Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Episode 101: The Strongest Man in the Dojo

After a series of image training and punishment, return to reality. When you open your eyes, there is a mirror in front of you. Until now, it seemed to me that I was doing pre-training meditation on the first floor of the dojo, and no one was careful to call out. Then, standing up, I picked up the jump rope, and the guys training in the dojo and Amae, who was reading a book beside me, looked up and looked at me.

"Wow ... a great demon, jump ahead ..."

The basic way of jumping has been in the world of VI. It was the first time, but I jumped without difficulty as imagined.

"Are you good?な Don't jump by inertia without deciding the number or time? Decide on a break with Puchan. At first, it's like three minutes. Then, after an interval, this time we jump again in another three minutes. '

However, instead of just jumping, focus on the restrictions. In addition, check that your posture and form have not collapsed while watching your whole body jumping with a large mirror.

"Daima Double Jump"

「「 「「 オ オ オ ウ オ 」」 」」 」

Nobody responds to me just jumping normally, but when I performed various techniques such as double jumping, everyone started to impress.

"That new, magical jumping rope is for the first time ...?" "Ah, but how to use and how to jump ...... and double jumps are done properly ..." "I like the motor nerves. Una "

I have been praised in various ways, but this is no problem since I trained several times. Besides, I was asked by the Great Demon King to be straightforward ...

"Hmm ... mmmmmm!"

At that time, seeing me jumping, I thought I wanted to do it, Amae took out a small jump rope that seemed to be for a child and started jumping hard next to me.

“Hey, it ’s good,” “Nhu ♪”

Amae laughs in good mood when praised. While I'm so sorry for such exchanges, I warm my body, including variations such as jumping and jumping one leg. Sure, it was an easy win at first, but as time goes on, it gradually loads up the body. If you do this every day by warming up, you can no longer say it is effective. Furthermore, it is very tasty that it does not need a fixed area like a ladder, and can be done anywhere if there is enough space to jump this rope.

"N-fu, Pyon-pon-pon ♪" "Oh, are you going to fight?, But I'm more amazing!"

And, above all, children can play it. In other words, training that anyone can do. While watching Amae jumping forward and backward in humming, I felt again how much this training was. That's when we are training in front of a mirror side by side ...

"Hey. Did you miss the shy Amae already? Isn't she taking care of it?"

The high priest approached us during the training, calling out, laughing happily. And I remembered again that this great priest was one of the great six-lords, Yamadile.

"Do you like kids?"

"That's what it is ..."

"Hmmm, are your children cute? What if you want to have a child yourself?" Or, if you have a partner, do you want to make a child quickly or do you want your own child?

"No, no, no, no?"

What?か I am so glad that Amae and I got a little closer together, opened my eyes wide and Yamidile asked me to come close. No, do you want to make a child?欲 し い Do you want a child? What did he say suddenly? Why do I just want to get along with Amae and I like children and want my own children? Yeah, Traina was saying. He didn't understand this thought circuit in the trainer. Is that something?

"No, not really ... I don't even like her ... Well ... Even if I were there, wouldn't that still be the case?"

I told Yamidile while skipping the rope skipping rhythm and keeping my concentration. Yeah, making a child ... is that something you do? That's the kind of thing you get after you get to know each other better ... and after you get married ... roughly my parents ...


Suddenly, my father's face came to mind. Yes, I didn't work with my parents. I can't be a good parent, and I'm sorry for those kids. Well, but if you get married around Shinobu, he's going to focus on educating his kids and messing up ... what are I thinking?

"Yet ... what's ahead? What's ahead? How long is it ahead? How many seconds ahead? How many more revolutions will this star have?-No one knows the future "I don't know when people will die. Sometimes I just step off and fall off the stairs, but I die. But first? Why don't you do it as soon as you can?"

But I didn't like my answer ... Yamidile ...

"Do you think the future is always guaranteed?"

I was throwing words with weight and feeling somewhere. Then I listened to the words and saw the next trainer. Probably, Yamidile wrote this word because of this trainer. Yes, you die as the Great Demon King. That is why not everyone has tomorrow or the future is guaranteed. Can I procrastinate?い Do you have to do it as soon as you can? Was a word that made me think unexpectedly. But such heavy words ...

"Or maybe you ... you're not familiar yet?"

This woman ruined Assari. Then I shouted and I inadvertently failed with a skipping rope on my foot.

"What is it?" "I don't know you!"

