Breath of the Dead

Chapter 158: Beyond the World (36148)

Chapter 158 Outside the World (36148)

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After Gu Xi sent the ten architectural design drawings he had just received back to Aridovi, Liu Zishi said to Gu Xi: "Let's go, we wasted some time in order to come here.

 The boss asked me to take you directly to the battlefield, and your task is very simple. You will know it when you get to the battlefield. "

 Gu Xi was not surprised by Liu Zishi's rude attitude.

 After all, you have received the benefits, so you must complete the tasks given by the other party.

So the two of them drove the evil coffin in the other direction of the Sanxian Garden.

This time Gu Xi tried his best to let Xie Coffin keep up with Liu Zishi's Xie Coffin, and at the same time he was still chatting with Liu Zishi there.

“Comrade Liu, I would like to ask how this evil coffin needs to be modified?”

 This question immediately touched Liu Zishi's heart.

 He can change the evil coffin to look like this, he is definitely a thoughtful person.

Just like in the real world, someone changes an ordinary car into a sports car, and all they want is the praise of others.

If you were to ask him these questions, you would definitely get all kinds of bragging and explanations.

 The same is true for Liu Zishi.

As soon as he heard that Gu Xi wanted to ask about the transformation of the evil coffin, he immediately became energetic.

"You said this, then I will explain it carefully. You must have never thought about what is in the evil coffin, right?"

 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, is there still such a problem?

Looking at Gu Xi's expression, Liu Zishi started talking.

“The reason why the evil coffin is called the evil coffin is nothing more than two parts, one part is the coffin, and the other part is the evil thing inside the coffin.

You have also seen the transformation of the coffin, which is just to add some wind protection and increase the movement speed.

You don’t know much now, so you can stick on the talismans first, and then find some materials similar to oak or locust wood to re-make the outer shell of the coffin, or you can find some blood to paint the coffin. These are the best. conventional means.

 These services are available in many places. If you don’t want to change it yourself, you can find someone to change it.

 But the evil things in the evil coffin must be dealt with by yourself.

 What did you use to feed the evil things inside? "


This thing still needs to be fed?

Gu Xi was confused, but fortunately he reacted quickly and said decisively: "Innards!"

“Oh, the internal organs are not bad, but you’d better use more good materials, so that the evil things inside can slowly develop spirituality.

By the way, you must pay more attention to the properties of the materials. You can't mess around. You can't just feed the ice properties and then feed the fire properties immediately. The evil things won't be able to stand it.

In addition, if you can find suitable corpses, you can also put one or two in to suppress evil things.

 After all, this evil thing is not safe. If there is no coffin, we may not be able to defeat this evil thing. "

While talking, they came to a building on the north side of Sanxian Garden.

"We are here. This is where we enter the ceremonial battlefield. After you enter, don't worry about anything. Follow me and rush forward. Your goal is to be at the forefront."

Although he didn't know what the mission was, looking at Liu Zishi's serious look, Gu Xi still nodded.

After getting off the evil coffin, Gu Xi followed Liu Zishi and entered the building.

As soon as he entered this place, Gu Xi discovered that it was the same as the mausoleum guarding hut in Sanxian Garden, with a downward elevator. This situation surprised Gu Xi. Could it be that the ceremony this time was held underground in Sanxian Garden, where Sanxian's mausoleum was located?

Without waiting for Gu Xi to react, Liu Zishi took out his token and started the elevator in front of him.

Then Gu Xi felt a downward pull, as if he had been stretched dozens of times.

 He felt like his muscles were about to be stretched out.

But the next moment, the pulling force was quickly interrupted. Gu Xi felt that all the pressure in his body was reflected on his body. His internal organs felt like they were tumbling, as if their internal organs were not in their original positions.

As soon as he landed, Gu Xi fell to the ground, which looked even uglier than when he was blown away by the cold wind on the evil coffin.

Liu Zishi was not in a good mood at this time, but he still managed to stand up.

“This is a troop transport channel for transporting undead troops, so it’s normal to feel uncomfortable.

But who made it impossible for us to get back to the general platform? Can you still stand up now? "


 Gu Xi supported the cold wind staff and tried his best to stand up, but to be honest, he really wanted to find a place to lie down and let his internal organs return to their original position.

 “Okay, let’s get ready to go.”

 Liu Zishi summoned the evil coffin, turned over and jumped on it.

When Gu Xi saw it, he quickly called out his evil coffin and followed him. However, at this time, he had no intention of lying down. He simply lay down on the evil coffin and activated the follow mode.

 While lying on the evil coffin, Gu Xi suddenly discovered a problem.

They were obviously going downward, but why did the starry sky appear in front of them?

This made Gu Xi sit up immediately.

“Comrade Liu, are we underground in Sanxian Garden now?”

"Of course not. Our current location is on the periphery of CC80, at the crack in the world passage. Beyond that, we will find the world."

CC80 is what people in this world call the world numbered ULYUHDDS04CC80.

 Gu Xi understood what it meant as soon as he heard it.

 But he looked puzzled, "The world is on the periphery, so what are we going to do?"

At this time, Liu Zishi pointed to the three light pillars that appeared at the end of the sky behind him, "Did you see it? They are the Cracks suppressed by the Fairy Garden, the Extremely Frozen Sea, and the Death Snow Peak. All we have to do is guard these three places." Cracks, don’t let them be occupied.”

 “We? Just the two of us?”

“Of course it’s not just the two of us, it’s all the necromancers. Otherwise, what do you think the undead disaster ritual is for? This is a war to protect our world, and everyone must contribute.

Your affairs are the most important. After I send you to your position, I will retreat, and then you will be guarding the frontline position. "

 “Don’t worry, I will guard there.”

"You should pay attention to yourself. We are now on the periphery of the game world. When we go out, we will enter the real world. Don't be careless. If you get lost here, you may be dead."

 Gu Xi nodded affirmatively.

 He is not stupid, he has even guessed what the mage leader wants him to do.

 City of Death and Death Incarnation, this is the best combination that can take root in the shortest time and survive until the undead disaster ceremony begins.

 As for whether you can keep it, it depends on your ability.

If this task is not difficult, the mage leader will not directly give thirty architectural design drawings as a reward.

 (End of this chapter)

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