Breath of the Dead

Chapter 124: Quartermaster (please subscribe)

 Chapter 124 Quartermaster (please subscribe)

Sitting on the coffin lid, Gu Xi held the lotus leaves and ate the sticky rice inside. Although the food looked unappetizing, it actually tasted pretty good.

 At least there was nothing that made Gu Xi unable to eat it.

At the same time, Gu Xi could clearly feel that when he ate the rice, his body was getting hot, and it seemed that a special power was repairing the injuries he had suffered before.

Especially his stomach. Before taking office, Gu Xi was hungry for too long. Although he never felt anything, his stomach was really damaged.

 After eating the rice this time, he felt a clear warm feeling in his stomach.

This made Gu Xi quite satisfied and attracted most of his attention. When the evil coffin stopped, Gu Xi found that he had eaten everything without even realizing it.

“Comrade, come here quickly. I have already told the quartermaster about the situation, and he promised to be accommodating and count your achievements on the way here as the number of kills.”

Gu Xi looked up and found a burly man in his forties smiling at him.

This big man has dark skin, but he has a kind of affinity for some reason. When he smiles, Gu Xi wants to laugh too.

"Hello, my name is Gu Xi. I am here to transport troops."

“I know that in order to cope with the war, the commander previously mobilized 3,000 elite troops from the city lord’s underground area. As a result, the city lord extorted 5,000 troops to replace them. You must have sent these troops here.”

 Gu Xi did not expect that there was such a thing behind his movement of troops.

He didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At this time, the big man stretched out his hand and patted Gu Xi on the shoulder, "You don't know, the soldiers you brought here have been a great help to us. If it had been delayed any longer, we wouldn't know what to do.

 Come on, let’s talk about what you encountered on the road. Did you encounter a lot of intercepting troops along the way? "

"Yes, it was nothing when we came out, but the closer we get to the Sanxian Garden, the stronger the interception becomes, especially on the plains outside. The interception force was even ridiculously strong. I almost didn't rush over."

"Really? What kind of enemies have you killed along the way? Can you tell me about it?"

After blowing this, Gu Xi felt sleepy all of a sudden. He quickly took out the white baboon skins left behind by killing the White Walker leaders along the way and explained them to the big man one by one.

This big man listened attentively and would exchange words with Gu Xi from time to time.

Unconsciously, everything that happened along the way to Gu Xi was revealed.

When all the strips of white baboon skin were placed on the table, Gu Xi felt something was wrong.

What happened to him just now? Why did he tell everything at once?

Looking at Gu Xi's confused eyes, the big man smiled slightly. The reason why he could sit in the position of quartermaster was because of his affinity.

After all, who would have thought that a death knight’s greatest talent and path would be leadership. Diplomacy, recruitment, and financial management, all three branches, were fully equipped by him.

 The affinity mentioned just now is just a manifestation of diplomacy reaching a certain level.

 And it was not difficult for him to make Gu Xi say so many things. It was just some words to guide him.

Gu Xi unknowingly regarded him as a friend, so he could say a few more words.

Of course Gu Xi regarded him as a friend, and he naturally wanted to treat Gu Xi as a friend.

“Brother Gu Xi, I will take care of what you want this time. If you can break out of the siege and deliver what we need in Sanxian Garden, let alone anything else, that is a meritorious service.

 I don’t recognize it in other places, but I absolutely recognize it here.

You baboon skins, I will give you one battle merit for each piece of baboon skin. You picked up two pieces in total. In addition, you said you killed someone on the way, but there is no baboon skin, so I will give you half a battle merit.

In addition, during the battle just now, you killed several of the same bosses, and the one with baboon skin will calculate your score. Headless Horseman, if you said it was blown up, it would be half a battle.

 I will give you a total of six battle achievements.

Since you are a necromancer, I will not recommend anything else to you. The most important thing for a necromancer is the undead army. I will give you six combat merits in exchange for the most useful to you, six boss-level undead.

 As long as you tell me which soldiers you are using now, I will be able to find the corresponding leader.

Even if not, have you seen this skill? It’s a special skill, a death edict, a quasi-magical skill. Do you know it?

 Just tell me what you want, and even if you don’t have it, I can transform it for you on the spot. "

  【Death Edict: All neutral creatures that surrender to join the Necromancer's army will be automatically converted into corresponding undead creatures according to their soldier level and upgrade status. 】

Looking at the smug look on the big man's face, Gu Xi asked weakly.

 “Does the bone dragon count?”

The big man stared at Gu Xi and blinked, his eyes full of expressions like "are you kidding me?"

 Bone dragon, you are planning to have a bone dragon leader lead the team. You have a dragon tomb at home.

Even if he had the special skill of Death Edict, he would not dare to appear directly in front of the dragon.

Let alone run to recruit the giant dragon and then transform the giant dragon into a bone dragon.

"Go, go, let's play. I want the Bone Dragon boss if I have one. We don't have this. There are basic undead bosses, and we can also make up advanced undead bosses, but there really aren't any in the upper three categories. What's more, Needless to say, Bone Dragon.

 You have a Bone Dragon, and the Necromancer can directly hit level 10, so why bother messing around here. "

 “Then I don’t have any special requirements.”

 Gu Xi shook his head.

 As soon as he said this, the big man was stumped.

"No, the bull I just boasted about cannot be slapped in the face like this. I will definitely have something you can use. Just wait for me."

After saying that, the big man pinned Gu Xi down on the chair, turned around and ran out.

The big man's behavior confused Gu Xi. He turned back and glanced at Du Wushuang, who was also confused, "Has he always been like this?"

"No, I'm afraid he was provoked by you. After all, you are the only one who directly asked for the bone dragon leader as soon as he arrived."

“That was just an accident, but I really need a Bone Dragon boss. The other bosses don’t mean much to me.”

While talking, the big man came back from outside again, followed by several undead who looked a little special.

“Come on, brother Gu, these are the good things I have at the bottom of the box. If we weren’t on good terms, I wouldn’t have taken them out. You see, they were all selected based on the situation you described before.

 The best among them is this one, the leader of the skeleton shooter, he..."

While the big man was introducing him, Gu Xi's eyes fell on the figure at the end of this group of undead.

 (End of this chapter)

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