Breath of the Dead

Chapter 234: BOSS’s gaze (74159)

Chapter 234 The BOSS’s Gaze (74159)

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Because part of the mural was soaked in water and part of it was cracked and invisible, Gu Xi could only see a few fragments.

 According to the records on the murals, the princess known as the Flower of the North was the sister of a certain British king.

She has been sent to a certain place to learn magic since she was a child. The murals here cannot depict the college or the city. Gu Xi can only tell that she is going to learn magic.

Later her brother died, and she raised his only son alone and inherited the throne of Britain.

 When her nephew ascended the throne, she explained to her nephew that when she was learning magic, she had changed her profession and became a necromancer.

After that, Britain's management of necromancers was not so strict.

 When her strength reaches a certain level, she sleeps in the mausoleum here.

 Seems to be waiting for something.

 Seeing this, Gu Xi was speechless even though he had not read all the stories.

 A very powerful necromancer who might even reach the legendary level was soaked in water like this?

Are you joking?

Although sleeping in a mausoleum is a way for necromancers to break through themselves, it is not so damaging.

But having said that, it is precisely because there is a powerful necromancer below that when you take a breath, you will have that kind of yin energy illusion.

  This Flower of the North had already caused enough trouble for Gu Xi before she even woke up.

While Gu Xi was observing the murals, the evil coffin had also arrived at the crack in the wall.

Putting away the cold wind staff, Gu Xi bit the spiritual lamp into his mouth, put his hands on the crack, and climbed from the evil coffin to a position above the crack with one exertion.

 Through the wall, which was half a meter thick, Gu Xi saw what was happening outside the wall.

 Outside the wall, there is a tree root that has shrunk into a ball.

The diameter of this tree ball is at least more than 1,300 meters, and the roots of large and small trees are like blood vessels, entangled in circles.

Looking at the huge tree ball from a distance, Gu Xi couldn't help but laugh.

“Black apple blossoms, there are as many as you want here.”

 That's right, Gu Xi had already seen countless black apple blossoms on the roots of the tree, as well as the red threads that could control people.

 Now this tree root is contracting itself with all its strength and is not spreading itself out.

But Gu Xi's knowledge of geometry was quite good, and he could estimate the size of the tree root at a glance.

At the same time, he can also calculate what the roots of the tree will look like if they are fully unfolded.

"No wonder it's called the Crown of Holy Trees. The city of Victoria has been inextricably linked to its mirror image since the day it was built, right? The city has two sides, the crown and the roots. There's nothing that can't be in opposition. ”

 Gu Xi, who wanted to understand the situation of the tree roots, muttered something, but he still jumped down from the crack in the wall.

 There are so many black apple blossoms at the root of the tree in front of you. This is the best evidence.

As long as he tells the great lord about this secret passage, he should be able to open a new way for the British royal family to attack Westminster Abbey. Of course, maybe they had known this road for a long time, but the ancestors of their royal family were sleeping in the underground mausoleum, and it was possible that they did not dare to pass by here.

Gu Xi didn't have that much worry. After climbing above the crack, Gu Xi took the spiritual lamp and shined it downwards.

Outside the crack, there is also a vast ocean. The water that fills the underground mausoleum is poured from this underground river.

 Different from the stagnant water in the underground mausoleum that barely flows, the water outside is flowing, but the speed of the water flow is obviously not too fast, and normal people will not be swept away by the water when they go up.

Looking up at the tree ball above, Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at Luna.

Luna quickly understood what Gu Xi meant, and she quickly flew back to Aridovi. After a while, the gargoyle troops flew out of the city gate.

As a non-living body, gargoyles are also not affected by the red threads spit out by apple blossoms. At the same time, with the flying speed of gargoyles, even if there is something wrong with the tree ball, they can retreat quickly at the speed of gargoyles. return.

 When the gargoyles came out, Gu Xi called out some skeleton archers, skeleton spearmen and skeleton mages.

After arranging his undead troops, Gu Xi pointed towards the gargoyle.

 “Skeleton Priest!”

 As soon as the skeleton priest who reached level 2 appeared, he began to provide various blessings to Gu Xi's troops.

 The ones who received the most blessings were naturally the gargoyles. After all, they were going to grab the black apple blossoms this time.

Having partially increased their strength, the gargoyles rushed out quickly. They headed towards the tree **** hanging high in the sky, and quickly rushed towards the outermost apple blossoms.

As the gargoyle approached, the tree roots also reacted. The big entangled tree roots basically did not move, but the red silk thread attached to the tree roots popped out.

 Some silk threads were wrapped around the gargoyle head-on.

Gargoyles react faster. They fly up and down in the attack of red threads, dodging the opponent's attacks. At the same time, they wave their arms to cut off the red threads that want to fall on them.

 Gu Xi could see that the gargoyle's combat effectiveness had been significantly improved after being blessed by the skeleton priest.

 Whether they dodge or attack, they are not afraid of the possessing ability of the red thread, but they do not want to be entangled by such a thing and slow down their flying speed.

 After seeing this, Gu Xi naturally wanted to solve the problem for them.

 “Luna, release the corpse flies to distract them from the red thread.”

Luna nodded her head, and under her command, a large group of corpse flies also flew out.

The moving speed of corpse flies is much faster than that of gargoyles. In addition, they fly in groups of more than a hundred and fly in a large group.

 As soon as it flew to the edge of the tree root, it immediately attracted the attention of most of the red threads.

A red thread chased a corpse fly, opening a path for the gargoyle in the blink of an eye.

The gargoyles did not miss this opportunity. They rushed to the roots of the tree, stretched out their hands, cut, grabbed, and pulled out more than thirty black apple blossoms.

As soon as these black apple blossoms were pulled out, the huddled tree roots also reacted, and a huge tree root was twisting to be removed from the tree ball.

At this moment, Gu Xi also heard a ding in his ear.

  【You have attracted the attention of the dungeon BOSS Spore Cultist Charlie, please deal with it carefully. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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