Breath of the Dead

Chapter 265: Surprises one after another (please subscribe)

Chapter 265 Surprises one after another (please subscribe)

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 Bringing the Melting Furnace Whistle into Alidovi City.

The sound of the whistle became sharper and sharper.

Standing at the city gate, Gu Xi could even hear the sounds coming from Victoria City becoming more and more obvious.

Faced with this situation, Gu Xi waved his hand and cut off the connection between the city gate and Victoria City.

At the moment when the connection was cut off, the furnace whistle in Gu Xi's hand even flew up, making a harsh noise, trying to attract the nearby cinders.

 But there is no cinder in the city of Aridovi, not even a being related to cinder.

The furnace whistle screamed for about two minutes, then finally lost all power and fell to the ground.

At this time, Gu Xi picked up the Melting Furnace Whistle in June. At this time, Gu Xi found that the Melting Furnace Whistle seemed to have changed.

The original furnace whistle was a piece of iron that had just been hot-hot. You didn't feel anything when you held it in your hand, but when you put it to your mouth, you could feel the high temperature coming toward your face.

 But now the water has turned into a blackened iron bar, and it has obviously lost all its power.

However, when Gu Xi picked it up, he found that the description on the furnace whistle had completely changed.

[Melting Furnace Whistle (grey): A whistle that has lost its power, even if it was originally part of a purple suit, is now useless. 】

  【Note: The lost power will not dissipate, but exists somewhere in another way. Please use this power quickly, otherwise several other props will come after you. 】

  【Explanation: This is a set of twelve special props. The twelve pieces added together can be equivalent to one purple prop, but there is no special penalty. 】

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at the explanation in front of him, Gu Xi couldn't help but laugh.

 He found that this was the biggest gain from this operation, "Luna, Luna!"

At Gu Xi’s command, Luna flew out.

 “Sir, what’s wrong?”

“This is for you, check where the lost energy went and use it directly.”

 Gu Xi threw the melting furnace whistle into Luna's hand, with a look on his face as if he should take advantage of me.

Luna took the furnace whistle and glanced at it, then looked at the place where the furnace whistle fell before, and nodded clearly.

 “Okay, I get it.”

 After saying that, Luna flew to the location where the melting furnace whistle landed just now, and placed the melting furnace whistle on the ground.

Then Luna pressed her hands on the ground, and the melting furnace whistle melted on the ground on the spot.

Then Gu Xi saw a blazing red light emitting from the ground, and the ground even melted a little.

However, this kind of vision only happened for a moment, and disappeared after a few seconds, as if everything had never happened.

Only the sound coming from Gu Xi's ears reminded Gu Xi of the changes in the city this time.

  【Special power is integrated into Aridovi City, please choose the direction of power change. 】

【Fire: Light a fire at a special power fusion location to attract outsiders to seek refuge in the city (the effect is like a level 3 refugee camp, with level 3 to level 7 soldiers randomly generated every week). 】

Geothermal: Geothermal hot spots appear at the fusion location of special forces and merge with the sewer to form a geothermal sewer (steam pipes are arranged in the sewer, the sewer is expanded, and some plots are added). 】

  【Lamppost: Erect a lamppost at a special power fusion location to allow soldiers to quickly gather (the effect is equivalent to a rally flag plus a fixed-point portal). ]      As soon as the three options appeared, Gu Xiqi became a little embarrassed.

 I really want all three.

One is equivalent to adding a random training camp for soldiers. Even if the troops are different every week, if you are lucky and get level 7 soldiers, it will not be a direct improvement.

 The other is the plot of land that Alidovi needs most right now. In the current city of Alidovi, there are almost no large plots left, and small and medium-sized plots have also been divided.

 But he just got a new batch of architectural design drawings, and they are in a series.

 Gu Xi believes that if these architectural design drawings are put together, a special ghost area can even be created.

 For the current Gu Xi, adding a new plot of land is a good thing.

As for the lamppost, we don’t see much effect now, but as Aridovi slowly grows larger, its effect will slowly become apparent.

At present, the city of Aridovi only has two gates. Even if the new city gates are built, there will only be three.

 But it also takes time for soldiers to run from one city gate to another.

  Sometimes when manpower is needed, the soldiers under his command are all far away, and the deployment of troops is not so smooth.

 So this lamppost is actually quite useful.

It can be said that Gu Xi wants all of these three directions of change, but he cannot win them all.

Facing this choice, Gu Xi was silent for a moment, and finally said slowly: "I want a fire."

 This is the first time since Gu Xi became a necromancer that he is not sure what he needs.

But he still said his words. As his words fell, a flame rose on the spot, and a huge bonfire as tall as a person appeared in front of Gu Xi.

As the fire appeared, Gu Xi also walked to the fire. He stretched his hand on the fire, and a message popped up in front of him.

  【The fire attracted a group of refugees this week. Do you need to meet them? 】


The reason why Gu Xi walked to the fire as soon as possible was not just to take a look at what kind of troops would emerge from the fire this week.

But Gu Xi never expected that a dragon roar could be heard in his ears as he responded.

Gu Xi's eyes widened as he looked at the information that appeared in front of him. He couldn't believe his luck.

 【Red Dragon*1 was produced this week, requiring 4670 resources and 1 Dragon Blood Crystal to recruit! 】

[Red Dragon (level 7 summoned troops): experience (0/8000), attack 35, defense 20, life 200, skills: flying troops, fire immunity (will not be the target of negative fire magic, the fire attribute received Halve the damage), flame breath (breath flames to a fan-shaped area, and all soldiers within the attack range will receive the same powerful damage)]

Looking at the red dragon that appeared in front of Gu Xi with its wings and front paws growing together, and with flames burning on its tail, Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

“Luna, where are the soldier recruitment coupons I brought back last time? Are they still there?”

 Luna also understood what Gu Xi meant, and she quickly sent the soldier recruitment coupons to Gu Xi.

 Taking the three soldier recruitment coupons, Gu Xi took a deep breath.

This kind of soldier recruitment coupon is used by players to squeeze out more soldiers to fill the army when there are no soldiers in the city.

 But now Gu Xi saw another hope.

 “Recruit, recruit 30 red dragons!”

 (End of this chapter)

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