saliva spit out unconsciously until he looked away. .

Lu Bureau said, "You look at me."

"..." Fang Zhenghong gritted his teeth and raised his face with his neck.

Lu Bureau asked, "Did you do it?"

The Deputy Bureau Wei was leaving the interrogation room. Before Yu Zhu could say hello to him, the two heard the interrogation at the same time and looked back in surprise at the glass window.

Founder Hongbang threw out three words: "What do you say ?!"

"He, he, what kind of attitude do you say?" Wei Wei, who had just touched his gray nose, was immediately angry.

Yu Zhu quickly waved to appease him.

Lu Bureau, however, seemed to completely ignore Fang Zhenghong's stance, calmly and calmly asked, "If it is not you, why should you stop Qin Chuan from knowing that the medicinal wine comes from Yan Yan, and throw it away afterwards Medicine bottle? "

In the interrogation room, only Fang Zhenghong's rough gasp could be heard. His face was blue, red and purple, and it took a bit of smoke to froze, "I have my reason, I don't want to say."

--Prefer not to say?

Isn't this clearly rolling and repudiating? !!

This time, not only Wei Deputy Bureau, but even Yu Zhu's face was cold, and the two took a step closer to the single-sided glass window at the same time.

But to the surprise of the two of them, Lu Bureau did not respond, and his stable and powerful voice did not change at all. Finally, he asked the last sentence since he entered the interrogation room:

"Can I still believe you, old man?"

Fang Zhenghong's silence lasted longer than last time. Only when Wei Yao and others felt that he was not prepared to answer or had nothing to say, he saw his face tremble, and a yin and yin appeared. Yang, people looked at the uncomfortable smile rising up in their hearts.

He spit out a word from his teeth:


Lu Bureau nodded and got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

The door opened and closed, and Yu Zhu hurried forward to meet Lv Ju, just tightening her brows and trying to say something. Lv Ju raised her hand to block her unexported question: "I believe in Fang Zhenghong."

Vice Bureau Wei blurted out: "What?"

Both looked surprised, but Lv Bureau did not look at any of them and said coldly:

"It's not him who poisoned."

The author has something to say:

Thanks for 怦然 心动 x33, Harahi x29,

landyx15, Hexuan x11, Warm wine boiled blue and white x10, sarorox10, cranberry yogurt pudding ice cream x10, strawberry holding sugar syrup x10,

Yan Yan ’s fatal weakness is Jiangzhan x7, coconut round billowing x7, is it knocking? x6, Nancangxue x6, Shen 荩 x6, Qingx5, college entrance examination closed, woo woo x5, Sui Mu Tianhan and other blue x5, a sweet cherry x4, Zhou Hui's charm x4, blue cymbal x3, hundred nothing One use is stupid x3, 22862218x3, Xiyu x3, You Xuan Xuanzi * x3, mimix3, Qingge Miaowu x3, matcha cheese x3, He Jinshui x3, a black pen x3, a random page x3, today Drink a little wine at night x3, nonstop rain x3 in Suzhou and Hangzhou x2, snow shower x2, electricx2, cloth book x2, 薏 米米 x2, the coolest cold skin x2, Wenzi x2, sorceryx2, ruix2, good mood always x2, Miss Li with glasses! X2, quilt Hanan Xiaonanx2, the small bayonet of Huai Niu's family ~ x2, Sister Ruan's little skirt x2, You x2, 22669738x2, very hungry x2, Huai Zhun x2, love reading Yu Ji x2, lazystarx2, damhx2, gaosubarux2, shirox2, yo x2, 27326302x2, Wenyou x2, Guanmao x2,

