Breath of the Dead

Chapter 317: Big construction in the city, digestion and harvest (please subscribe)

Chapter 317: Construction in the city, digestion of harvest (please subscribe)

In front of the Assembly Hall of Alidovi City, Gu Xi's figure slowly appeared.

Before he could clearly see what was going on around him, Gu Xi saw a figure walking up to him and standing slightly behind him on his left side.

Gu Xi turned his head to look curiously, feeling startled in his heart.

 Since when did his city of Aridovi have any living people?

 No, this is not a living person.

The man standing next to Gu Xi is about 1.85 meters tall, with smooth lavender skin, and a pointed face with delicate features.

The reason why Gu Xi recognized this girl as a living person was entirely because her eyes were lively and even quite seductive.

Hidden in the gray hair are a pair of small horns that bend back. Looking down from the head and face, under the bumpy body are slender recurved hooves.

There is also a long tail growing behind him.

 Looks a bit like a Draenei.

However, Gu Xi immediately realized that this was the corpse succubus assigned to him before.

It seems that this corpse succubus really has something. If his waist was not so sore now, he decided to take a closer look at the structure of the corpse succubus.

  In response to Gu Xi's observation, the corpse succubus did not flinch. Instead, it raised its head and straightened its chest, showing off its beauty.

While Gu Xi was observing, Luna appeared behind Gu Xi.

“Sir, do you want to cultivate this corpse succubus?”

"Ah, no, no special training is needed. By the way, what happened to the things that were sent in? Has Kane sorted them out?" Gu Xi's face turned red and he quickly changed the subject.

"It has been divided, and the Ghost Yin Fruit Tree has been planted, not far ahead. If you want to cultivate corpse succubi, we can think of a way. After all, their talents and attributes are quite good."

As Luna spoke, she showed Gu Xi the attributes of the corpse succubus.

[Corpse Succubus (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/750), attack 6, defense 6, life 20, ammunition 8, skills: undead creature, long-range counterattack (can counterattack the enemy's long-range attack), pain and joy (The person being attacked only takes 80% of the damage, and 20% is reflected back to the attacker.)]

Given the attributes of the corpse succubi in front of him, Gu Xi also felt that their combat skills were surprisingly good.

However, Gu Xi did not agree immediately, but looked at Luna.

 “Luna, why are you so active?”

“It’s not that I don’t have any close troops under my command, but the Guiyin fruit tree has just been planted. One hundred and fifty Guiyin fruits every day cannot be wasted like this.

I plan to prepare one hundred and fifty elite guards for you to protect you. "

  "You can really think about it. Are you busy these days with Alidovi? Thinking about so much."

 Gu Xi smiled helplessly.

“I won’t be idle when I’m idle, but I’m not too tired either. It’s just that I have to prepare some things in advance. After all, my lord, you have already begun to have heroes under your command, and then the troops under your command will be divided between the heroes and the leader.

You can't end up without your own troops. "

 “Then what were you thinking about?”

Gu Xi asked with a smile.

"I thought about it for a moment. Look at the one hundred and fifty Ghost Yin Fruits we have every day. It just so happens that we have fifty Witherers. If there are fifty more Corpse Succubi and another fifty in close combat, there will be so many The combat effectiveness will be complete.”

Hearing this, Gu Xi couldn't help but shook his head.

“Luna, your idea is right, but one thing you didn’t think of is that we need to consider not just 50 soldiers, but the source of reserve power among the soldiers.

  If we only have these troops but no place to replenish them, what will happen if the soldiers die in battle?

I am a necromancer, so I cannot treat my subordinates as preciously as other players do. Without troop replenishment, the team will only become mixed in the end, so why not choose from ordinary soldiers from the beginning? "

  Listening to Gu Xi’s words, Luna also fell silent for a moment.

She understood that what Gu Xi said was right, but would they really use those ordinary soldiers as guards?

That has no characteristics.

Not at all as popular as the combination of Corpse Succubus and Witherbearer.

So Luna still said: "But we have the Altar of Eternal Slavery. If we die in battle, we can just resurrect ourselves. We are not afraid of not having any soldiers."

“That’s only half the chance of resurrection, and you will still lose troops in the end.”

Looking at Luna's angry look, Gu Xi reached out and patted Luna.

“Okay, don’t think about this anymore. After collecting the Ghost Yin Fruit, find a place to store it. I will study it again before using it.”

"No, sir, I just looked at the properties of the Ghost Yin Fruit. You have to eat this thing on the same day. It will have no effect the next day."

 Gu Xi was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect this thing to have such restrictions, so he could only say: “Then give it to the undead hero, and first improve the attributes and quality of the undead hero.

 The rest will be discussed after the training camp is established.

By the way, have the title deeds of the abandoned old house I sent back last time been integrated? "

“It has been integrated, and 2 points of urban experience have been added. Since there are no large plots of land, it has been integrated into the Giant Cemetery area.

By the way, the three demonized Cyclops corpses that were sent in before were also sent to the Giant Cemetery area.

It should now be buried underground in the Giant Cemetery area to improve the properties of the Giant Cemetery area. "

 “Okay, I understand this.”

At first, Gu Xi wanted to keep the corpse of the Demonic Cyclops and study it to see if he could research a Corpse Cyclops or a giant abomination.

 But Luna thought that these should be buried in the giant cemetery area, so Gu Xi would not force them to stay, she just asked.

 “How is the effect?”

“Very good, the title deed of the abandoned old house that has just been integrated has taken on the attributes of the Giant Cemetery area, and is now considered a part of the Giant Cemetery area.”

 “As long as it works.”

 Gu Xi nodded.

 At this time, Gu Xi and the others talked about the energy orb again.

 For this building, Luna would have built it immediately even if she had not been reminded.

“Sir, please don’t worry. After the witch hut is built, I have already arranged the soul orbs and it is being built now.”

“That’s okay, by the way, has the witch’s cabin been built?

 Let’s go and see where it is built. "

 When Gu Xi heard that the witch hut had been built, he became interested.

You can buy three kinds of potions or props with different qualities and effects every day in the witch hut. Gu Xi would like to see what kind of output this witch hut has.

"Okay, this time the witch hut is built in the magic plant area. It was originally planned to build a corpse tree pit nearby to connect with the rotting swamp. Now this plan has been temporarily stopped."

As Luna introduced the situation to Gu Xi, she headed over there with Gu Xi.

 (End of this chapter)

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