Deep woods. Troublesome directions to go through without a path.

It's probably a route that travelers who cross the mountain normally don't get there.

However, after going through a route that would never have been reached.....


There was a small settlement of forest fairies.

"Elf Village... oh, there's an elf over there... there's a little kid..."

"I've never seen it before."

Me too. I can't believe it was here.... "

It was like getting lost in a fairy tale world.

Young, beautiful looking elves live discreetly in the woods in symbiosis with nature.

"Okay, let's go. I'll invite you to my house."

"Ah, ahh... but just for now, are you sure?

However, we are not very welcome or alert, and anxious elves are listening to us.

It feels like other armed elves, other than chiefs, are ready to move at any time.

"Chief... are you all right?

"Oh, that's okay. Leave the rest to me."

"Hah, hah... just call me right away if you need anything.

"Yes, yes."

In the meantime, we're invited to the chief's house.

Then the chief walked in the middle of the settlement and smiled at us as if he was sorry.

"No, I'm really sorry...."

"No, no, it's not like you should apologize..."

"Especially these days... there are a few other elf settlements out here, but they're raided and grabbed, and they're all on guard..."

When I listened to the chief, the reaction of the inhabitants was rather natural, and I didn't feel that the chief had changed.

"The bokumates family....."

"Oh, you're famous among humans, aren't you? He leaps into the back of society, he's also involved in human trafficking... and he's connected to the Hakuki of the Demon King Army."

I remember a casino in Canteen where I met Bro and fought with the towels.

All that chest shit has been connected since this era.....

"I've been at war with the Dark Elves of the Demon King Army lately... and he's rampaging us alone to let the others escape... For now, he's holding them and putting them in jail, but they're all tingling."

"... Demon King Army..."

Speaking of which, there was also an argument between the chief and the other elves earlier. There were a lot of surprises and I lost the story... but the Dark Elves of the Demon King Army...



"He was one of Noja's men."

"... it's very likely..."

A dark elf woman who was in a skirmish with Noja the other day.

I arrived at a wooden house, thinking it might be that woman.

"Ah... I live with my wife... but it's a bit difficult to persuade her to do something about it."

"Ah, ahh...."

And there's too much to talk about, but this chief is married.

She looks about my age, but how old are you actually?

"The daughter of the former chief... I'm not good with people, my personality is always twitching, I'm cool, I'm flabbergasted, and I'm very prideful... but my roots aren't bad..."

"Former chief... ahh... so now you're the chief..."

"Ah... I'm just leaving..."

Does your wife's name say "ethee"?

I wonder if he's as prideful as... fiancée...?

The chief slowly opened the door by announcing his return home in front of the door.

And there it is....

"Ah, you're back! Kohon... nh... nh! You're back! Ah, ah, it's too late, so I'm stubbornly turning into a pumpy cat!



"... eh?


"What about it?"

A young woman with peachy hair about the length of her shoulders.

But with a face darker and brighter red than that peach hair, why on top of my head are bras and pants made of cat ears, fur... a cat's tail on the bottom of my pants... a choker with bells... and... gloves in the shape of a cat's hand?

"Giggle, giggle, today... today is full of cuteness! It's so sweet! If you don't do it, I'll scratch you because I love you so much ♡"

In a very cute appearance, it is not a Nice Buddy with big tits like Sadis, but it is a standard undulating body, but still a beautiful appearance unique to elves and an unclean body (?) So I work hard and dress sexy.

"Pumping makes my body burn... and I'm getting itchy thinking about you, mistress... * giggle *, nada *... and then I'm going to listen to everything you say, hey, I'm going to be a little lewd and good cat..."

But now, rather than being taken away by that sexiness... Nandacole? The idea was stronger.

"With rice... until morning, I'll eat too... nh ♡, uhh..."

And with your face bright red, it looks like a cat's hand... posing like a cat? The woman who had stopped with her eyes closed eventually opened her eyes unbearably in the silence.

"Hey, hey, say something! I'm working so hard for this husband I came back safely. Besides, it's not like I really want you to be cute, but today just happens to be ovulation day, so don't get me wrong... huh?

And the woman who made up some sort of hidden word at once noticed us behind the chief, and it solidified again.

"... wow... I want to stay..."

And the chief of the dragged face revealed.

Yeah. What? What is this painful woman?

"... I'll come back... hah ~..."

And the chief closes the open door once. Then squat with your head in my arms.....

"Nh, Nh, Nh, Nh!!

I heard a crazy voice of a woman in the house.

"Chieftain, yes, that was!

"Young lady... that's your wife's voice!

"Me, humans! What did you just do?

The voice echoed through the village to the boulders, and other elves quickly gathered in a hurry.

"Please... it's nothing... it's my family's problem, so just leave me alone... or my wife will die of shame if they find out about this..."

But we didn't do anything... for now, it took me a little while to get you inside.

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