Breath of the Dead

Chapter 7: Fight again (please support)

Chapter 7 Fight again (please support)

  【Name: Gu Xi

 Game number: 629SHD2S0FXC30

 Occupation: Necromancer

 Level: Level 1 (317/1000)

Talent: Not activated

 Status: Life (165/310, hungry), Mana (450/450, energetic)

 Attributes: Strength 3.2, Agility 3.3, Constitution 3.1, Intelligence 4.5, Perception 3.7, Charisma 3.6

 Professional skills: Spiritualism Level 1 (7/100), Secondary Corpse Explosion Level 1 (5/100), Secondary Bone Shield Level 1 (2/100)

 Active skill: Throw level 2 (22/200)

 Passive skills: Undead Knowledge Level 3, Undead Contract Level 1, Magic Knowledge Level 4, Basic Science Level 3, Basic Reading Level 2, and Basic Scribe Level 2. 】

 After falling asleep again for more than an hour, Gu Xi opened his eyes and took a look at his surroundings for the first time.

Those who escaped from the cells were all crowded together, staring at the skeleton in front of them with a sullen face, but they did not dare to move.

Even though the bones of this skeleton were thinner than theirs, and it was completely impossible for one skeleton to stare at all of them, they did not dare to make the slightest move.

 Gu Xi is disdainful of these people's reactions.

If they dared to make a move when Gu Xi fell asleep for the second time, Gu Xi would still admire their courage.

Now they, they are a group of ordinary people who want to get benefits but are too timid to do so.

Gu Xi shook his head and stood up.

"Okay, I don't know what you are pretending to be there. Get up. If I had the idea of ​​doing anything to you, you would have turned into skeletons long ago."

These few people looked at Gu Xi cautiously.

As a result, when they looked up, they saw Luna behind Gu Xi staring at them with empty eyes.

The coldness in his eyes scared these people and they shrank back on the spot.

Gu Xi rolled his eyes at them and said to Jack, "Where's the map."

 Jack finally wanted to struggle again, "Master Mage, we have to do something for..."

"Stop it, I know you guys have your thoughts, but I also have my own considerations. You can either lead the way now, or I can turn you into a skeleton and let the skeleton lead the way."

 Jack shut his mouth instantly upon hearing this, and led the way honestly.

Several people in the room looked at each other and saw the unwillingness in their eyes. They hesitated for a moment, and finally followed him honestly.

Following Jack, Gu Xi and the others soon arrived at the place where they first entered the secret passage.

Before they could open the door to the outer corridor, they heard knocking on the wall from outside.

 Gu Xi gestured with his hands, and Luna walked through the wall and reached the ceiling of the corridor.

In the corridor outside, about thirty black-robed cultists were tapping the wall little by little with objects, seemingly looking for a secret passage that had not been discovered.

 Behind these black-robed cultists, a cultist who clearly looked like a leader was speaking loudly.

“Be careful, I have carefully searched every inch of the wall here.

I don’t care what method you use, you must find all the escaped human sacrifices for me.

  Or when the sacrifice is not to be held, you should take off your clothes and go to the altar. "

Luna glanced at them and headed towards the underground space not far away.

 The traces left by Gu Xi's previous battle with the black-robed cultists have not been cleared away.

Although the living black-robed cultists have returned to stand in front of the abandoned gate, their number is obviously much smaller.

At the same time, at other entrances to the underground space, black-robed cultists were dragging newcomers one after another and placing them in front of the gate, seeming to replenish the number of black-robed cultists in front of the abandoned gate.

When Luna went out, Gu Xi was not idle either. He handed the scimitar he carried to the hand of the skeleton next to him, and at the same time polished the dagger in his hand carefully. Every time he polished it, he would look up at Jack, which scared Jack.

At this moment, Luna came back through the wall again. With a blank look in her eyes, Jack opened his mouth and wanted to scream.

Gu Xi quickly stepped forward and covered Jack's mouth, "They are looking for us outside. Do you want to die?"

Seeing that Jack calmed down, Gu Xi turned to look at Luna.

 “How is the situation outside?”

 “There are more than thirty people in the corridor, not strong!”

 “Then let’s use the old trick.”

Gu Xi waved the dagger in his hand and opened the mechanism of the secret passage door with force.

Before a black-robed cultist who was tapping on the wall could react, a dagger pierced his brain.

  【Kill the cultist (level 1) and gain 12 experience points. 】

Then the skeleton rushed forward and slashed at another black-robed cultist nearby with the scimitar in his hand.

The black-robed cultists who were knocking on the wall were all stunned. They didn't expect that Gu Xi would attack as soon as he appeared. Before they could react, one of them was chopped down by the skeleton.

  【Skeleton (summoned object) kills a cultist (level 1), you get 1 experience point, and the summoned object gets 6 experience points. 】

It was then that the enemy reacted, and the leader shouted loudly: "Surround the shield men, be careful of enemy corpses exploding..."

 Gu Xi already knew the location of the black-robed cultist leader from Luna's description. When the skeleton killed people, Gu Xi had already sprinted forward seven or eight steps.

Seeing that the distance was close, Gu Xi threw his hands, opened his bow with both hands, and the three daggers flew towards the leader of the black-robed cultists at the same time.

The leader of the cult did not expect that Gu Xi would dare to attack him first in such a situation. He did not consider the issue of his own defense at all, and he did not react until a white light flashed in front of him.

At this time, the leader of the cult hurriedly dodged back under the white light, but everything was still too late.

 Gu Xi threw three throwing knives just for this purpose.

  The first knife flew in front of the cultist leader, just in time to activate his own defensive props.

  The second sword led the cultist leader to dodge in a certain direction, but the third sword was the key.

When the cult leader got out of the way, the flying knife was already in place, and it hit the cult leader's neck.

  【Kill the cultist leader (level 2, elite) and gain 42 experience points. 】

  【You have completed a three-hit combo of throwing and successfully killed the enemy, and gained 40 throwing experience points. 】

As soon as the cult leader died, all the black-robed cultists were in chaos. They all rushed towards the cult leader, wanting to take a look at what was going on.

Seeing them gathered together, Gu Xi was about to give them a corpse explosion, but when he was finally about to take action, he hesitated and the spell in his mouth changed from corpse explosion to spiritualism.

 The next moment, the corpse of the cult leader exploded on the spot, and while the blood was scattered, a stronger skeleton stood up.

With a backhand, he pulled out the dagger from his neck. The skeleton turned back and plunged the dagger into the head of a cultist who was running over.

  【You use spiritualism successfully and get a skull (level 0) and 1 spiritualist experience point. 】

  【Skeleton boss (level 0, summoned object): experience (0/500) attack 2, defense 1, life 15, skill combat elite, team command (30 people). 】

 [The skull boss (summon) kills the cultist (level 1), you get 1 experience point, and the summons gets 4 experience points. 】

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 (End of this chapter)

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