Breath of the Dead

Chapter 43: Dropping the city gate on the battlefield (seeking for further reading)

Chapter 43: Throwing the city gate on the battlefield (please follow up)

When the man in black robe stood up, Gu Xi's first reaction was that this guy in front of him was not a cultist.

Before the man in black robe could say another word, Gu Xi raised his hand and faced three bone spurs over there.

But before the three bone spurs flew in front of the man in black robe, two black figures appeared beside the man in black robe, blocking the blow for the man in black robe.

Then the man in black robe said with a ferocious smile, "I originally wanted to leave you a way to live, but now you have to commit suicide on your own, go ahead."

Gu Xi took a step back and looked at the two black figures walking towards him, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

“Who gave you the courage to make you and the necromancer outnumber people.”

 Gu Xi didn't see any movement, a stone door appeared behind him, and Gu Xi retreated to the center of the door.

Before the man in black robe could realize what was going on, nearly forty skeleton soldiers rushed out of the gate.

At the front were the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3. They quickly surrounded Gu Xi and protected Gu Xi with one move of their shields.

 After that, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 1 rushed forward, holding two-handed swords. No matter who the enemy was, they just saw the black figure and chopped it with their hands.

The man in black robe did not expect that Gu Xi would release undead on the battlefield in this way.

 At first he thought he could take advantage of a necromancer who didn't have any undead around him, but he didn't expect that this would be the result.

The man in black robe waved his hand, and two more black figures appeared at his feet. Then the black figures turned into black figures and rushed forward quickly.

 The man in black robe retreated at a faster speed, as if he was planning to leave.

 But just when the man in black robe took a step back, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

 Then the movement of the man in black robe obviously slowed down.

 There was even a layer of frost on his arms.

The man in black robe can be considered a veteran. When encountering such a thing, he didn't even look back to see what was going on behind him. Instead, he leaned forward and rolled forward a certain distance.

But Luna, who appeared behind the man in black robe, had no intention of letting the man in black robe go. When the man in black robe rolled forward, Luna opened her mouth and screamed.


Luna's banshee wail was quite powerful. Now it was almost unfolding in the ears of the man in black robe. The man in black robe was hit by the banshee wail immediately. He was rolling forward and preparing to get up to fight again. He only felt his head. A pain.

 Then his eyes turned red, his mouth felt sweet, and he lost all strength.

At this time, Gu Xi's battle team 2 rushed forward. These skeleton soldiers with spears ignored the black figures released by the men in black robes, and stabbed the men in black robes with their spears.

 Combat Team 2 has the largest number of skeleton soldiers. With their attack, the life of the man in black robes quickly dropped to the bottom.

At this time, the man in black robe wanted to save him again, but a skeleton soldier holding a two-handed sword rushed over at this moment, raised his sword and cut off his head with one strike.

  【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill Shadows (level 3), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 5 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton soldier (summon) kills Shadow (level 3), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, and the summons gets 7 experience points. 】

  【Skeleton soldiers (summons) kill Shadow Cultists (level 5), you get 1 experience point, the combat team gets 1 experience point, the contracted undead get 3 experience points, and the summons participating in the battle get 4 experience points. 】


As various killing messages flashed in front of Gu Xi, Gu Xi also knew who this man in black robes was.

 He turned out to be a cultist, and he was a level 5 cultist. The most important thing is that Gu Xi noticed that the black figure he released turned out to be a mysterious figure coming out of Aridovi.

And the strength is still very strong.

With this situation, coupled with what the man in black robe said when he first appeared, a thought flashed through Gu Xi's mind.

The previous cataclysmic souls were not collected by cultists for the evil boss who was imprisoned in Alidovi.

 It seems that there are still quite a lot of such cultists in Victoria City.

This is really hard to guard against.

At this time, as the man in black robe died in the battle, the space supported by the man in black robe was naturally shattered on the spot. The space that was originally half the size of a football field was rapidly shrinking.

 The city gate that Gu Xi placed on the battlefield was also squeezed.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi couldn't care about anything else, "You guys retreat first."

Luna nodded and looked back at the skeleton soldiers. Several skeleton soldiers quickly stepped forward, lifted the body of the man in black robe and entered the gate of the City of Death.

Taking the last chance, Luna also quickly told Gu Xi what happened during the time he left Alidovi City.

“Sir, Aridovi has been safe during this period. We have demolished some useless buildings in the city and collected a lot of stone and wood.

We have been waiting for negative energy points during this period. When we came here just now, we had already started building the core building tavern.

 In addition to the resource investment required for construction, we also have enough negative energy points to replace twenty skeleton soldiers. "

 Gu Xi has already noticed Luna's recruitment of skeleton soldiers.

After all, he can see the changes in the number of skeleton soldiers in his three combat teams.

 But Luna chose to build a tavern instead of a warehouse, which surprised Gu Xi.

“Didn’t I ask you to build a warehouse? Why did you build a tavern?”

“Sir, the warehouse is not in a hurry now. The boxes in front of the meeting hall can still be accommodated, but have you ever considered, my lord, what will you eat if there is no tavern when you return to Alidovi City?”

 When Luna said this, Gu Xi understood what Luna was thinking.

  He is a necromancer, but he is not undead. He always needs to eat something.

 Without a tavern, he couldn't eat anything in the city of Aridovi. At most, he could only use a pot to boil hot water or something.

 In a few days, Gu Xi himself will become undead.

 So compared to the warehouse used to store supplies, the tavern is really what Gu Xi needs most at the moment.

"Okay, I can rest assured that I will leave the affairs of Alidovi to you. After the core building is built, you will give priority to building the city wall, and I will find other ways to deal with the other buildings."

 Luna nodded affirmatively and quickly entered the open city gate.

As the city gate dispersed behind Gu Xi, the carriage finally returned to its original size.

 At this time, the conductor who had been watching the show cautiously stepped forward.

 “Mr. Master, that was just now…”

 (End of this chapter)

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