Breath of the Dead

Chapter 339: The undead transformation technique was successful (125169)

Chapter 339 The Undead Transformation Technique Successful (125169)

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Gu Xi said he was going to use the Undead Transformation Technique, but when he actually took action, he realized how troublesome it would be.

 The corpse reinstallation requires corpse structure, and the combination of various materials requires knowledge of undead research. Finally, the soul needs to be adjusted, and a magic circle needs to be drawn.

 The knowledge required here may take several years for an ordinary necromancer to gain access to.

If a necromancer takes other routes, he may even have to reach level 10 or so before he can meet the basic requirements of the undead transformation technique.

Gu Xi is now just using his own knowledge to cobble together the things needed for the Undead Transformation Technique.

The strengthened corpse put together in this way, as well as the magic circle that took time to be modified again and again, made Gu Xi feel proud.

Even if the undead transformation failed this time, this effort also provided Gu Xi with an opportunity to integrate his own knowledge.

 It’s all beneficial to people who care about interest.

It is not considered a loss to take interest into account.

 After putting the processed body into the magic circle, Gu Xi walked around outside the magic circle again.

 After making sure that the magic patterns, sacrifices, and materials were all placed in the designated locations, and that there were no mistakes in details, he used spiritualism on the corpse.

  The core of the art of transformation of the undead is also soul-calling.

 It means to put the soul into the corpse.

When Gu Xi summoned the soul this time, he was not as casual as before. Instead, he controlled the white light spots representing the soul, followed the lines of the magic lines, entered from one end, lit up the magic circle, and then injected it into the corpse. .

As the magic circle was activated, Gu Xi felt the mana being drawn out of his body.

At that speed, if ordinary players come here, they will definitely be shocked.

 Fortunately, Gu Xi has experienced the summons of the incarnation of death, and has already had various ways to deal with the problem of having his mana drained out.

 Now it's just a large amount of energy passing away, not a drain of mana. He doesn't pay attention to it at all, but controls everything calmly and seriously as usual.

 With the support of the magic circle, the soul enters the corpse, and then Gu Xi only needs to provide mana.

In Gu Xi's eyes, the sacrifices placed at several key locations in the magic circle were ignited under the influence of mana, and then a large amount of gray breath was injected into the corpse.

 After all the gray aura was injected into it, the corpse's hand suddenly moved.

Then as soon as the black cloak was unfurled, the mirror magician was divided into three parts and appeared in different locations in the magic circle.

By the time Gu Xi reacted, the two mirror magicians had split apart like mirrors, leaving only the one standing on the left who bowed his head and saluted Gu Xi.

Gu Xi found that the current mirror magician was still wearing a full set of black night gifts, a top hat on his head, and a cloak on his body.

But his flesh and blood was completely gone. Although his face was covered by a white mask and his hands were hidden behind his cloak, Gu Xi could tell at a glance that he had turned into a skeleton inside.

 Now he is considered an undead soldier under Gu Xi.

  【You successfully used spiritualism, your spiritualism experience +1, and you have some understanding of skills such as corpse structure, undead research, and soul knowledge. 】

  【Skeleton Mirror Guard (level 4, summoned object): experience (0/500), attack 4, defense 3, life 13, skills: mirror movement, mirror clone, weapon master, backstab. 】

Regarding the skeleton mirror guard transformed from the undead, Gu Xi's eyes flashed with a look of research. When the Skeleton Mirror Guard stood up, Gu Xi knew that the newly transformed Skeleton Mirror Guard was not the main battle force, but looked like a soldier.

The appearance of the Skeleton Mirror Guard means that the training camp of Gu Xi Skeleton Soldiers can start training this special skeleton unit.

Although he is not like the special undead that Gu Xi summoned before, the result this time is not a waste of Gu Xi's efforts.

 At the same time, Gu Xi also saw that this kind of skeleton mirror guard was a kind of skeleton soldier that could grow to a relatively high level. Level 4 was just his starting point, and level 7 was the average level of this kind of skeleton mirror guard.

In addition, with his ability to move in the mirror, it is a good choice to send him out as a scout. Now that Luna is fighting weird mirror images, this type of soldier is the most suitable for Luna to use.

“You go to the evil church, and give me another order. All level 2 skeletons will rush to the evil church and prepare to upgrade and change their profession to become skeleton mirror guards.”

Gu Xi pointed at the skeleton mirror guard, and the skeleton mirror guard lowered his head, which was regarded as accepting Gu Xi's order.

 Then he ducked and disappeared in front of Gu Xi.

Looking at the way he moved, Gu Xi knew that Xi's choice was right. This kind of skeleton mirror guard was the most suitable for Luna to use.

 After taking care of a strange corpse, Gu Xi looked at another big strange corpse.

Unlike the previous mirror magician, this corpse is a full-length mirror that is 2.6 meters high and 1.5 meters wide, with wooden columns and gold rims.

It’s just that the mirror has been broken, and the message written by Luna is still attached to the original mirror position.

 Midnight Mirror.

 The most basic and common type of mirror weirdness. The Mirror Fairy who usually plays tricks on mortals, and rituals such as peeling apples in front of the mirror at midnight, came from this Midnight Mirror.

It can be said that he is the most basic source of weird mirror images in this world, and naturally he is an important node in this weird mirror space.

 At the same time, he is also the weakest among so many mirror images.

 It is understandable that Luna took action immediately.

Just such a big full-length mirror made Gu Xi a little speechless.

This full-length mirror can be regarded as dead, but Gu Xi has never done this kind of alien corpse transformation into the undead.

Although he had a record of successfully transforming undead into skeleton mirror guards, Gu Xi was still confused when facing the midnight mirror.

 He circled around the Midnight Mirror seven or eight times, but could not think of a suitable method.

 But this aroused Gu Xi's interest.

 He understood that the more impossible the undead transformation was, the greater the harvest would be for Gu Xi.

Even if the undead transformation fails this time, Gu Xi can know the reason for the failure and find a better method. Next time he encounters the same situation, Gu Xi will not make the same mistake again.

With this thought, Gu Xi was not in a hurry to deal with the Midnight Mirror. Instead, he rode on the evil coffin and arrived at the library first.

When making the Skeleton Mirror Guard just now, Gu Xi had some experiences that needed to be recorded, and at the same time he also needed to record some of his own ideas.

At this time, Gu Xi thought of the recording paper that was thrown into the library.

 Gu Xi wondered if this recording paper could be used to record some of his thoughts.

 (End of this chapter)

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