26673323, Xiahe Xinghe, candy q ~, felon, shabby people, sihuo, Jiangzhan, the world's first cutest, spring shirts to dye, difficult to learn, green branches, flowers, Wang Chaobu, fire feather white, Yanjiang cp Qingtian Gao, self-deprecating, Yun Shen is not ashamed, qzuser, 24436858, Guang Chengzi, ruarua, gardenia, the wind should be cool, empty and smiling, Shen Yanchi, is my justina, ytg, Shaoxing Xu Beihong, nickname, squash, floor衾, qtmtdhk, Zhizhi, First sight, astupidcat, cat candy, mickey mother, vivian, scorpio monkey, grow freely, 壕 's fresh little angel, 29013181, 璟 璟, yoyo, the string of light, eight dolphin said he cannot Eagle, I am quiet, slang, Su Qizhi, walking in the clouds, Yuemijiu, potato in outer space, late at night, Xiao Xiao, Yang Xiaoyu 704, Ying Ying, Mrs. Lei, moon cake moon cake moon cake, heartshine, Ah Alas. , Papa, fishbowl, strangling, stone bunny rabbit, 24718756, Nepal, heartwarming, xx, cherry blossom, 25951315, dumpling, Weiyi, salt chestnut, lotus root, Cantonese style roasted treasure, Wen Fei smoke , I'm Xiaoxia yh, 25204396, Sweet without name, Su Su Su Su, Tong Tong, Mu Yi, Little Butterfly, Zhou Tianxing Cannon Gunner, Liekui, For Liuli, Please take your mind to read the text, hilther, Shanglu, Chenxi, a golden candy, framed framed frame, banquet acacia, Jiangyue, Qingqing Heart, Kamen Meow sado, strong total attack, I just want to lie still, Su Qianmo, Liu Muzhen, bar ball, Slow Cow, Badger, Mint Night Bell, Li Xianxian, Yuanshui Yingbaiyue, Tongtong, Rotten Delay, Ard, Speech, Tranquil Sea, Cat Lost by Travel, Hibiscus, Right Hand of Death, 25504054, 柒 沅, Setena Xuan He, fox, cat, cat, wolf, lack of sugar in this life, small fish, 27012035, tadpole, 27558379, Su Shiyu, riko, Chi Yan, Lizi red, unpredictable-, vudopia, 26532178, white rice balls, Lu Jinzhang, Qingbei, Maomao's Little Summer Festival, Wenwen, Braised Egg Congee and Porridge, Envy to My Bowl Lilai, 283, old big stone, single suspension bridge head, xl_winddeer, coral, one light Changming, Muyeyanliang, wang's wifi, silly fufu's mental retardation, don't worry, tomato mine chestnuts and more!

Thank you Cranberry Yogurt Pudding Shake x5, Little cute Jiji is not me x2, Su Yika_all back down_good frustration x2, full moon x2, listening to snow x2, four hairs x2, gaosubaru, Mr. Dazai's mushroom , Cat eggs, matcha cheese cakes, holy water mosquitoes in Sheshan, wasabi wasabi w, one night rain, Nishizawa seven, Sakura Xuan, June car in love, Huai Cui's cherry tea mulberry, titani □□, Suzhou and Hangzhou Non-stop rain, cricket, aiko, Xianggouzi don't like hot dogs, the dust lamp is late, Chengmei falls into the dust, the stardust is not Chenchen, the drunk is lying in the red dust, the sea mulberry field has been spent, the biubomb's adult grenades!

Thanks for 氿 泲 x2, muzsikasx2, end of the month, college entrance examination closed whee, Ronzi, very hungry, jumping candy collection machine, Feiyue, sophy, Nishizawa seven, little maid, vivi, melodyhsu, Yun Fei, Bai Huai , Tang Tang loves Huai Huai! , Fengxianxian, cranberry yogurt pudding ice cream, Jin Guangyao Yao, Sheng Shengtai Pu on the ground, the rocket launcher of everyone above suephi!

Thank you ま ふ ま ふ (Is this id really displayed at the front desk smoothly?) Adult's shallow water bomb!

Thank you for a ton x6 of Aihuai (classmates! Too much !!! Look at my big eyes like Ziwei promised Erkang to promise me to hold your hand for the next week, classmates!),

Deep-water torpedo above the two adults!

Thank you all for your comments and long comments, bow ~! 2k novel reading network

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