Breath of the Dead

Chapter 71: Regional linkage (seeking for further reading)

 Chapter 71 Regional Linkage (please follow up)

 Alidovi City, directly opposite the cult church, a new large building is undergoing final decoration treatment.

 This building and the cult church are completely different styles.

The evil church is a small country church that has been transformed into the undead, with a cemetery behind it.

The building in front of me is clearly in the style of a Greek temple.

It’s just that the temple in front of you has turned pure black, and there are a large number of reliefs on the walls of the temple.

As the last relief was carved, Gu Xi heard a ding in his ear.

  【The construction of the White Bone Evil Temple is completed, city experience +3! 】

 【Building name: White Bone Evil Temple

 Level: Level 1

 Trainable troops:

Skeleton (level 0), automatically trains 30+15 people every week, consuming 0 points of negative energy

Skeleton Archer (level 3), consumes 30 points of negative energy to transform a skeleton into a skeleton archer (comes with 10 arrows)]

[Skeleton Archer (level 3, summoned troops): experience (0/500) attack 2+2 (bow and arrow), defense 1+1 (leather armor) life 10, ammunition 10, skills undead creature, shooter, first attack. 】

【Ding, I found the White Skeleton Evil Temple and the Evil Church. I would like to ask if there will be regional linkage to form a skeleton training area. 】


 Looking at all the information popping up in front of him, Gu Xi made a decisive decision.

Following Gu Xi's order, the nearby ground shook slightly. Gu Xi noticed that there were some more white bone fragments on the nearby ground. Even in front of the White Bone Evil Temple and the Evil Church, there were already transformed bones. Powdered bones.

[The linkage of the skeleton training area has been completed. The training speed of skeleton soldiers has been increased by 50%. Now this area can train 20 (evil church) + 30 (evil temple of bones) + 25 (well improvement) + 25 (region improvement) per week, a total of 100 people. Skeleton. 】

 100 skeleton soldiers?

Gu Xi's eyes lit up. He had studied seriously at the Wind of the Bones Academy, and he knew very well that the greatest feature of the Necromancer was the bone sea tactics.

100 skeleton soldiers are produced here every week, and they can be directly upgraded to level 3. This clearly laid a good foundation for Gu Xi.

At the moment, Gu Xi decisively ordered: "Recruit, recruit all the skeletons first. Luna, if there is any negative energy left, collect some first, and prepare to transform the skeleton shooter."

Luna floated in front of Gu Xi at this time, "Sir, we have just consumed 1,500 points of negative energy, which was accumulated in the past three days. Now there are only 300 points of negative energy left, and we can only transform 10 skeleton shooters at most. "

“Let’s take 10 out of 10, transform them first, and use the others as skeletons first.”

 Gu Xi didn’t ask any more questions and made a decision decisively.

At Gu Xi’s command, the relief of the White Bone Temple moved slightly, the face of the character relief on the wall cracked on the spot, and the skeleton without holding anything jumped off the wall.

This is how the White Bone Evil Temple recruits skeletons. This is completely different from the skeletons sitting in the evil church waiting to be recruited.

The quality of the skeletons finally recruited is somewhat different.

  Although the attributes are the same, the skeleton crawling out of the relief in front of you is obviously taller.

 Gu Xi didn’t look too much and just used 300 points of negative energy to transform ten of the skeletons into skeleton shooters.

With the injection of negative energy, the ten highlighted skeletons changed on the spot. They had an extra layer of leather armor on their bodies, a complete wooden bow in their hands, and a quiver on their backs.

The hat on the top of his head is a bit big, and it tilts downwards when he stands, so he has to be supported by the skeleton soldiers from time to time.

By the time these skeletons were in place, the three skeleton leaders under Gu Xi had also completed their supplies. The skeleton soldiers that Gu Xi got from the Wind of Bones Academy have been transformed into the corresponding types of troops for the three combat teams.

 Now they are standing in the open space outside the cult church with their own weapons.

When Gu Xi came out with forty skeletons and ten skeleton archers, they quickly came up to meet him.

 “Everyone, get ready, we have a tough battle to fight next, Shaya, you can start.”

Under the command of Gu Xi, the skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 quickly stepped forward and formed a circle with the zombies in the open space in front of the cult church. Other skeleton soldiers were waiting on the outside with weapons.

 Further away are the ghosts under Luna and the skeletons and skeleton shooters just recruited by Gu Xi.

At this time, Gu Xi also found a flagpole and propped up the chief battle flag that he had just obtained. Then he carried the Smashing Staff to the outside of the circle surrounded by skeleton soldiers and zombies.

Sha Ya, who knew that she was performing now, was standing there wearing a red dress and holding a pair of daggers.

"grown ups."

 “Are you ready?”

 “It’s ready.” Shaya said with certainty.

“Well, let’s give it a try now. If we encounter danger, we will exit quickly.”

As Gu Xi spoke, he handed the Silver Dragon Invisibility Cloak to Shaya.

Shaya took the invisibility cloak and put it on her body, and then she found that she had entered another gray space.

In that space, a huge black bone dragon opened its eyes. This bone dragon was at least fifteen meters long. The black bones seemed to be burnt, and there was still the afterglow of silver flames all over the body. .

 He had already noticed Shaya when she entered.

At this time, Shaya also remembered her mission.

 Find the Incarnation of Death and bring him back to the city of Alidovi.

 So when she saw the bone dragon, Shaya immediately threw a dagger at the bone dragon.

【Ding! Temporary mission: The progress of the holy artifacts in the fairy tale has changed. Collect three Deathly Hallows (3/3, completed) and kill the incarnation of death to open it. 】

As soon as there was a ding in Gu Xi's ear, Gu Xi saw a black bone dragon emerging from the black mist and appearing in the circle surrounded by skeleton soldiers.


 Gu Xi immediately issued the attack order, and all the zombies and skeleton soldiers of Combat Team 3 rushed forward quickly, using their bodies and shields to squeeze the huge bone dragon in front of them.

 Luna immediately screamed at the bone dragon.

 The banshee wails!

 The screams scared the Bone Dragon back two steps as it was about to take off. At this moment, the arrows shot by ten skeleton archers had already flown to the Bone Dragon.

The bone dragon that was attacked instinctively flicked its body, and the dragon's tail knocked away the seven skeleton soldiers on the spot.

At this moment, the zombies had already rushed to the bone dragon. They grabbed the bone dragon with one hand and chopped it down hard with a kitchen knife in the other.

 (End of this chapter)

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