Breath of the Dead

Chapter 186: Asking for help (50150)

Chapter 186 Asking for help (50150)

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 “Temporary speed increase!”

 Let yourself lie tightly on the coffin lid, hold the iron chain tightly with both hands, and let the evil coffin move at full speed.

The evil coffin's original speed had already reached 250 kilometers per hour. Now that it picked up speed, Gu Xi was almost thrown out. Fortunately, Gu Xi held on to the chain tightly and was not thrown in place.

 A few seconds later, Gu Xi returned to his own city gate.

Before he could summon all the undead troops to prepare for battle, there was a bang behind him.

Gu Xi didn't even think about looking back to see what happened. He just quickly let go of his hand and slid off the evil coffin to avoid the shock wave caused by the explosion behind him.

 But the shock wave Gu Xi imagined did not appear.

 Other than the explosion, there was no movement behind.

 Gu Xi poked his head out with some confusion. He found that there was a huge pothole where he had put down the farmer's hut.

 There is nothing else.

 The castle is gone, and so are the White Walkers who came with the castle.

The place in front of you is so clean, as if nothing has happened.

 Only the big crater that was blown out can prove what happened just now.

 “It was so dangerous, I almost died inside.”

Looking at the huge pit, Gu Xi swallowed his saliva and finally choked out a sentence.

If it weren't for the temporary speed-increasing ability of the evil coffin, and if Gu Xi had been distracted just now and looked at the pop-up prompts, the explosion might have involved him as well.

Unlike now, he can still stand on the edge of the pit and look at everything here.

Looking down at the big pit in front of him, Gu Xi very wanted to ask what happened when the explosion happened just now.

 But these undead souls were unable to communicate with Gu Xi, and in the end he could only forget about it.

 As the attack stopped, Gu Xi finally became quiet again.

Neither the pirate ship nor the castle can take down the node guarded by Gu Xi. The White Walkers also know that the situation here is not easy to deal with, and they are considering how to send troops next.

At this time, at the core of the Undead Natural Disaster Ceremony Array, the mage leader was holding up his staff and chanting incantations. Beside him were more than sixty undead mage players.

Different from the Necromancers who are guarding outside, they are mainly players with poison or cold attributes.

They are not very good at commanding the undead troops in battle, but they are still very strong in attacking methods such as playing with poison or playing with ice.

Now they are constantly extracting their own mana, turning the mana into green or ice-blue mana **** one after another, and injecting them into the undead natural disaster ritual circle.

Each time it is injected, the mage leader's face will change color, from cyan to white, and then from white to red.

 It can be seen that he is adjusting the amount of mana injected every time.

 Outside these necromancers, there are still some necromancers who are making preparations for the next step.

 As long as someone is short of mana, they will immediately step forward to replace it.

 They actually already know the current situation.

The White Walkers' attack was so intense that almost all the 100 magic circle nodes on the periphery fell.

Now they only have this last chance. If they can't withstand it, everyone here will be ruined.

At this moment, more than a dozen gargoyles flew over. Before he even got close to this place, he was discovered by several necromancer players.

 They quickly sent their men to intercept.

 After all, at the moment, they may not even believe in the undead, let alone a group of gargoyles.

At this time, the gargoyle also fell from the sky, took out the letter written by Gu Xi, and handed it into the hands of a necromancer.

 After reading the letter, the necromancer turned his head and glanced at his companions.

“There are still people alive at the frontline array nodes. How is this possible?”

 “Who is it?” Another necromancer asked curiously.

"Gu Xi, you also have a nickname, Breath of the Dead? I haven't heard much about it. Are you a member of the guild?"

The necromancer holding the letter took a serious look at Gu Xi's signature below and asked with some confusion.

“Really, I remember the person who was called away alone by the mage leader, no, that was Gu Xi. I heard that he mastered one of the three divine skills.”

"Three Divine Skills, I remembered them as soon as you mentioned them. They are the incarnation of death, right? No wonder they can withstand it. With the Three Divine Skills, the survival rate is still very high."

“No, I heard it’s a city of death. Only with skills like city of death can we survive on the front line.”

“No, it’s the incarnation of death. I’ve seen his bone dragon before.”

 “City of death.”

Seeing that several necromancers were about to quarrel over this matter, an old necromancer quickly stepped forward to stop them.

“Guys, please stop arguing. Do you think it’s possible that Gu Xi has two of the three divine skills?”

"How can it be?"

“That is, one of them is already a huge stroke of luck, but did he cheat on the other two?”

 But the old necromancer said: "Don't forget, he has his own title in the academy, and judging from this title, it should be their dean who gave it to him.

 What does this mean? It shows that he has such a talent in the academy.

 There are people who are born in Rome.

 Can't compare, really can't compare. "

“Now is not the time to talk about this. What we need to care about is what should we do with his letter asking for help? Should we support it?”

“Support, do we have soldiers in hand? Do we still have mana? There is nothing, what support should we use to stop the last rituals of the undead natural disaster circle?

 None of these are possible, now he can only bear it by himself. "

After speaking, the old necromancer player shook his head helplessly.

"I've seen this kind of thing too much. Only by surviving can we have a chance to be valued by others. Let's just be our oxen and horses honestly."

As the Necromancer player spoke, he stepped aside again, leaving only the one who had received the letter asking for help from Gu Xi standing there, neither advancing nor retreating.

"What are you still doing? Recover your energy and mana quickly. We can't decide this matter. You can keep this letter until the mage leader is free. As for those gargoyles, you should let them Let's go back.

 Although there are only a few of them, they will at least have some combat power after returning. "

 A companion saw the necromancer still holding a letter asking for help, and also stepped forward to say something.

The necromancer only then realized that he was about to send a request for help to the information collection center when Liu Kai suddenly came over.

“I just heard you talking about Guxi, right? What happened? Can I read this letter?”

 (End of this chapter)

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