Breath of the Dead

Chapter 454: The secret deep in the valley (please subscribe)

Chapter 454 The secret deep in the valley (please subscribe)

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 “Go down and have a look.”

Even though he decided to draw his sword, Gu Xi was not in a hurry. He pointed at the pool, and the incarnation of death jumped in.

 As one of the three divine skills of death, the incarnation of death has never been afraid of the effects of various pollutions.

 With such an uncertain situation in the pool, it was natural for the Incarnation of Death to go and investigate first.

 After jumping into the water, a large amount of copper-like rust quickly appeared on the surface of the body of the incarnation of death.

However, the incarnation of death did not show too much resistance. It can be seen that things like patina have a different effect on him.

 After turning around in the water and finding no enemies, the incarnation of death soaked in the water here.

 Gu Xi also knew that this was the incarnation of death absorbing external power.

Think about the fact that the Incarnation of Death followed you, but because you were stuck in level, the level of the Incarnation of Death was also stuck at level 12 and could not be upgraded.

 He felt somewhat sorry.

Now that the incarnation of death has the opportunity to strengthen itself, Gu Xi will naturally not bother him.

 He walked around the pool, came to the other end of the pool, and reached out to pull out the long sword.

The moment he touched the long sword, Gu Xi felt a sword energy cutting into his hand.

 Gu Xi quickly put his hand away, but his movement was still a step too slow. His right hand was cut open on the spot, and the palm of his hand was cut off.


Gu Xi immediately held down his wrist. At the same time, the demon grabbed the cut palm with his right hand and quickly touched it back for Gu Xi.

Without thinking much, Gu Xi immediately ran behind the evil coffin, raised his foot and kicked hard, and the medical tent that had been dragged behind the evil coffin stood up. Gu Xi held his severed palm and sat in it.

Medical tents were originally used to treat Gu Xi's soldiers.

  Whether they are living people or undead, their functions are the same.

Unexpectedly, after Gu Xi carried the medical tent for so long, he was the first person to be treated.

 Under the influence of the medical tent, Gu Xi's cut-out palm was reattached. Although it is not so flexible now, it will return to its original flexibility in a day or two.

 After receiving the palm, Gu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 He ​​was still somewhat afraid that he would lose his palm. Although the devil's right hand could also help with some tasks, this right hand was not as useful as his own palm.

Now that his palm was connected, Gu Xi remembered the message that popped up when he touched the long sword.

  【You come into contact with the Sword of Danares, you are attacked by the Sword of Danares, and your life is reduced by 60! 】

[Sword of Danares (gray): Academy professor Danares was exposed to the Sword of Leadership when he was a student, and was recognized by the Sword of Leadership. In the following days, he has been practicing swordsmanship hard and succeeded. He forged a long sword that was a high imitation of the Sword of Leadership.

In a dispute, he used this sword to kill his greatest enemy, and his head became the enemy's collection. 】

 Looking at the detailed description of the Sword of Danares, Gu Xi narrowed his eyes slightly.

 He was thinking about the situation when the Deathly Will giant armor was fighting.

He didn't seem to see any kind of scars on Deathly's giant armor.

With a look of confusion on his face, Gu Xi walked out of the medical tent.

 At this time, the incarnation of death has absorbed almost all the dark green things in the pool.

The originally brass-colored bones were covered with greenish-green rust.

At the same time, a layer of dark green crystals grew on the spine of the incarnation of death. When the Death Incarnation flew up, its movements became a little slow, but it was obvious that the Death Incarnation was strengthened this time.

 His height is obviously about one meter larger, and his bones are obviously thicker.

When he flew up from the pool, Gu Xi noticed that the originally dark green water had become clear and transparent. Standing by the pool, he could even see that the pool was filled with bone fragments.

In normal times, Gu Xi would definitely have to put these bones back together first. Even if the souls could not be summoned to become the undead army, they could still be integrated into the city of Aridovi and become the souls of the city.

 But the current Gu Xi did not pay attention to these.

He found that the sword of Danares that had just injured him was stuck on the wall of the pool, and under the sword was a petrified corpse.

The corpse had been soaked in the pool for so long that its face could no longer be seen clearly.

 The only thing that was certain was that the corpse was that of a male mage. Even if he died in battle, he still held his two weapons tightly in his hands.

 A short staff a little longer than chopsticks, and a rattle that looks like a human head.

Now these two things are probably integrated into this corpse.

At this time, Gu Xi also understood why the Sword of Danares had such a big reaction.

This sword may have its own intelligence and has been suppressing this corpse.

 The previous giant armor of Death Wish may be a subordinate controlled by this corpse.

Like the contracted undead under Gu Xi.

Even if the master dies in battle, he will always guard this place.

 After discovering the root cause of the problem, Gu Xi immediately had a solution.

If you can't pull out the Sword of Danares, then take the sword and everything nearby with you.

Just now when he was just close to the sword of Danares, he was not attacked by the sword energy. This shows that the sword does not come randomly. He will only be attacked when he wants to draw the sword.

 In other words, the Sword of Danares has consciousness, but not much.

 If you can’t take the sword with you, then just take the petrified corpse with you.

Gu Xi quickly released the steel city gate and issued an order to the city gate.

 “Here comes a group of zombies.”

At Gu Xi's order, a zombie leader rushed out with a team of zombies.

 All undead bosses have no names.

But Anna very thoughtfully made some records for them, registered their characteristics, and then... labeled them with numbers.

This one is even simpler than Gu Xi’s original battle team 1. Just start from 001 and compile it like this first.

  If you die in the battle, the number will not be carried over. If a new undead boss is added later, a new number will be added.

   Anyway, the main thing is an undead leader and a number.

 The zombie leader in front of him was numbered 063. He was holding a big ax in his hand, but he looked at Gu Xi after he came out.

Gu Xi was not polite and directly dragged the troops to the position where the sword was inserted, and started to draw a line about five meters away from the Sword of Danares.

“Come here, if you can see it, start digging for me from here and carry this thing back to Aridovi City.”

 (End of this chapter)

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