"Fluffy Creates!

"Iron Shining Ultimate Nails! Darkness Burst Hammer!"

Espi and Slaya moved on to create temporary housing on the move.

"Boo, Slaya, I've been thinking about this for a long time, but it's too much! It's just nails and tongs!

"You have too little taste in naming! Basically, you're just piling up trees and stuff while saying" creates "!

"Even Slaya is just like Shining and Darkness, but it's all normal!

"Hmm... don't you see the difference? This is why the child....."

They were arguing with Gaga, but they were working for the elves with the power they could hold somehow.

The elves, who initially had only vigilance and hostility towards people called humans, gradually faded.

"Ah, huh, hey, Espy... Slaya, right? I'm still working... why don't you eat some bread and take a break?


"Ah, that's a bad espionage! Don't eat my food!

"Ha, ha, there's still plenty. Come on, ours too...."

"Wow! It was delicious, but this one is also delicious!

"You have no taste at all... ah, yummy..."

They were kids, and above all, they both stood up to protect the elves. And cute.

"Come on, Espi! Slaya, don't panic. Eat well! I won't lose or take anything else!

"Ha, yes..."

"Hahahaha, Miss Eteye looks exactly like your mother."

"Hey, it's not like that! Don't get me wrong because I don't think it would be like this if I had a child, or if I wanted a child too soon! Ah, well, but it's not like I don't want a child..."

Therefore, everyone nods that they will gradually open their minds.

I didn't think it would be strange to be depressed or in a dark atmosphere by wearing clothes from where I used to live, but seeing the children's spies and slayer still working hard, it seems that the elves are gradually regaining their brightness.

"... so what are you gonna do? Dark Elf's sister."


At that time, I asked Ralwyev, who was sitting beside me while I was leisurely being treated, and the chief was sitting there.

"... how about...?

"You're not going back to the Demon King Army anymore, are you? You're going back to the magic world?

"... no... that too..."

"So, that Aka from your first love? Are you looking for an auger?


Ralph shakes his shoulders slightly in Aka's name.

Well, that's all I cried about knowing that Aka was alive.

If it's true, you want to go and see him.


"No... I can't... do that. By the time I met Aka... the pups were too dirty for blood... and the dozens and twenty I killed wouldn't fit in. The elementary school student is shy of himself....."

It's a war... but there's no excuse, Ralph looks back and feels guilty.

Aka stopped fighting humans and wanted to be friends.

On the other hand, Ralwyev has killed, tortured, robbed and ravaged so many people, as he did in Genkan.

"Just rest assured. I will not return to the Demon King army. I don't talk about elves either. I swear on Aony's life. Let's get the elementary students out of here right away."

"... you won't guess where you're going, will you?

"Still. It's the end of the road that suits juniors to die in the wilderness....."

That's what Ralph said, and he dropped his face so he could plug in again.

To be honest, while I can't say anything trivial about that heavy appearance, I couldn't leave Aoney as a childhood friend who saved her life above all else.

"I don't know... let me tell you... either way... it's all the same thing."

At that time, the chief told him so, exhaling with astonishment.



Without understanding the meaning of the chief's words, when Ralviv and I leaned our heads, the chief....

"I know all the voices of the animals that live in this world. Dragons, beasts, birds, insects, fish, monsters. I always get eaten like that... I always hear the screams of my life dying of a weak predator... Well, some of them got along, but... they're not... they can't change the habits of the beasts who have to eat meat and vegetables. That's why, if you hear that scream, all the humans, demons, and wars will remain the same. To eat. To live. However, in your case, there are a few reasons to kill, such as justice, vengeance, feelings that nature doesn't have."

I've heard that before when Trayna was talking about the magic of Mutsuagouro. At least I can't eat meat.

That's right. If I hear a call from a cow or a pig saying, "Help me," I'll be worried about everything.

There is always a chief in such a world.

On the contrary, they understand all the screams of life screaming in the weak predators of nature.

From such a chief, they are all the same who kill each other in war.....

"Hey, oneesan, oniisan. I have a question for you... at the end of the war... what do you think of the world if oniisan doesn't have a demon tribe in the world and becomes only a human... onee-san doesn't have a human in the world and becomes only a demon tribe?

I thought about the question for a moment.

I can't believe it's a peaceful world without disputes...

"... when it's just a world of humans, we fight each other... when it's just demons, we fight each other... that's the world."

Then Ralviv said so with a harsh expression, and I missed him, but I was convinced of the answer.

And the chief nodded and raised his face.

"That's the world after all. It won't change after a hundred years or a thousand years. Wherever you go, it's just a struggle... tragedy and a scream... which means that what oneesan did, even if some of the people on the wrong side are making noise, it's normal in the world, and at least in this time of the world, I think it's too much trouble."

"Stupid... it's supposed to be normal... how filthy the juniors are already..."

"Both humans and demons, of course, if we open the lid of our elves, we'll all be dirty. Elves are a supreme species, and some of them boast about looking down on other species, so it's too tough. But somehow, oneesan had a slight skirmish with us, but on the contrary, if oneesan's magic saved us all this time, we can think of Chara as more than a benefactor point."

I don't know about the last one anymore. It's a theory, but somehow....

"In other words, the chief is going to Ralwyev... so you can stay here for a while if you don't guess. Don't be depressed... you've done a lot of things in the war, but I don't care... do you want to tell me?

"... I'm sorry, I didn't know what to say along the way... but that's probably where it is. Everyone said that when onee-san was a prisoner, she was executed and tortured, but there must have been a lot of upset about this. A man who fights to defend himself with his life and becomes a fool for the Fae... an organ who stands up with his heart moved... and a dark elf who helps everyone... children who work with innocent eyes... We elves were attacked this time, but we couldn't do anything. Everyone... feels so powerless and so cramped that I think things will change."

"Oh, my God."

I laughed unexpectedly. But I guess so.

"Ma ~, didn't you want to help oniisan as well as that blue auger? We're the elves."


"I mean, you said that. Listening to oniisan's story..." Think about how you'll live from now on, and live again as you want "..."

"...... nh......"

While I was fainting... sure, when I heard that word, I realized that Aony was trying to help Ralph, too.

I see... then...

"Hey, Ralvie."


"I don't know where Aka is right now, but... at least... what happened when I met Aka, what kind of story I talked about, what kind of play I played... if I could just talk about memories...?

"Hmm!? Aka's...?

I won't say anything about history, but there's still something I can teach you.

Then at least that's all.....

"Ah... please... tell me. Memories of you and Aka..."

On my proposal, Ralviv nodded honestly with tears in his eyes again.

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