Breath of the Dead

Chapter 160: The enemy appears (please subscribe)

Chapter 160 The enemy appears (please subscribe)

 “My lord, wake up, my lord!”

 In the daze, Gu Xi heard Luna's voice, and even put a cold hand on his face, as if to wake himself up.

Gu Xi sat up and looked up at Luna. Luna was holding a roasted owl and a cup of green ghost in her hands.

"Thank you, that's just what I need right now, Luna, how long have I been asleep?"

Looking at the undead who had already taken their positions, Gu Xi reached out and took the food and wine.

“About two and a half hours, sir, the gargoyles, new skeleton soldiers, and skeleton shooters have been in place, and the enemy seems to be arriving soon.”


Gu Xi tore off one of the owl's legs, bit it down hard, and looked outside.

 He noticed that about seven or eight kilometers away from his current position, a large number of strange creatures were walking towards this direction.

These creatures look like mummies, but their skin is red. Among their ranks, there are some beings riding on the backs of yaks, beating drums made of unknown leather and directing the troops in this direction. And go.

 Gu Xi could only see their appearance from a distance, and had no way of judging their number and strength.

He turned his head and glanced at Luna, then climbed up the stairs behind the city gate to the city gate tower.

Above the city gate, 15 gargoyles were huddled and standing on the edge of the city wall. They wrapped their wings around their bodies, like stone statues, waiting for the order to attack.

 “Go and check on the enemy.”

Gu Xi ordered seriously. If he hadn't been chewing owl meat in his mouth, maybe he could have been more dignified.

As soon as the gargoyles heard this, they flew up and divided into three groups, with five in each group flying towards the distance.

Standing on the city gate tower, Gu Xi found that this was a more suitable position to command the battle.

Standing here, he can easily see everything within a convenient two kilometers.

 This will be much more convenient for commanding in battle.

However, Gu Xi also knew that in this position, he was actually somewhat out of touch with the battlefield, and the range of many spells could not extend to every corner of the battlefield.

At the same time, his position cannot take into account the battle below the city gate, which will be a blind spot.

While Gu Xi was studying the feasibility of commanding the battle from the city gate tower, the gargoyles flew back again.

Although they could not speak, communication was not a problem. They used dust to draw pictures of their enemies on the ground.

 Three regiment-shaped scrolls represent the battle formations deployed by the enemy when they advance.

Although it is not certain whether the number is three thousand or six thousand, one thing is certain, the enemy is not the kind of guy who has no brains.

 There should be corresponding commanders among them.

 “What kind of troops do they have?”

Finding that the enemy was not that easy to deal with, Gu Xi quickly asked.

Several gargoyles were gesticulating and explaining the situation to Gu Xi through their actions.

 Gu Xi could tell many things from the gargoyle's movements. Gu Xi understood that there was a reason why the gargoyle could become the mage's most effective subordinate.

 Their movements are pretty standard and easy to understand.

Just after watching it for a while, Gu Xi knew the general situation of the enemy.

This wave of enemies rushing over is not very strong. Based on the Gargoyle's own judgment, their strength is about the same as that of the Gargoyle.    That is between level 3 and 4.

They are divided into three groups. They are mainly humanoid and do not move very fast. The gargoyles can easily come four or five times over their heads before they can react.

As for the opponent's combat power, I haven't seen it clearly yet, but judging from the situation of the enemies in front of me, they don't move very fast, and they are the kind with thick skin and high blood.

Gu Xi thought for a moment, then lowered his head and looked down at the city gate tower.

At this time, Luna was leading the undead army there to command the newly transformed ordinary undead.

Facing this situation, Gu Xi said decisively: "Luna."

Hearing the sound, Luna raised her head and glanced at Gu Xi, and found that Gu Xi on the city gate tower made a push forward motion.

So Luna flew forward with the ghost, and at the same time, the skeletons who had been staying in the undead natural disaster circle also flew out under Luna's guidance.

 These skeletons that rushed out were all newly transformed skeletons. They did not even have a set of suitable equipment. The weapons in their hands were long swords or short axes turned from bones.

 But under the leadership of Luna, they showed the momentum of a victorious army advancing.

As for the troops under Gu Xi, only the leader of the skeleton shooters got the order and followed him out, while the rest stayed in place, including the Bone-Zhanying Battalion, with no intention of attacking.

As the undead troops attacked, Gu Xi also ran down from the city gate tower. He stood on top of the evil coffin, with the cold wind staff in one hand, directly on the front line of the battlefield, watching the undead troops attack.

 In the sky, there are 15 gargoyles hovering.

As the undead troops walked out of the control range of the undead natural disaster, Gu Xi could feel the ground begin to shake again.

 This is because there are no longer a sufficient number of undead here, so the ritual of the undead disaster is sending new undead here.

But because the undead that originally belonged here did not die, the new undead can only stay underground and have no way to climb out.

With this discovery, Gu Xi also laughed.

 Now he doesn't have to worry about the number of troops under his command.

 Without considering the strength of the undead, there is only one way for the undead to fight, which is frontal attack.


Hearing Gu Xi's roar, the skeletons who were walking began to rush.

They were so proactive that they shocked the three troops who rushed over.

 In the eyes of the red-skinned mummy, this is very unreasonable.

They understand that undead troops will leave their defenses.

 After all, there will always be some players who are used to blocking enemies from their own defense lines.

 But now the distance between them is obviously more than 1,500 meters, why did they launch a charge?

Is it possible that among these skeleton soldiers, there are other ways to fight without being attacked?

The red-skinned mummy leader was also a little helpless. He hesitated, raised the weapon in his hand, and gave the command to charge at the charging skeleton soldiers.

 So all the red-skinned mummies started running, and even the drums in their ranks became significantly faster.

Looking at the red-skinned mummy also charging, Gu Xi also smiled. As soon as they charged like this, the team was in chaos.

Furthermore, the advance charge also disrupted the opponent's rhythm. Now the situation is under Gu Xi's control.

At this time, Gu Xi used the cold wind staff to push the evil coffin a little higher, and the evil coffin began to move forward with all its strength, rushing towards the battlefield.

 (End of this chapter)

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