Breath of the Dead

Chapter 492: The vampire boss who officially joined (please subscribe for more updates)

 Chapter 492 The vampire boss officially joins (please subscribe for more updates)

Gu Xi took a step forward, and Isabella, who was checking the vampire's condition, quickly stopped Gu Xi.

"Mr. Gu, can you wait a moment? The situation may change."

 Gu Xi turned his head and glanced at the vampire behind Isabella, "Did it bring you trouble?"

 “No, it’s a surprise, I’m going to check it out now.”

Gu Xi nodded, took a step back, and stood at the entrance of the secret room.

 Soon Isabella found out the situation.

 She said a few words to the vampire, and then walked up to Gu Xi.

“Mr. Gu, can we go out and talk.”


 Gu Xi glanced at the secret room in front of him, then at the treasure box behind the vampire, and said lightly.

When they returned to the pool, Isabella said with excitement and worry: "Mr. Gu, can you not attack him?"

 “Is it your husband?”

 When Gu Xi was down there, he had already guessed something.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that there would be such an opportunity. Now he uses your mission item to temporarily become the guard of the secret room treasure box. As long as the secret room is still there, the treasure box is still there.

 He can live without leaving the secret room.

So Mr. Gu, even if I beg you, just leave this mission hanging. Don’t complete this mission. Just let this secret room stay here.

Don't worry, I just want him to live, and I won't force the rest. "

“Perhaps, my department also needs a secret room that always exists.

 If I don’t complete the task here, as long as I am still there, no one can take over the task.

 However, external news must be released.

 Let me think about what to say.

 Let’s just say that in this secret room, there is a treasure that can control the academy. "

Isabella shook her head when she heard this, "Mr. Gu, the secret room is not like this. You said that there is a treasure here that can control the entire academy, but it will not attract too many people's attention.

 Because this kind of secret room sounds fake at first sight.

 Even they won’t think that this is a real secret room, they will think it is fake news. "

After listening to Isabella's words, Gu Xi thought for a moment and then said: "Then let's put it this way, there is a treasure box in my secret room. This treasure box can automatically improve some quality every year. At the same time, when someone dies in front of the treasure box, the treasure box The quality will also be improved.”

 Gu Xi told the story of the **** treasure chest.

As soon as this idea was mentioned, Isabella immediately realized that this was actually a good idea.

However, she still asked with some worry: "Mr. Gu, that treasure box doesn't have this function."

“It’s okay, I got a **** treasure chest before. Although it was opened, the chest is still there. I’ll wait for someone to send it over, and you can put the real treasure chest inside, so you can more or less deceive it.

 As time goes by, the power of rumors will gradually affect the treasure chest, and then the treasure chest will change from fake to real. "

 Listening to Gu Xi’s plan, Isabella nodded in agreement.

 In fact, the setting of Gu Xi's secret room has nothing to do with Isabella.

 But this time Isabella’s husband became the monster guarding the secret room, so all this has something to do with Isabella.

Isabella must consider whether her husband can keep the secret room in front of her.

With Gu Xi's arrangement now, the difficulty of the secret room is neither too difficult nor too easy.

  It will not attract too many people’s attention, nor will it remain anonymous, and finally be unrecognized and disappear in the long river of time.

Only in this way can the secret room be preserved for a long time, and Isabella's husband can always survive in the secret room.

Now that Gu Xi had come up with a reasonable plan, Isabella thought about it and found that the difficulty was just right, so she agreed. After Isabella agreed, Gu Xi quickly dealt with it.

The original shell of the Bloody Treasure Chest will be shipped over.

This requires Gu Xi to open the city gate and deliver the goods.

 This place is certainly inappropriate.

In addition, Gu Xi also needs to leave a piece of evidence to prove that this secret room belongs to him.

 Without this evidence, when the college is re-established, it will not be recognized.

The matter of leaving evidence can be easily solved by Gu Xi. All he needs to do is take the key given by Kalimdor and leave a mark in the secret room.

 But for the matter of opening the city gate, Gu Xi still had to go outside the blood cloud.

This is Isabella's territory. Gu Xi can see that Isabella has protected this place quite well.

 In addition to the healing effect, the blood cloud in front of you also has the function of protecting this place.

 If you really think of this place as a place where you can come and go at will, you are really overthinking it.

 Gu Xi has already seen that Isabella's strength is obviously around level 14.

 For her husband, she can even exert her super fighting power.

 It is even possible to risk one's life or self-destruct in the end.

Even if such a person has taken refuge in him, Gu Xi will not act randomly.

After explaining his situation, Gu Xi withdrew from the blood cloud area.

 As the main city gate opened behind Gu Xi, Isabella was a little moved.

 At least Gu Xi was a good person, which made Isabella give in to fighting with Gu Xi.

 After waiting for the undead in Alidovi City to deliver the shell of the **** treasure chest, Isabella came to Ye Guxi.

 She stretched her hand back and asked at the same time: "Sir, do you need treatment or fighting now?"


 Gu Xi said it immediately without thinking.

There are quite a lot of people fighting for Gu Xi, not to mention his troops, heroes and contracted undead, but the incarnation of death is enough.

However, Gu Xi’s ability to protect and save lives is still somewhat inferior.

 He needs a professional therapist by his side.

Isabella responded as soon as she heard this: "In that case, I have a healing clone here. Please take it with you when Mr. Gu leaves.

 Can’t guarantee anything else, but she can handle minor injuries.

 She can also treat large battlefields with tens of thousands of people. "

While Isabella was speaking, a large amount of blood was poured out from the blood chalice held in her left hand.

 Then a **** Isabella stood up from the blood.

  She looks very similar to Isabella, except that she does not hold a silver sword in her hand.

"grown ups!"

The blood clone nodded to Gu Xi and stood behind Gu Xi. It was obvious that Isabella had given her an order when she released the clone.

 Gu Xi will naturally not refuse to accept such good intentions.

"Okay, then just follow. By the way, do you know how to use a healing tent? I have a healing tent here. If you know how to use it, you can use it first and I will get a new one."

 (End of this chapter)

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