Breath of the Dead

Chapter 482: Blue Temple Design Drawing (please subscribe)

Chapter 482 Blue Temple Design (please subscribe)

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Upon hearing this, the flame clone of the incarnation of death grabbed the armor with one palm without saying a word, then opened its mouth and sprayed out blue flames, delivering the final blow to Julie's death.

 [Death Incarnation (spell product) kills Ghost Cavalry Zhuli (level 12), you get 6215 experience points (overflow storage 6215 points). 】

 After this sentence, the armor that Zhu Li was wearing automatically scattered all over the place. Among the armors, there was a faint blue ball the size of a fist.

 Gu Xi immediately wanted to use spiritualism.

 He also wanted to see if killing the undead and then summoning the soul back would be considered as completing his temporary mission.

But just when Gu Xi was about to summon the spirit, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something written inside the armor on the ground.

Gu Xi reached out and picked up the armor.

The moment he picked up the armor, a new prompt appeared in front of Gu Xi.

 【You get the blue temple design drawing*1】

 【Blue Temple (large): Use 6000 resources, 20 units of stone, 20 units of wood, and 20 units of metal to build a Blue Temple (large building) in the city.

 After completion, 2 Blue Knights can be trained every week.

Before construction, you need to build a level 2 magic tower (core building), a level 2 blacksmith shop (core building), a level 1 mausoleum or mausoleum (large building), a level 1 armory (medium-sized building), and a level 1 library (medium-sized building). ), level 2 ghost power tower (medium-sized building). 】

                                                                                                         employers\ \  by                    . 】

 Gu Xi glanced down at the armor in his hand, and then took a serious look at the prompts in front of him.

 This is actually another death knight replacement.

 Gu Xi never expected this.

 Gu Xi was still wondering before why the ghost still had an electric tower.

I didn’t expect the ghost power tower to have this effect.

  Let the ghost generate magnetism and use the magnetism to put on the armor.

 Want to let the ghost separate part of his spirit body to become a war horse?

 It’s no wonder that a level 2 ghost power tower is needed.

A Level 1 Ghost Electric Tower simply cannot do this.

 It seems that there is another army of knights, take them away, take them away.

 Happy Gu Xi had no idea of ​​resurrecting Zhu Li at all.

I have no intention of sending this armor back. This thing is now named Gu.

 It’s useless for anyone to come.

 After putting everything away, Gu Xi spread out the map again and started looking at it on the spot.

At this time, the incarnation of death also fell beside Gu Xi, and the flame clone just now had been taken back into the body.

If it weren't for the scorch marks left on the ground, Gu Xi would even think that the flame clone just now was just an illusion.

Looking at the incarnation of death retracting and releasing this clone freely, Gu Xi's eyes widened. He wanted to ask the incarnation of death whether this flame clone was intelligent or not.

 Can you fight alone?

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the distance.

Gu Xi picked up the Cold Wind Staff and looked in the direction of the sound.

 The battle here has just ended, and this is not an enemy coming to take advantage.

 If so, that’s a shame.

 Gu Xi accidentally killed Zhu Li just now, and there was still a lack of an undead to serve as the mission target.

 The soul that comes to your door is a spirit of death, so Gu Xi will not let it go.

When Gu Xi turned around, he found a huge skeleton over fifteen meters tall coming towards this direction.

 The men of Dark Skeleton Navido?

 Gu Xi reacted immediately. It’s no wonder Gu Xi thinks this way.

 Because Navido's men are all relatively large undead.

Although he is as big as Miranda, Gu Xi is not sure whether it is like this in the original academy.

When he saw the huge skeleton coming towards him, Gu Xi immediately raised the cold wind staff and put a giant bottle of magic potion to his mouth.

 As long as the enemy intends to attack him, he will drink the potion immediately and prepare for battle.

As for the tomahawk and the ball that Julie left on the ground, they will have to wait and collect them later.

But Gu Xi never expected that as soon as this giant skeleton came in front of Gu Xi, he knelt down directly in front of Gu Xi.

  【There are undead souls who are inspired by your great strength and are willing to join your team. May I ask if you accept their surrender? 】

 What does it mean to be willing? It can be delivered directly to your door.

  What is this situation?

Although he was puzzled, Gu Xi would not let go of such a good opportunity.

 “Yes, you are welcome to join.”

But the next moment, Gu Xi realized that he was happy too early.

  【Giant skeleton joins your team. 】

  【Giant Skeleton (level 9, summoned object): experience (0/7500), attack 17, defense 15, life 120, skills: lightning bolt, heavy hammer attack. 】

  ? ? ?

 Looking at the simple explanation, Gu Xi felt bad.

 Wait a minute, isn’t it at least level 10?

  Why did a level 9 existence appear, and this one looks like a soldier now?

With a puzzled look on his face, Gu Xi looked up at the giant skeleton.

 “How did you find me here?”

 The giant skeleton stood up straight and opened its mouth.

But unfortunately, as an undead soldier, he does not have the ability to speak. All his abilities are enhanced by his body and combat power.

The combat effectiveness of this giant skeleton is almost equivalent to that of a normal bone dragon.

 This is already considered a good combat power for skeletons.

However, the giant skeleton can be regarded as a level 9 high-level unit.

When he understood Gu Xi's question but had no way to answer it, he made a gesture of invitation to Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi understood what the other party was thinking, so Gu Xi immediately jumped onto the evil coffin.

 When the incarnation of death saw this situation, it had no choice but to fly.

In the end, the gargoyle following Gu Xi could only pick up the battle ax that was still thrown on the ground and the core of the ghost, and chased away together.

 They followed the giant skeleton and strode toward the northeast.

 The further they walked, the more surprised a look flashed in Gu Xi's eyes.

 He noticed that in the direction where the giant skeleton led the way, a huge temple built of white jade appeared at some point.

This kind of temple is somewhat different from the temple used to train death knights. This kind of temple is full of Titan style.

It’s just that the temple in front of you seems to be filled with bones.

 What is going on? Why was he brought here? Gu Xi looked confused.

At this time, the giant skeleton also stretched out its hand towards Gu Xi, as if making a gesture to invite Gu Xi to come in.

Looking at the giant skeleton in front of him, Gu Xi drank the magic potion and walked in with the cold wind staff.

 (End of this chapter)

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