Breath of the Dead

Chapter 73: The Three Divine Skills: The Incarnation of Death (please read more)

Chapter 73: The Incarnation of Death, the Three Divine Skills (please follow up)

At Gu Xi's order, all the skeleton soldiers put down their weapons, each holding a bone and quickly ran in different directions.

These bones held by the skeleton soldiers still want to gather towards the center, but as the skeleton soldiers escape faster and faster, the strength of the bones' struggle becomes weaker and weaker.

 Having lost a lot of bones, even if the Bone Dragon wanted to regroup, it would not be able to find enough bones.

In this way, all the negative energy nodes reorganized by Bone Dragon were exposed to Gu Xi and the others.

 Gu Xi, Luna and Shaya quickly attacked these nodes.

 Without the bone dragon's hard-as-iron bones for defense, these nodes are actually just a bunch of negative energy trying to gather together.

Whether it is Gu Xi or Luna, they can easily destroy such a node.

To prevent the nodes from being broken, Gu Xi even threw throwing knives at those nodes.

However, Gu Xi soon discovered that every time a node was broken, the negative energy of these nodes would be concentrated on the nodes that had not been broken. As the nodes became fewer and fewer, the negative energy became stronger and stronger, and the vitality of some nodes behind them It's actually beyond the normal level.

In order to suppress the attacks of the three of them, there was no way to directly destroy these last nodes.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers who ran away with the bones of the bone dragon were somewhat unable to suppress the bones.

It can be believed that as soon as the skeleton soldier loosens his grip, these bones will fly back by themselves, and then they can form a bone dragon again, and Gu Xi's efforts this time will be in vain.

 “Get away.”

Gu Xi's mind changed and he decisively issued the order.

Luna and Shaya cooperated quite well. When retreating, Luna gave the negative energy node an ice touch, while Shaya came with a civilian sap.

When the three of them retreated, Gu Xi pointed at the corpse of the dead skeleton soldier on the ground.

 “Corpse explosion!”

As Gu Xi's series of secondary corpse explosions exploded, the corpses of the skeleton soldiers on the ground exploded together with their weapons, and the shock wave broke away the gathered negative energy.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xi threw the crushing staff decisively.

This Crushing Staff once again played an important role.

The crushing function is activated, smashing the gathered negative energy into powder.

Looking at the negative energy fragments scattered on the ground, Gu Xi heard a ding in his ear.

【Ding! Kill the Death Incarnation, temporary mission: The progress of the Hallows in Fairy Tales is completed, collect the three Deathly Hallows (3/3, completed), kill the Death Incarnation (complete). 】

  【Task reward: Necromancer professional skill - Death Incarnation. 】

[Incarnation of Death Level 11 (Level 3+8), players can consume all magic power to summon an Avatar of Death on the battlefield. The level of the Incarnation of Death is the player level + 8, and at a certain level, the Incarnation of Death will have its own different characteristics. 】

  【Note 1: Since the incarnation of death that the player defeated was in the form of a bone dragon, the incarnation of death summoned by the player is also in the form of a bone dragon, with its own giant biological characteristics. 】

 【Note 2: The Death Incarnation is level 11, with its own level 1, 5, and 9 characteristics. 】

  【Note 3: If the player masters the two skills of Death Incarnation and Death City, it can generate linkage resonance. 】

As the information popped up in front of him, Gu Xi's eyes also lit up. The dragon bones held in the hands of the skeleton soldiers no longer struggled, and no one dealt with the negative energy on the ground.

At this time, Gu Xi no longer cared about these things. He didn't even pick up the Shattering Staff, and pointed directly at the ground.

 “Death incarnate!”

With Gu Xi’s order, he felt that all his mana had been drained away.

 Then a bone dragon made of pure black bones appeared in front of Gu Xi. This bone dragon is somewhat similar to the bone dragon that was killed by Gu Xi and the others just now, but it is also somewhat different.

The bones on this bone dragon's body are pure black, not the burnt black color before, and his body is obviously a little blurry.

 When it flies up, it's like it's rolling up countless black mist, and it's possible to tear apart everything around it at any time.

 Gu Xi stepped forward to take a look and knew the situation of this bone dragon.

  【Name: Death Incarnation (summoned creature)

 Race: Bone dragon form

 Level: Level 11 (0/0)

Talent: Rule creature (after death, the player can consume all mana to summon it again)

 Status (equivalent to twice the summoner): health (820/820), magic power (1500/1500)

Attributes (twice those of the summoner): Strength 10.4, Agility 8.6, Constitution 8.2, Intelligence 15, Perception 9.4, Charisma 9.2

Skills: Death Dragon Breath (bone dragon skill, once a day), undead creatures (level 1 characteristics, undead arms, flying troops, giant creatures), curse attack (level 5 characteristics, a random curse when attacking), no entity (Level 9 characteristics, equivalent to ghost physique, 75% likely to be immune to physical attacks)]

 Looking at the incarnation of death in front of him, even Gu Xi couldn't help but take a breath of air.

 He knew that the incarnation of death was very powerful, but he never expected that it could be so powerful.

 There is a 75% chance of being immune to physical attacks, which means that most attacks have no effect on the incarnation of death.

 Curse attack means that the incarnation of death will become more difficult to attack the enemy.

As for the death dragon's breath, Gu Xi was thinking of the green light that had just gathered in the bone dragon's mouth.

This kind of ultimate move that can only be used once a day only shows one thing, and that is great power.

At this time, Gu Xi had a big killer weapon that could be used on the battlefield.

You must know that the president of the small guild in Bailian City is only about level 10 in strength.

If Gu Xi wanted to, he could go to Westminster Abbey and kill him all by himself.

Trying to calm down, Gu Xi turned his attention to the next words.

  【Discovered the professional skills of the Necromancer - Death Incarnation and City of Death, would you like to ask if there is a linkage resonance. 】

Although Gu Xi had never heard of this situation, he understood that it must be beneficial.

So Gu Xi said decisively.


  【Successful linkage, get a copy of Death Incarnation's exclusive architectural design drawing (large). 】

At this reminder, Gu Xi noticed that among all the negative energy on the ground, there was an extra white dragon bone.

Gu Xi quickly stepped forward and picked up the dragon bone.

  【Get the Keel Laboratory Design Drawing (Large Scale)】

 【Keel Laboratory (Large Scale): Use 12,000 resources, 10 units of stone, 10 units of wood and 5 units of mercury to build a Dragon Bone Laboratory (large building) in the city.

 After completion, it can be used for the incarnation of death to live and rest, and provide corresponding linkage characteristics.

 If there are other buildings that produce bone dragons, ghost dragons, and ghost dragons, regional linkage can be generated, and the production speed of all undead dragon units will be +1. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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