Breath of the Dead

Chapter 443: Pre-admission selection (177192)

 Chapter 443 Choice before admission (177192)



The door was opened by Gu Xi himself. He broke the glass on the car door, opened the car door and walked in.

Feeling the extremely strong negative energy in the carriage, Gu Xi checked the compartments one by one.

 He found that all the skeletons in front of him had reacted. As soon as he entered the compartment, the skeletons would raise their heads and look at him with empty eyes.

 But as long as Gu Xi didn't take action, they had no intention of taking action.

After walking around in the carriage, Gu Xizuo walked to the place where he first entered the carriage, stared at a skeleton and asked, "Although it's a little disturbing to you, I just want to ask where this carriage is going. If He has been detouring here, can I ask the conductor? "

When Gu Xi spoke, his voice didn't seem to be his own, but seemed to come from underground. The muffled voice made people uncomfortable.

It's just uncomfortable, but it is a way to communicate with the dead, the soul whispers.

Although these skeletons in front of me have no intention of moving, they are obviously already in negative energy and have become undead.

 They had no idea of ​​moving simply because Gu Xi did not take action, and there was no need for them to take action.

Hearing Gu Xi’s question, the skeleton in question raised his head and kept moving his mouth.

A sound similar to that made by Gu Xi came from the ground.

 ‘Ho...W...College, it is a college that has been lost in time and space. It is useless to look for the train conductor, he is also looking for the way to the college. ’

 It’s no use looking for the conductor?

 Gu Xi's heart tightened.

 He did not expect that the college admission ticket would still expire.

 The academy has been lost in time and space.

 The train couldn't find the right road either, it could only move back and forth here.

 What is this thing called?

 Gu Xi was speechless.

He did not expect that when he came to the space where the college belonged, the first thing he had to do was to look for the college.

However, he still thanked the skeleton, and then headed towards Xu's carriage.

The reason why Gu Xi asked about this skeleton was because he found that the size of this skeleton was obviously different from the other skeletons. Most of the other skeletons were children or young people. This skeleton should have been an adult before it was alive.

Gu Xi didn’t know if he was the protector of the carriage in front of him, but adult students would always know better.

Now Gu Xi wanted to go to other carriages to see if there was anyone there who could inquire about the news.

After driving around a few carriages, Gu Xi actually met some adult students, but after communicating with them, Gu Xi found that they all knew about the same situation.

 At most, the college has disappeared, or the way to the college has never been found.

 No one will know where the college is or whether it can be found.

 Gu Xi didn't solve the problem until he reached the end of the train. At this time, Gu Xi had already noticed that the train had entered and left the lake and entered the mountains.

However, Gu Xi's energy was not focused on this, and he walked back in a somewhat depressed mood.

But just as he was walking from the eighth carriage to the seventh carriage, he suddenly saw something flashing past in the mountains outside the train.

Gu Xi's eyes tightened, and without saying a word he pushed open the door at the junction of the carriages and jumped out. He just jumped up, and the evil coffin appeared at his feet. Then there was a flash of sparks, and the evil coffin led Gu Xi towards the forest. Go in pursuit. When Gu Xi jumped out of the train, he looked back.

 I discovered that the train did not speed up because he got on the train, nor did it slow down because he left. Whether he got on the train or not was a dispensable thing for this train.

Looking at this situation, Gu Xi didn't pay too much attention. In his opinion, one more person on the train was not more, and one less person was not more.

On the contrary, there is something wrong with the fleeting figures in the forest.

Gu Xi didn't see clearly just now, but when he caught up, Gu Xi found that this guy's movement was quite problematic. He was always jumping around on the branches. If he wasn't about the same size as a normal person, Gu Xi would You might even think it's a flying monkey.

 The evil coffin was chasing him on the ground. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't close the distance.

 Gu Xi felt a little anxious. He knocked on the evil coffin with the cold wind staff and asked, "Can you use weird flash?"

As soon as Gu Xi's order was given, the evil coffin flashed, but the flash of the evil coffin had no effect this time. The evil coffin only moved forward less than two meters.

 Obviously the one running in front is not weird.

This made Gu Xi somewhat helpless.

 It seems that some of the previous methods are no longer useful.

So Gu Xi was ready to take action. Just as he raised the cold wind staff, the figure suddenly sank down and disappeared into the forest.

 Gu Xi was startled and quickly looked back, only to find that the road he came from had disappeared and was surrounded by lush trees.

 “Damn it.”

Gu Xi muttered something and jumped off the evil coffin.

He didn’t expect that everyone would be chased here, but no one would be there.

What kind of ghost academy is this? It doesn't allow people to attend it seriously.

 Gu Xi’s original plan was to find a way to learn leadership skills after entering the academy. Whether it was practical learning or reading and studying, it didn’t take much time.

 He just wants to learn leadership skills plus three other random skills.

How could you be sent to such a ghost place?

Gu Xi thought a little depressedly, and at the same time walked to the place where the figure disappeared just now.

Here Gu Xi’s eyes lit up and he noticed something was wrong with the ground.

Gu Xi pressed the ground, with a look of determination in his eyes. Where Gu Xi pressed the ground, a stream of fishy blood flowed out from the ground.

 This is a burial place, and it is also a burial place where a large number of corpses are buried.

 When Gu Xi was in school, he studied this situation specifically.

This kind of ground that will bleed out with blood when pressed is a burial ground arranged with a large number of corpses using special means.

If such a corpse burial ground is discovered in the wild, the necromancer will definitely be very happy, because it is equivalent to discovering a huge pile of corpses. As long as one spiritual summons is used, it will not be a problem to recruit 1,800 troops.

 But there was no obvious smile on the face of Gu Xi in front of him.

He had actually discovered by pressing the button just now that there was only one corpse under the burial ground. Gu Xi knew very well that if one corpse could create a burial ground, then how strong the corpse below would be.

At this time, Gu Xi needed to make a choice. Should he wake up the corpse below and inquire about the situation, or should he give up this opportunity and return to the train.

 Gu Xi had a feeling in his heart that this choice would have a certain connection with his entry into the academy.

 (End of this chapter)

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