Breath of the Dead

Chapter 225: Chores before going out to war (please subscribe)

Chapter 225: Chores before going to war (please subscribe)

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 Three hours later, Gu Xi looked at the vampire knight brought behind Sha Ya and couldn't help but shook his head.

"There is no problem for you to follow me. Luna needs to take charge of the work in Alidovi, but there is no need to bring these vampire knights. Having vampires in the guild is somewhat ostentatious."

“Sir, think about your incarnation of death. You show off with a vampire, but you don’t show off with a bone dragon.”

Sha Ya was not used to Gu Xi, so she dismissed Gu Xi's thoughts with just one sentence.

Gu Xi couldn't say anything more about Sha Ya's attitude. This guy was an eccentric being. Before he became an undead, he dared to tease Gu Xi. Now that he had become an undead, she wouldn't be able to help him. Dare to do something.

“This is reasonable, but will it be too much? You are dragging all the vampires in the vampire mansion to present the letter.”

"If you don't bring it out now, then when will you bring it out? When that big man Dimi obeys the order, vampires are not all under her command."

Faced with such a thing, Gu Xi could only say: "That's okay. Taking them out to show them off can be considered as protection."

As Gu Xi spoke, he exited Alidovi City.

Reappearing in the small square on the roadside, Gu Xi glanced around. He noticed that the players passing by would bring some undead behind them. On the one hand, these undead were protecting the players, and on the other hand, they were also showing off to the players. Others demonstrate the player's strength.

 Some players even bring all their undead with them.

This reassured Gu Xi a lot. He raised his head and walked out with Shaya. As for the vampire knights behind him, just as Shaya said at the beginning, you usually have bone dragons with you. There's no point in being ostentatious with a bit of a vampire.

 After leaving Aridovi City, Gu Xi habitually wanted to find a ferocious weasel to lead the way.

Before he could recruit him, Sha Ya came out from behind Gu Xi.

 “Sir, look at me.”

The tacit understanding between Gu Xi and the contracted undead is quite high. He knew what Shaya wanted to do at a glance: "Okay, you lead the way."

Shaya smiled slightly and took the initiative to walk in front. Just like the situation in Victoria City, no matter where she went, Shaya would lead the way.

This is actually a hidden ability of Shaya. As a thief, she can find the most convenient or correct path even if she has never been to a place before.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Xi let Sha Ya lead the way instead of calling the Dire Weasel.

Shaya did not disappoint Gu Xi. She just walked around outside for a short time and determined the direction.

At this time, Gu Xi had also sat on the evil coffin. Shaya was leading the way, with a group of bats transformed from vampire knights flying behind.

They headed toward the southeast of Chaoyang Guild's headquarters, where there was a commercial street built by the guild.

Many commercial buildings have been built here, and the streets are three times wider than other places, making it easier for players to set up stalls here. At the same time, some offices that are convenient for players have also been built here.

Here Gu Xi saw a library, restaurant, pub, barber shop, etc.

 The goal of his visit this time was the Zhanqi Design Studio located here.

 Normally speaking, as long as you are a player, you can start designing your own badges and battle flags after you officially take office.

At the beginning, if there is no special opportunity for a rookie around level 1, his battle flag usually has no attributes. It would be more embarrassing for a rookie battle flag to fly on the battlefield than to fly a white flag.

 So most players will start designing battle flags after mastering their talents at level 5.

Of course, there are also some players who have passed down the family. Their battle flags have been decided since the day they were born. When preparing the battle flag, they only need to come over and modify it. No need to redesign the pattern again.

 Gu Xi is one of those who has no family inheritance. Now, in addition to the chief symbol, his battle flag only has an undead natural disaster ritual badge.

 The remaining parts were all white flags, which made Gu Xi feel quite uncomfortable every time he raised his battle flag.

 It is rare to have free time now, so Gu Xi naturally wants to find someone to design his own battle flag.

 Pushing open the door of the Zhanqi Design Room, a player wearing glasses stood up.

He is tall and thin, has gray hair, and wears blue sleeves on his hands. He is dressed like an old tailor.

“Hello, comrade, are you here to make a battle flag? I see that you are at level 4. You are about to reach level 5. It’s time to get a battle flag of your own.”

 “Yes, please help me design a battle flag.”

"Okay, no problem. Please sit down here first. By the way, comrades, let me explain in advance that the first time the battle flag is designed with investment from the guild and is free of charge, but starting from the second time, no matter what is added to it, Or redesign, it all costs money.”

 “I know, help me design it first.”

"Okay, comrades, do you have a favorite color for the battle flag? As a necromancer, you can usually choose gray or purple. In addition, our Chaoyang Guild has a specific color, which is like the sunset red at dusk."

 Gu Xi preferred the purple flag at first, but when he took out the sunset red flag, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

He really likes this color. Not to mention anything else, just this bright yellow, almost red feeling, makes Gu Xi satisfied.

 “Just this kind of sunset red.”

“Okay, but let me explain in advance that there are not many colors that can be matched with this sunset red. The common colors are only black and dark blue. Others such as dark cloud colors, meteor purple, etc. need to be ordered separately.”

 Gu Xi laughed when he heard it, and he was playing tricks on me here. Sorry, I studied art in high school.

Although I’m not good at drawing, I can still do the pointing.

It's like a colorful black, that's what people like me can say.

 “With black and dark blue, check the effect first and then adjust.”

The old tailor didn't say much about Gu Xi not choosing the other colors he recommended. He stretched out his hand a little in front of him, and a sunset red flag appeared in front of Gu Xi. At the same time, the old tailor quickly took out black and dark blue flags. Pen, ready to start drawing.

However, Gu Xi said at this time: "Among the ordinary colors, what are the options between white and brighter blue?"

 “Ordinary white, silver white, aqua blue…”

The old tailor didn't know why Gu Xi asked, but he spoke quickly anyway.

 Every time he said a color, there would be an extra pen in front of him.

 Gu Xi can know what the old tailor's colors look like through the colors of these pens.

 After almost releasing all the ordinary colors, Gu Xi said.

“Draw first. If you need to change the color later, just follow my arrangements.”

 (End of this chapter)

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