"Did you stretch your muscles a little and get hurt? `` Well, that would be no problem, '' `` Oh, that's a problem, '' `` And during this kind of tournament adrenaline is out, so you won't feel any pain. ''

At the end of the match, I left and checked my body for the time being. Repeat the shadows and check the arm, elbow, and joints that have been mastered by Yawara.

"Even though ... it was a pretty dangerous technique ..."

Certainly, he couldn't be despised. He seemed to have gained a bit of muscle with a technique called "outside engulfment" that was being attacked by Yawara. However, there is nothing wrong with this. Judging that and trying to return to watching the next game ...

"... that ..." "Nuu !?"

The moment I looked back, I encountered an unexpected person and shook my body.

"Sadiz ..."

No way sadis. He made a weird voice with an unexpected appearance. What is it for alone? When I thought so, I saw the "something" that Saddis had in her hand.

"Um ... I think it's a good offer ..."

Sole, who is willing to give me something, puts something in a cloth bag in a bun. What is leaking from the bag is magic and cold.

"... Is it ice?" "Yes. Apparently I could use magic ... so I made it."

Looking into the contents, I saw a little big ice. But why ...

"I'm sorry." "Oh, hey, please."

I was so excited. Get close to me, take my left arm and put a cloth bag containing ice on my elbow. At that time, the scent of sadis drifts and disturbs my heart, but at the same time my arms cool down and become easier. this is……?

"Icing. Please accept me honestly, baby ”“ Aisingu? ""Oh. There are benefits such as preventing the deterioration of muscle fiber damage, suppressing swelling and relieving pain, and making ligaments less stretchable. " 』

I feel comfortable and my fatigue is getting weaker. Is this also the effect of icing? But did Saddis know that ...?

"... It's getting easier ..." "Good, but don't overdo it."

Sadice smiled gently when I said so.

"... why ..." "yes?" "Why ... this?"

Sadith's smile tightened my chest after a long time, and I was asking. Then, Saddith shows a little thought ...

"I don't know." "What?" "Just ... I just thought there was something to you ... my whole body trembles ... I had to do something ... I'm done. "

It turned out I knew that what I always had was a cold, harsh, or teasing attitude, but the overprotection of the old sadis, which was actually more than anyone. That's why it's painful. I feel complicated. But ... now it's still ...

"Oh yeah, just before the start of the game, when the bigs face each other, release their fighting spirits and hit each other, it's a give-up declaration!"

At that time, a roaring roaring and modest voice from the outside came.

"A first-rate swordsman understands an opponent's ability before pulling a sword out of a sheath. That is, pulling a sword to an opponent who can't win is a second- or third-class thing! And it is understood because it is a big excalibur big Even if you don't show up, just face to face and see how much your opponent's sword is. Big Mara, surrender! The goose pro teen decides to advance to the semifinals! "

To be clear, it was a story with a “?” Floating in my head, but I still could n’t cover it once it was decided. Apparently, the goose has won.

"And this is the final 4! I'm going to have the four warriors who have won so far come out in front of you! The selected men, come out a little! "

At the same time, the moderator calls the survivors, including me, as part of the service to the audience. I ca n’t help but go.

"Sadith ... this ... it's enough ... everything" "Ah ..."

Return the ice bag to Saddis, and ...

"Healed ... ah ... thank you" "ah ... no ... next ... please do my best ... but it's impossible ..." "I'll do it too much ..." "I want to graduate ..." "Huh ?? ... a ..."

I say honestly thank you ... but that's it, but I'm a little hesitant ... it's also hard and lonely. With that feeling, I headed to the arena.

"Now, the combination of the semifinals will be" Supernova-Earth "vs." Warrior / Wacha "," Cave Investigator / Danshoku "vs." Superhuman / Machi ".

When we entered the arena, everyone was ready. I ran a little trotting and lined up next to the geese. Me, watcha, weird ossan, and goose.

"Please see, these four super males have won!"

A big cheer is raised once again for us who have won from all over the venue.

"Earth Lagann, who has scattered geniuses and hard-workers with his unmatched sense and fighting abilities since the first round, as the nickname of a marvelous nova! As a guide and a wall for disciples and disciples, Wacha Huacha, who showed his presence by performing his skills! His life has been branded as a sinner, but surprisingly, he has defeated the fierce in this tournament without breaking the rules! With no pressure of overwhelming popularity as the number one candidate for the championship, and even winning in the field of opponent's specialty, the macho pro teen! "

For me, it was pretty straightforward, as expected. That would be the same for everyone except me. In the first place, we fought the first and second round, but we are almost intact.

"Earl-kun, who has a face to spare," "Huh?" "Well, it's natural that he hasn't put out half of his ability, not even the bottom of his power."

We decided to be in the best four, so we went out to the arena once and were introduced to everyone again. With the loud cheers, the next door watcher asked me in a whisper.

"That's the same for you, right?" "Hahaha, not Al. My fight is based on experience and withdrawals, and I don't know what happened if I made a mistake." I mean, I didn't win as easily as I say? I was sweaty in the second round of Yawara's skill. I don't know the first round. "

We have a conversation with the next opponent, as if we were searching for belly. Meanwhile ...

"... Large ...... geese" "Height story?" "... Are you a lover?" "No, I don't have that kind of value" "Thick" "... Speaking of arms" "I want to see it. The muscular state of the stiffness." "Do you want to do the pacing?" "Do you not do it?" "Will you fight in the semifinals?"

It's a conversation next to us, but it's weird. Is it the only one who thinks the conversation is established but doesn't mesh for some reason? Is it only me who feels cold?

"Not only fighting style ... Earth-kun isn't surprisingly similar to your parents who just rampage up and down." "Huh? ......... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ? "

A muttering like a surprise wacha suddenly wanders in a conversation next door. I suddenly shouted, my eyes suddenly curled my eyes, and I hurriedly closed my mouth with my hand.

"Oh, you ..." "Fufufufu"

No, I'm connected to the outside world, so it's natural for me to know about me ... Did you not want to hide this uncle?

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