Breath of the Dead

Chapter 417: The most terrifying pursuit (please subscribe)

 Chapter 417 The most terrifying pursuit (please subscribe)

When I was planning to put away the heavy rain in the sky in the sky, Baiyou Guanyin felt that it was wrong when the stone casting machine appeared.

 He turned his head and looked in the direction of the trebuchet.

But it was already too late, the trebuchet had already started, and the steel stone bullet with a diameter of about one meter bounced out instantly, hitting the chest of the great Guanyin in white.

If Gu Xi were here, he would definitely be speechless.

 Sure enough, a slight mistake can lead to a mistake of a thousand miles.

 Gu Xi’s plan was to hit the right hand holding the killing stone, not the chest of the great Guanyin in white.

Tiandao Guanyin in white did not expect that someone would attack him head-on.

By the time she reacted, the stone bullet had almost reached her chest. Guanyin, the white-robed Goddess of Heaven, turned her hand and tried to flick the stone bullet away.

 But this stone bullet was carefully prepared by Anderson.

 There are trigger-type high explosives inside.

 It would be okay if there is no contact, but as long as there is contact, the final result will be an explosion.

 The explosion range is thirty meters, and the power of the explosion can destroy everything.


This explosion, the explosion range directly affected the face, chest and right hand of the white-clothed Guanyin of Tiandao.

 Under this big explosion, half of the head of the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven was blown off, revealing the skeletons composed of countless strange corpses underneath.

 At the same time, starting from the right shoulder, the right arm was directly blown away.

At the same time, half of the chest was blown away, revealing the pagoda hidden inside the white-clad Guanyin of Heaven.

If it was something else weird, such an explosion might have caused death long ago.

 But the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven is the ceiling of this world, the strongest person at level 20.

 Such an explosion not only did not kill him, but instead angered him.

 “You are all going to die!”

He opened his mouth, and all the weird and ordinary people within a radius of 300 meters, as well as all the nearby civil buildings, were all affected by the strong suction force and were about to be sucked into his belly.

This is the Dao Guanyin in white clothing who is using the flesh and blood of weird and mortal people to repair his wounds and restore his life.

 But at this moment, a ray of white light walked in the opposite direction in the rain curtain, grabbed something from the heavy rain, and went into the distance.

The Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Heaven couldn't help but roared when he saw the white light.

 “Tamamo, you deserve to die!”

After saying that, the white-clothed Guanyin of Tiandao, who had been standing still, chased in the direction where the white light flew away.

 Seeing such a big guy moving, all the mortals and weirdos in the city were stunned.

They didn't know what was going on. They only knew that the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven was angry. He walked more than a hundred meters in one step and was chasing in one direction.

 Several players hiding in the city also noticed this situation.

One of the players said hesitantly: "I won't stay any longer. This guy has moved. There will definitely be problems tonight. I have to leave."

 “Forget it, hurry up and draw that Gu Hejiao mark on the mirror...”

 Before they made any move, all the windows in the nearby city exploded.

This is when the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven found that he could not catch up with the white light, so he used his own power to deal with strange things.

 He has already seen that the white light moves through the reflective mirror.

 Because he was not sure what the strangeness was, the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven simply destroyed everything related to the mirror.

 At this time, inside the body of the Great Avalokitesvara in white clothes, the mirror image of the Buddha has been broken into pieces. Gu Xi didn't know about this. If he knew, he would know clearly. The Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven personally cut off the connection between the strange mirror space and this world.

It’s just that the current Tiandao Guanyin in white doesn’t know all this. After she destroyed the mirror Buddha, she strode forward again.

 Wherever she walked, all the houses collapsed, and everything in the house, whether mortal or weird, living or dead, would be crushed.

 But she didn't care about that at all.

The current Tiandao Guanyin in white has only one thought in his mind: to find the guy who dares to attack him and kill him.

That white light was the Hanged Man. According to Gu Xi's request, he grabbed the most important thing from the blasted killing stone, and then ran towards the house that Gu Xi bought.

But soon the Hanged Man felt that he was dying again, and the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven was chasing behind him, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

Although the target is right in front of you, with just a few more steps, the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven can catch up with the Hanged Man.

At this time, the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao also noticed that the Hanged Man was moving on something.

 Reflection in raindrops.

 This is something that the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Heaven did not expect.

It's no wonder it's been raining these past few days. It seems that someone has planned everything well in advance.

Had she known this earlier, she would have collected the rain a long time ago.

So the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven raised his left hand and raised the jade purification vase, and all the rainwater in the sky was sucked into the vase.

This made the Hanged Man quite speechless.

It is true that the Hanged Man moves back and forth in the mirror with super speed, but there is a condition, that is, the mirrors need to reflect each other.

 At least in one mirror, you can see another mirror.

 If he cannot do this, then he will not move as fast.

Now there are no more raindrops that allow him to build a bridge and move. The situation is quite unfavorable for the Hanged Man.

However, the Hanged Man was experienced in many battles. Faced with such a situation, he immediately chose another method.

Bounces back and forth in everyone's eyes, although it is not as fast as jumping in the raindrops, but it is worse than being hidden.

It’s just that the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven has already determined the way the Hanged Man will move, so he naturally has other preparations.

 He destroyed all available mirrors immediately, and even dealt with all nearby mortals.

Just one step away from the house that Gu Xi bought, the Hanged Man had to run out of the mirror because there was no mirror.

At this time, the Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Heaven also smiled, and he reached out and patted the Hanged Man.

As long as he is photographed by the Goddess of Mercy in white, the Hanged Man will be dead.

At this moment, the Hanged Man reacted quickly and swung the things he had grabbed forward, and several items smashed into a building that Gu Xi had bought.

As soon as these things were smashed in, a black air surged up inside the building and teleported these things away.

The Great Guanyin in White Clothes of Tiandao, who killed the Hanged Man with one palm, happened to see this happening.

  She understood why this was the first time.

 Someone wanted to **** the killing stone in her hand.

Of course, it may also be to release the Tamamo algae from the killing stone.

 No matter what the reason is, this is seeking death.

So the Great Avalokitesvara in White Clothes of Heaven took advantage of the opportunity before the black air dissipated, and grabbed the black air.

 (End of this chapter)

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