Breath of the Dead

Chapter 162: First kill (38149)

Chapter 162 The First Kill (38149)

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The skill of bewitching people's hearts is actually not very powerful in affecting the undead.

 It is common knowledge that the undead have no hearts.

 What Gu Xi wants is not to hypnotize the enemy, but to make the enemy have a moment of trance.

Sure enough, as Gu Xi took action, the abominable movement that was resisting the fire from the skeleton shooter suddenly paused.

The speed of swinging the iron rod in his hand was also obviously much slower, just at this time the leader of the skeleton shooter launched a second wave of fire.

This time Abomination was unable to block these attacks. More than a hundred arrows were all stuck in his face.

If it weren't for the strong vitality of hatred itself, he might have died at this moment.

 The hatred at this time was also infuriated.

He no longer considered whether to ambush or not. He held up the iron rod in his hand and rushed towards Gu Xi.

Gu Xi pointed his finger in the direction he hated.

 Tendrils of the dead!

 A large number of arms and tentacles stretched out from the ground, tightly grasping Abomination's legs, making it impossible for him to move forward.

 Subsequently, the situation on the Abomination side was also discovered by those ordinary skeletons.

  The previous killing of red-skinned mummies gave these skeletons a lot of experience and benefits.

 Now it seems that there is another advantage to be taken advantage of, so a large number of skeletons pounce on them.

These skeletons jumped on the abominations, scratching and biting them.

Hate was already angry at being unable to move, and now it only added fuel to the fire.

Hate waved the iron rod in his hand and swept away the skeletons on his body with one sweep.

 But more and more skeletons are jumping on the Abomination, just to bite the Abomination or take a little flesh from him.

At this time, Gu Xi saw the situation in front of him and ignored Abomination. He pointed at the red-skinned mummy who was surrounding him to rescue Abomination. A storm of white bones quickly formed, blocking the path of the red-skinned mummy.


Luna knew what she wanted to do as soon as she heard this. She quickly rushed into the group of red-skinned mummies with her ghost, attracting the attention of these red-skinned mummies.

 Without the help of red-skinned mummies, Abomination could not withstand the onslaught of waves of skeletons.

 After killing three waves of skeletons, the hatred finally couldn't stand it anymore.

His body was covered with wounds, and the flesh and blood that had been stitched together on his body had been torn and scattered on the ground. Only the bones and internal organs that had been pieced together were still there.

At this time, you can see that this abomination is equipped with more than the normal amount of internal organs. In addition to seven pieces of lungs, there are four hearts of different sizes and different processing methods on the chest.

At the same time, there is a row of brains soaked in liquid on his back, that is, on both sides of the spine.

It can be seen that the reason why this abomination can be both civil and military is inseparable from these internal organs.

Now, the situation is different. Since the flesh and blood of hatred was torn open, these internal organs have no function.

 The skeletons tore off the internal organs one by one, and some skeletons even placed the internal organs on themselves.

Hate still wanted to **** his internal organs back, but his flesh and blood had been exhausted and his life had been reduced to the lowest level. The reason why he could still survive was because his head had not been chopped off yet. But that's enough. The hatred that makes the whole body unable to move can't stop others from pulling their heads off their bodies.

 In the end, all the bones of the abomination were dismantled, leaving only the head with a bunch of brains left in front of Gu Xi.

Looking at the things brought by the ordinary skeletons, Gu Xi couldn't help but smile and said, "Do they still know how to offer sacrifices?"

Then Gu Xi wanted to refuse, but when he looked at what the skeletons brought up, Gu Xi had a thought in his mind.

“Let the skeletons clean up the battlefield on their own. Give the skeletons 30% of what they grab, and recycle the rest, Luna!”

As soon as Luna heard Gu Xi's order, she looked at Gu Xi and found that Gu Xi was pointing at the things that the skeletons had snatched from the red-skinned mummies.

Luna and Gu Xi's tacit understanding was quite high. She understood Gu Xi's thoughts immediately. She quickly flew towards the city gate, preparing to carve out a piece of land there and let the skeletons here be handed over this time. Harvest on the battlefield.

As for whether it was right to ask these skeletons to hand over things, Luna didn't think about it at all.

No necromancer needs to consider the thoughts of the undead.

 Gu Xi was willing to give them 30%, just because they still had the potential to grow. Skeletons that couldn't grow wouldn't be able to get anything from them even if they were cleaning the battlefield.

When Luna was about to leave, Gu Xi said again: "Luna, take out all the armors and other things in the city. When the battle here is over, I will directly let the skeleton soldiers of level 3 or above come over. Dress up.

 I can tell from this battle that the enemy is not weak. We don’t just use skeletons as cannon fodder, but we have to pick out some with potential and raise them. "

Luna nodded to express her understanding, and then quickly drifted towards the city gate.

At this time, Gu Xi was commanding the skeleton archer leader, firing straight shots at the chaotic and difficult areas on the battlefield.

Under Gu Xi's command, the battlefield was slowly brought under control, and the skeletons who had just crawled out of the undead natural disaster circle also grew up in the battle.

 Some of them have a more ruthless fighting style, and they have even reached level 3 and become official skeleton soldiers.

It's just that the weapons in their hands are still bone weapons. After becoming skeleton soldiers, they don't have a direction or anything. They almost use whatever weapons they have in their hands.

 Gu Xi himself could see the chaos in this battle. If he hadn't seized the opportunity and disrupted the enemy's rhythm, he didn't know what would have happened in the end.

 So these undead must be adjusted.

 Some tough jobs must be done.

 The spearman combat style of Combat Team 1 must be learned by these skeletons.

This kind of spearman's fighting method is the simplest and most practical, and is most suitable for skeleton soldiers who are not afraid of death.

And the spear is the best weapon to make. Even if you don't have a suitable spear, you can use it with a stick.

  In addition, an ordinary axehand must also be equipped, so that the last hit can be carried out after the spear rushes through.

 Only with proper coordination, these skeletons can grow up in battle after battle.

 Otherwise, they will be summoned after death, and then die again after being summoned. In the end, they will be nothing more than a group of cannon fodder.

 Now they can still win with the help of Gu Xi, but there will be more enemies behind them.

Who knows what kind of enemies Gu Xi will encounter here next, so Gu Xi has to think about it for himself.

After returning this time, all skeletons that can reach level 3 will be equipped with equipment and rearranged for training.

 At that time, they will be the main force in the Guxi battle.

 (End of this chapter)

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