Breath of the Dead

Chapter 37: Westminster Abbey (seeking further reading)

Chapter 37 Westminster Abbey (please follow up)

 Early the next morning, Gu Xi slowly got up from the bed with some back pain.

 The rare deep sleep made Gu Xi feel in good spirits.

 But for some reason, his waist always felt a little sore.

But fortunately, one shilling is worth one shilling. Although it is a third-class room, it should have everything. Even Gu Xi's clothes were taken and ironed. Now Gu Xi finally doesn't have to wear wet clothes. .

putting on his clothes, Gu Xi picked up the dried meat on the bedside table, bit it in his mouth, and then walked out of the room.

As soon as we got downstairs, the bartender who was cleaning the bar raised his head.

“Guest, how did you sleep last night? Do you need me to help you stay in your room?”

 “I slept well, but I wanted to change rooms at night.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he put a shilling on the table.

The bartender immediately understood, "Okay, I'll give you a clean room tonight."

 At the same time, he also pushed a key in front of Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi took the key and asked casually: "By the way, do you know how to get to Westminster Abbey?"

 “What are you doing there? There are graveyards for rich people.”

The bartender asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“There used to be a church in Victoria City, but it was demolished at some point. An ancestor of my family is buried in the cemetery behind that church.

As a result, once the church was demolished, it was not known where the body was moved. The only thing that was certain was that the body of a knight in the church was moved to Westminster Abbey.

 So I wanted to go over there and see if there were any records of tomb relocation there. "

 “That’s it.” After listening to Gu Xi’s explanation, the bartender stopped asking any more questions.

Although the British don't pay attention to these things, they won't have anyone to care about them.

If Gu Xi has such a need, he will naturally not try to persuade him, "The Westminster Abbey you want to go to is located behind the upper city level. It's actually not that far from here. You can go out from here. Take steam bus No. 19 and get off at Mianawe Station.

 Westminster Abbey is so big that you can see it at first glance when you get off the car. "

 “Thank you very much.”

After finding out the route, Gu Xi didn't stay long. He bit the dried meat and headed out.

After leaving the tavern, Gu Xi raised his head and glanced at the sky. Victoria City was still as foggy as yesterday. Without a light, visibility could not exceed thirty meters.

If it is at night, the visibility is even lower. Even if you stand under a street light at night, you can only see a distance of seven or eight meters in all directions. Any further away, let alone a male or a female, you can't even see whether there is anyone there.

 So all kinds of vehicles on the road, whether they are horse-drawn carriages or steam locomotives, will keep ringing their bells when they are moving.

 If you don’t hear that you were killed, then your death was in vain.

While waiting for the bus, Gu Xi heard the unique sound of steam bus No. 19.


Then a huge headlight appeared in the white mist. Under the steam and white mist, Gu Xi could clearly see that there was a number 19 written on the headlight.


Gu Xi, who was about to get in the car, took a step forward, but at this moment, Gu Xi felt a slight sound of footsteps suddenly coming from behind him.

 Gu Xi was afraid of thieves everywhere in Victoria City.

There are thieves everywhere, even if he is waiting for a car.

Without a second thought, Gu Xi turned around and knocked the dried meat in his mouth into the hands of the thief.

The thief originally wanted to steal the money in Gu Xi's pocket, but he didn't expect Gu Xi to turn around like this. He was still looking confused as he grabbed the dried meat.

 At this time Gu Xi pointed at him.     Secondary corpse explosion!

 Then he quickly jumped on the No. 19 steam bus.

Before the thief could react, the dried meat in his hand exploded with a loud bang.

 The power of the explosion is not that big, it is almost as powerful as a small firecracker.

 But it was an explosion anyway, and the thief was still holding on to the dried meat.

  With the explosion, the thief's hand was disabled on the spot.

The thieves who were stunned by the bombing could not even realize the idea of ​​chasing Gu Xi. They could only watch Gu Xi jump on the No. 19 steam bus and leave like this.

Gu Xi, who took action at the last moment, didn't know that he was being noticed. He took out a piece of dried meat from his pocket and bit it in his mouth.

 Gu Xi discovered that this kind of dried meat was actually quite good. Not only could it be eaten, but it was also quite powerful when used to fry people.

 The most important thing is that it is cheap. Throwing this kind of dried meat is much more convenient than throwing throwing knives.

 Even this dried meat can sometimes kill people.

 Besides, it is much more reasonable for you to carry a dried meat on the road than a throwing knife.

 Looking at his choice with satisfaction, Gu Xi happily considered how to make good use of this discovery.

 For example, burn some dried meat and see if it will bring the power of fire when using corpse explosion.

 Or maybe add some poison to this dried meat?

While Gu Xi was thinking about this matter and chewing the dried meat in his mouth, he unknowingly discovered that the steam bus No. 19 had actually arrived at the Victoria Bridge.

The moment the bus got on the bridge, Gu Xi felt something sweep over him.

Just when Gu Xi was about to stand up and resist, that feeling disappeared instantly.

 Gu Xi, who was frightened into a cold sweat, understood that this was the control of Victoria City by official Victoria professionals.

 Especially vehicles entering and exiting Victoria Bridge are under their surveillance.

 All professions actually know this, but they are unable to resist.

 Gu Xi is a foreigner and doesn’t know the situation in Victoria City, so it is inevitable to be frightened.

 Fortunately, this kind of monitoring is just a casual sweep, and there is no intention to keep a close eye on all professionals.

After crossing the Victoria Bridge, this kind of surveillance disappeared. Gu Xi could finally let go of his worries and found a seat to sit down.

The next journey was much smoother. Gu Xi, who had been sitting by the window, discovered that Victoria City had become much larger after so many years of construction.

Although the steam bus moved very fast, it still took about an hour to reach Gu Xi’s destination.

 Meanawe Station.

The reason why I knew I had reached my destination was because the steam bus turned a corner, and a tall church appeared directly opposite the steam bus.

Without any introduction, Gu Xi knew that this church was his destination, Westminster Abbey.

However, looking at Westminster Abbey in front of him from a distance, Gu Xi felt that things might not go so smoothly for him this time.

Others may not be able to see it, but Gu Xi can see that there are at least three kinds of pure white halos spreading outwards with Westminster Abbey as the center.

  This is the performance of a professional after his strength exceeds level 20.

  In other words, there are at least three professionals above level 20 in this church.

And it is also the existence of the Holy Light series.

 (End of this chapter)

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