Breath of the Dead

Chapter 268: The Battle of Alidovita (please subscribe)

 Chapter 268 The Battle of Alidovita (Please subscribe)

 Under Gu Xi’s order, his undead men quickly took action.

 Arroyo immediately led his troops towards the location with the largest number of enemies.

 From the battle in Victoria City, Arroyo already understood how to take his own path.

 Continuous attacks are his strongest ability, but how to keep all his spearmen alive in the battle is a science.

Arroyo now has an idea. As long as he can retain the skills he just mastered, his idea will become a reality.

Now is the best time. Arroyo's idea is to go out and kill one more enemy to gain more experience.

 After killing all these people, the level of the skeleton spearmen under him can be improved a little more, and his troops will be stronger by then.

With such thoughts, Arroyo can be said to have gone crazy.

At this time, Gu Xi also saw what skills Arroyo had acquired unintentionally.

Obviously the time for bone shields has passed, but Arroyo's skeleton spearmen are still surrounded by a layer of black ash.

As they advance, black ash will hover around them like a bone shield.

However, Gu Xi did not think that their layer of black and gray would have any defensive power. On the contrary, the existence of black and gray would make it even more difficult for the enemy to grasp the position of the skeleton spearmen, making it easier to hit them in the air when attacking.

 This greatly improves the survivability of the skeleton spearmen.

 It can also be regarded as an alternative type of enhanced defense.

Although everything about this skill has not yet taken shape, Gu Xi has already seen the potential in it.

Even if Arroyo didn't say anything, Gu Xi would immediately arrange it for Arroyo as long as there was a new location.

Arroyo didn’t know what Gu Xi was thinking. At this time, he only had two words in his mind: ‘experience’.

Looking at the extra enemies around him, he led his skeleton spearmen to kill them in one direction.

The enemies who suddenly appeared near Gu Xi's team also reacted to Arroyo's move. They quickly attacked the undead troops around them, hoping to throw everything into a melee.

At this time, Robbie and his men played a big role. They were all skeleton two-handed swordsmen who were most suitable for melee combat. Whether they were fighting alone or with a group of people, they would just raise their swords to cut.

 The existence of Robbie brings enough blessings to the skeleton two-handed swordsmen, and at the same time, they also have a clear attack direction.

 “Clear these guys out first and protect the shooter troops and legal troops behind.”

While they were talking, the Skeleton Archer and the Skeleton Mage also took action at the same time.

They couldn't do it without taking action. After all, the enemy almost hit them. If they didn't take action, they would have little chance.

Even the Blight Ones took control of the situation and kept the enemies at bay.

 At this time, Gu Xi had also seen the abilities of the Withered Ones other than serving as a recovery unit.

They can throw the spear sticks they carry. Although the distance is relatively short, the attack power is not weak.

 Most importantly, they can also release poison.

It's just that Gu Xi is a little confused. Are these weird things in front of him afraid of this kind of poison?

 Gu Xi expressed considerable doubts.

At the same time, Gu Xi's movements were not slow. He mobilized the last zombie ax shield soldiers and the last fighting team to force out the enemies that appeared nearby. Finally, he cleared the battlefield and dragged the battle to the end. to the periphery of his own troops.

 After that, Gu Xi had the opportunity to look at the enemies on the battlefield.

Just like what Gu Xi discovered when Aridovita fell before.

These enemies are also clearly divided into two groups. A group of them were sacrifices. When they were sacrificed, their bodies and minds had been distorted. After being affected by the mirror image, they could no longer be regarded as human beings.

At the same time, they are not the kind of ghosts unique to this world. Their current situation seems to be just zombies with abnormal bodies.

 Because as sacrifices, they have no weapons and equipment. When launching an attack, they can only rely on their claws and mouth.

It’s just that there are usually many of them, and when they attack, they often swarm them, giving people the feeling that the enemies are like a tide, and the momentum can scare the enemies away.

 So they usually fight very smoothly.

 But this time he couldn't do it. They met Gu Xi. In Victoria City, Gu Xi had even seen the zombie siege.

Thousands of cinders that can be resurrected continuously are not able to block Gu Xi's attack. Just these more than 1,500 sacrifices in front of you?

Gu Xi now wants to let them know what a sacrifice is.

After blocking the enemy out, Gu Xi didn't even call out the red dragon hovering in the sky, and took action directly.

 First, a skeleton priest replenishes the health of his subordinates and increases their strength.

 Then Gu Xi immediately released the Bone Storm.

Now Gu Xi's Bone Storm is obviously more powerful. At the same time, after several battles, Gu Xi has some ideas about where to cast Bone Storm and the direction of movement.

 Now Gu Xi is no longer actively controlling the trajectory of the Bone Storm like he was before.

The current Gu Xi is to release four or five Bone Storms at the same time, directly specify a range, and let the Bone Storm rotate there on its own.

 As for not being able to kill someone, that is impossible.

With the power of the Bone Storm, even ghosts can be killed when they come, not to mention that these enemies are not ghosts and their levels are not as high as expected.

 As soon as the Bone Storm was released, some of the enemies were immediately swept up.

This made it easier for Gu Xi's men. The skeleton shooter and the skeleton mage launched attacks at the same time.

 With the command of a boss, they can accurately target the enemy and carry out concentrated fire attacks. At the same time, they can also quickly judge the current situation, and will not be able to scatter at will like before.

 With this addition and subtraction, Gu Xi's troops quickly gained the upper hand.

But those weird guys are not easy to mess with.

  When they saw that the raid could not bring trouble to Gu Xi, they actually changed their strategy.

The cultist who was still wearing a black robe actually rushed to the strange and twisted sacrifices with a dagger, and drew the dagger on these sacrifices.

 At this time, these sacrifices seemed to recall the fear of being sacrificed.

They suddenly jumped into Gu Xi's team as if they were crazy.

These sacrifices kept biting the undead around them, and sometimes they pounced directly on the undead, trying to tear them apart.

 Looking at the crazy appearance of the sacrifices, the cultists wearing black robes were also quite happy.

 They believed that there was nothing Gu Xi could do to them now.

 But they really think too much. As necromancers, how can they take the life and death of the undead seriously.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi pointed the cold wind staff forward.

 “Secondary corpse explosion!”

 (End of this chapter)

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