And Amae leaning her neck with her face. further……

"No way, at that age ... no ..." "I'm fine every morning!" "Why then ... why? ... No way, you like an age like Amae ... ――― ”“ A guy who loves sexy bodies! ”

I screamed and denied Yamidile, who had no doubt. I feel like I shouted a word that I regret a little ...

"Nu ... sexy body ... hmm, then ... should we have bigger breasts, for example?" "Cho, wait, what are you talking about?" "... breasts ... "He is still developing ... I still hope ... and he has a shape rather than a size ..."

I'm muttering something about what I think is what I said ... no, it's weird ... what are you thinking? Even though Traina thought he was not good,

"Foo ... Oshinin. I'm back now ..."

At that time, the door of the dojo opens ...

"That ... oh ..." "... Huh ..."

The person who came in. The man, me, and Traina were deprived.

"Did you return?" "... Instructor ... Is there an inspection today?" "Well, what happened to Tsukushi?"

The moment the man came in, I felt that the room temperature in the dojo had increased.

"" ""

I sweated from my whole body, steaming out of steam, and I felt as if my other trainees in the dojo were feeling tight. And ...

"Kyuhuu ... Ojisan!" "Amae ...... Do not run around too much in the dojo ...... I get injured." "Muh!" "And it's better not to touch me right away. What?

Amae throws a skipping rope and runs happily to the man. Looking at it, I understand.

No, even if I didn't see that, I knew the moment the man entered the dojo.

The atmosphere is clearly different.

If one hundred people hear, 100 people say they are huge. But to be honest, there will be bigger ones if you are only tall, and if you talk about tribal things, Aka is bigger. However, this man is not only large but also dense.

Developed muscle that can be seen even on clothes. The arms, neck, and legs are all as thick as a log, and yet you can see that they have a stiff hardness.

"Huh ... good meat ... good attitude"

With a deeply carved dark face and short hair, the light of the eyes was releasing an intense moment when entering the dojo, but the moment the Amae rushed, the eyes are warm and soft, and the atmosphere that makes you feel fatherhood And smiled at Amae.


And I met my eyes.

"... I don't see anyone ... Is it a new beginner?" "Oh, yes. I brought you." I'm so young ... how do you see it? "

A muscular man who gazes at me while talking to Yamadile. Perhaps this is ...

"I was surprised. At this young age ... This body ... I had a thick core from head to toe ... I could feel the flexibility of my muscles ... I had both power and speed ... And I was going through a lot of shambles It's a very personal style ... Where did you find such a talent? "

He praised me normally while looking at me with a serious face.

"Fufufufu, well, a little. I'm going to go to the tournament three months later."

And the moment I heard I was going to the tournament, the man's eyebrows moved slightly.

"... Ogisan ... He's a little bit strong and a little fast ..." "It's like ..." "It's a bit interesting. It was fun." "Huh. That's good. "Hmm ?? ... Hmm ... Ym."

Amae pulls on the man's pants and tells me about me, but ... a little bit ... thank you, thank you. However……

"Are you? マ What is the strongest goose?"

For now, I knew by intuition that this was a rumored goose. So, when I asked him, he smiled a bit.

"I'm the strongest ... I'm not so proud of that, but ... I'm sure I'm a goose." "I'm sorry." "... Huh ..." "What?" However, the man who faces himself in front of him in this way and sees with such a fighting eye ... It is the second person ... since Bro? ... "" ... Bro? … ”“ It seems to have both courage and guts.

Somehow ... this is a completely different type of magic school from the strongest yosei.

"You too ... I'm pretty sure" "... Is that so?"

A stoic eye that overflows with all its apparent power from the whole body, but never gets on it, is not humble and neglects to enhance itself. Somehow, I don't think these guys are like they're going to waste you. That's why when such a man praises this far, I'm a little shy. But ...

"Hey, don't get rid of the poison ... Is that the one you should beat? 』

As soon as I started thinking, "Are you a good goose?" That was so. Apart from that guy, I have to fight this guy. However, I know it's strong, but how strong it is at the moment ...

"Well, you ..." "Hmm?"

Then ... here is a dojo ...

"That's a big deal, isn't sparring with me?"


「「 「「 「Cho …… oh oh oh !!!!!」 」」 」」 」」 」」

It's okay to check that skill with a straightforward approach. This guy was a bit of a magic school guy. Don't hesitate to hit it. To my suggestion, an astonishing voice came up all over the dojo.

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