Breath of the Dead

Chapter 354: Exchanges and transactions after the war (please subscribe)

Chapter 354: Exchanges and Transactions after the War (Please subscribe)

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 “Brother Gu, you have done a great thing.”

 When Zuo Ya and the others came to Gu Xi, the battle was really over.

The necromancers who came at the end really didn't take any advantage at all. They didn't even have a chance to clean up the battlefield.

But they had to come here once. They didn't come forward for such a big matter. If this matter were to be spread, they didn't know what people would say.

Gu Xi smiled and was about to speak when the necromancer standing beside him spoke.

"Okay, stop complimenting each other here. There are only seven players left in Hanye City. It's a good time to catch them all in one fell swoop. Now is not the time to delay. You guys, hurry up. We don't have much time. When daylight comes, we won’t be able to catch them.”

Hearing what the necromancer said, Zuo Ya just nodded to Gu Xi and quickly left with the necromancers who followed him.

 Also taken away was the Necromancer, who did not gain much benefit from this battle.

  After all, these necromancers are rushing here and there at night just for a little loot. If they don’t get it here, they will naturally go to other places to grab it.

Those who stayed behind divided the spoils on the spot. Gu Xi turned his head to look at Xia Yi and waved to him.

“Brother Xia, I would like to ask, what level of blacksmith is needed to process the soul stone?”

“There is no level requirement, but there are certain requirements for the hammer in the blacksmith’s hand. It seems that no matter which blacksmith you give it to, you will be asked to find a special hammer. As long as the hammer is found, it can be broken.

But I heard that this hammer seems to be disposable and will be gone after you use it. You should take good care of it yourself. "

After finishing speaking, Xia Yi glanced at the soul stone, feeling secretly regretful.

If such a large soul stone is smashed, the number of inlays will definitely reach more than twenty, not counting the purple equipment.

 This is a huge benefit.

Now it’s all down to one person.

But they can't say anything yet, after all, Gu Xi discovered this castle tower and knocked it down by himself.

No one else had any reason to grab it, and Xia Yi could only watch Gu Xi lead his troops into the castle tower.

Just when Gu Xi stepped into the castle tower, the defense troops of the castle tower did not come out to stop Gu Xi.

It’s not because this defense force is weak, but because when the demon possessed them just now, all three women and one man in the castle tower were killed.

 The man died under the melting light.

 The woman fell from the sky and hit the ground of the castle tower. She was too dead to die.

The castle tower is currently undefended, otherwise Gu Xi's incarnation of death would not have been able to lie on the castle tower for such a long time.

Now after entering the castle tower, Gu Xi found that he had not been prompted to dismantle the castle tower in front of him.

This surprised Gu Xi, who was thinking about making another fortune.

With doubts, Gu Xi looked around and found that not far away, a pink-haired girl was lying in the pile of rocks. Looking at her undulating body, it was obvious that she was still alive.

 Gu Xi stepped forward and lifted the girl to turn over, but then he hesitated a little.

The treatment methods Gu Xi has in hand are all for the undead. Now that the little girl is not dead, if he uses this method again, he is afraid that the little girl will become a dead person.

Gu Xi could only lay the little girl down and looked around again.

 But what he discovered next made Gu Xi helplessly shake his head.

 The other two girls have lost their breath. Gu Xi stretched out his hand and pinched the two corpses. They were of average quality and no level. If one of them summoned a soul, they would be at the level of a level 4 skeleton soldier. They might not even be able to retain their passable appearance.

It’s really a waste.

Shaking his head, Gu Xi moved the two corpses and arranged them upright. Then he glanced at the little girl. It was about to dawn. He hoped that the little girl could wait until dawn.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi waved his hand, and a city gate appeared in front of Gu Xi.

The undead troops under Gu Xi quickly rushed into the city gate carrying various things.

 At the same time, some zombies carried the soul stone together and moved in slowly.

 When the city gate was released, both Xia Yi and Wang Baogen were speechless.

Wang Baogen looked at Xia Yi and said with some uncertainty: "Brother, please hit me. Did I see it wrong? This is a city of death."

“It’s the City of Death. I think I’ve heard of it. There was a big guy in our class who took the City of Death at the beginning. It couldn’t be him.”

“Oh my God, what were we talking about just now? We thought our brother Gu was a businessman, but he was a real big shot. By the way, Brother Xia, have you left Brother Gu’s contact information?”

 “Keep it, he gave it to an owl, and you.”

“I’m here too, brother. Do you think I can be called Brother Gu’s lackey in the future?”

 “Are you stupid? That’s not how the word lackey is used.”

Xia Yi said with a speechless expression.

While he was speaking, Gu Xi had already transported the soul stone back to the city of Alidovi.

 After sending all the troops back to Aridovi City, Gu Xi walked out of the castle tower with the Cold Wind Staff.

At this time, the battlefield has almost been cleaned up, and the players are gathering together in twos and threes to exchange their gains this time.

When they saw Gu Xi coming out, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at Gu Xi.

They all saw the scene of Gu Xi leaving the city gate just now.

At this time, they all understood that Gu Xi was the best person in their class.

 The gap between them is a huge difference.

 Now they don’t dare to come over to communicate with Gu Xi.

Looking at the players like this, Gu Xi was stunned, but he still walked towards the players.

“The harvest this time is not bad. Is there anything I can trade that I can’t use? I also got some green and blue quality things this time, and some of them are really useless.

 After all, the direction is different, so I just want to ask if anyone is willing to trade with me. I promise not to lower the price. "

After listening to Gu Xi's words, these players quickly gathered around, and they were all willing to believe in Gu Xi's character.

 After all, Gu Xi generously attracted everyone here at the beginning to encircle and suppress the demon.

If it weren't for Gu Xi, they wouldn't have gotten so many good trophies.

So these players also gathered around, wanting to communicate more with Gu Xi and express their gratitude to Gu Xi.

At the same time, they not only took out the things they had just obtained on the battlefield, but also took out some useless goods in their own hands to trade with Gu Xi.

 In the process of communicating with these players, Gu Xi also learned a lot of news that he didn't know before and made quite a few friends.

 (End of this chapter)

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