Breath of the Dead

Chapter 361: Distribute troops and go underground (please subscribe)

Chapter 361: Distribute troops and go underground (please subscribe)

Under Gu Xi’s order, the undead troops were quickly singled out.

This time Gu Xi planned to bring the entire force of the Black Spear Battalion, half of the withered ones, all of the vampire knights, all of the corpse flies and all of the gargoyles.

At the same time, his undead soldiers have also been assigned to the corresponding undead leaders according to their respective situations.

  In addition to the fighting team that initially followed the undead, Gu Xi also brought along twenty skeleton leaders and nearly 1,100 various skeleton soldiers.

 There are twenty zombie leaders and nearly a thousand zombies of various kinds.

There are four skeleton mage leaders and two hundred and thirty skeleton mages, accounting for half of the number of skeleton mages.

 There are seven skeleton archer leaders and more than 360 skeleton archers.

 There are six ghost leaders and about 300 ghosts.

  Coupled with all the members of the Ghost Team, the entire Ghost Team has now changed into the white impermanent skin brought by Gu Xi, and the sky is full of white hats that make money at first sight. It looks very festive.

Coupled with the more than 400 zombie ax and shield soldiers left by Gu Xi himself, this is all the troops Gu Xi will send out for this expedition.

These troops totaled nearly 4,000 troops.

 For Gu Xi, it is enough.

After all, according to the intelligence, King Jing Long only has more than 4,000 troops. Gu Xi also has the incarnation of death in his hand, and can summon souls at any time to replenish his troops. He is not worried at all that he cannot defeat the enemy.

The number of remaining troops is also quite large. Not to mention the four heroes and the troops under them, there are half of the withermen and all of the red dragons. This group of troops can be considered strong.

 Coupled with the other leaders who stayed behind, although the troops on their hands were not fully replenished, they were still quite numerous.

Adding up to 7,788, the total strength is about 4,500, and they are all powerful units above level 4.

 It is definitely enough to deal with Jinghu.

 Even they were able to leave a few leaders and more than 200 undead troops to guard this temporary camp.

 After arranging all the troops, Gu Xi led his men to attack quickly.

According to the map given by Luna, Gu Xi quickly found the entrance to Jinglong Palace near the temporary camp.

There is really a well there.

 A square well that appears directly in the wilderness with no buildings around it.

This well is not like other Japanese plots. The inside has become a dry well full of silt. Looking down from the mouth of the well, you can still see the water as clear as a mirror.

As soon as Gu Xi looked at it, he felt himself being dragged downwards by a powerful force.

Fortunately, Gu Xi reacted quickly. He directly raised the cold wind staff and turned it around.

 “Death Ripple!”

As the death ripples were sent outward, they kept echoing back and forth around the well wall.

 Each stroke destroyed the downward pull holding Gu Xi.

Soon the downward pulling force was gone, and Gu Xi found that he had fallen into the well and was floating on the water at the bottom of the well.

Gu Xi smiled and said decisively: "Enter the entire army."

After saying that, the shadow of the city gate flashed behind Gu Xi, and the steel city gate began to appear. The huge city gate pushed against the well wall, forcefully bursting the well wall.

As the well was filled up, Gu Xi discovered that he had entered the Jinglong Palace in the game from Alidovi.

As for how Gu Xi knew this, he could tell by just looking at the solid city gate behind him.

However, Gu Xi still looked up at the sky, and then looked not far away.

At this time, Gu Xi discovered that those weird bosses were really good at playing. Originally, Gu Xi thought that having a strange mirror space was quite remarkable.

But the place in front of him is clearly an underwater space, and sunlight can shine through the water. This is clearly telling Gu Xi that it is daytime and he is in the game world.

 But everything is blocked by the water, and the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven cannot see the battle here.

This kind of weirdness is much more powerful than the weirdness that hides in the shadows of people during the day and attacks mortals in corners.

 It’s just that their efforts have now become their own graves.

 If they had not prepared such an underwater space, Gu Xi would not have been able to advance with his army.

It's different now. Gu Xi pointed his hand forward, "Send troops!"

Under Gu Xi’s order, a large force of nearly 4,000 people formed phalanxes and moved forward.

The gargoyles just summoned acted as scouts and flew around.

 Gu Xi led the French troops and archer troops to the rear of the team, looking for this time's target.

 Gu Xi didn’t believe it. Even though he had called him, King Jing Longhui had no reaction at all.

Sure enough, not long after, an army rushed out from the other end of the space.

This army is quite strange. They are all strong soldiers with shark-like heads and holding iron rods in their hands.

 They are obviously not monsters that should appear during the day, but monsters that should appear at night.

 After they appeared, they immediately rushed towards Gu Xi's team.

Although these shark-headed troops are relatively large and hold relatively bulky weapons in their hands, they are not that kind of powerful troops.

 When they charged, their movements were as slippery as fish swimming in the water.

“Skeleton shooter, prepare to shoot!

 The Black Gun Battalion steps forward, and other troops assist! "

While giving orders, Gu Xi stood on top of the evil coffin and stared at the enemy over there.

 Under Gu Xi's order, more than 300 skeleton archers shot the arrows in their hands at the same time.

These skeleton shooters are led by corresponding skeleton shooter leaders.

  Although each skeleton shooter boss has a different style, they have only one goal now, which is to kill the charging shark head.

As this wave of arrow rain fell, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, "I found the target. There is a black-skinned shark head there, attack that one."

 Gu Xi took this opportunity to find the enemy BOSS immediately.

Hearing Gu Xi's order, all the skeleton mages cast their spells on the dark-skinned shark head at the same time.

But the next moment, Gu Xi realized that he still underestimated these guys.

The skin of these shark heads is their best defense. Most of the arrows only penetrated their skin and did not cause them much damage.

Instead, these shark heads took advantage of their injuries to lift up the iron rods in their hands and rushed towards Gu Xi's team.

At the front of Gu Xi's team was the slowest zombie troop. Gu Xi's zombie ax shield soldiers were inside. When they saw this situation, they raised their shields and attacked.

 A bang.

The two troops collided and fought frantically.

 (End of this chapter)

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