Breath of the Dead

Chapter 83: Chen Gu’s plan (please subscribe)

 Chapter 83 Chen Gu’s plan (please subscribe)

 However, all these are incomparable to the effects caused by regional linkage.

While noticing the changes in the pier, Gu Xi also noticed that a not too small whirlpool appeared on the river.

The whirlpool was about enough for a sailboat to pass through, and Gu Xi could clearly feel that the inside of the whirlpool was opening and contracting, as if something was spitting out.

This situation has even affected three docks, and in front of Gu Xi, there is also such a whirlpool of information.

   【Ghostland Dock Area: A ghostland formed by an evil and weird dock. Every week when ships come in and out of the dock, some corpses will appear in the whirlpool. The minimum number of corpses is one, and the maximum number is unlimited. 】

  【Note 1: All corpses can be salvaged and used directly. 】

  【Note 2: All corpses are not limited to humans, but can also be of other races or other creatures. 】

Looking at this message, Gu Xi blinked. He remembered in which class he had heard that when sailing on the sea, you would encounter some whirlpools. As long as you are willing to invest some soldiers as sacrifices, the whirlpools can make the ship safe. sent to another location.

These corpses coming out of the whirlpool could not be the sacrifices thrown into the whirlpool by the ships passing through it.

If this is the case, then the role of this ghostly dock area will be great.

Whether it is dealing with various affairs at the dock or salvaging the corpses that appear in the river every week, Gu Xi must arrange for someone to keep an eye on it.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi looked at Luna, and then shook his head.

Luna, as the manager of Alidovi, cannot keep an eye on this place all the time.

As for Shaya, who is currently staring at the situation in Victoria City, there is nothing she can do about it.

As for the three leaders under Gu Xi, they are not suitable to stay here. After all, they cannot compare with the contracted undead under Gu Xi.

This made Gu Xi a little embarrassed.

He can't just count the time every time and come in and deal with this matter by himself.

 At this moment, Luna also floated over.

“Sir, the foundations of the two core buildings over there have been laid. We only need to invest enough resources to build these two core buildings.”

At this time, Gu Xi also temporarily put down the problem he was dealing with and turned his gaze to the location pointed by Luna.

 The location of the two core buildings is actually about 20 meters away from the three piers.

It's almost like people walk down the plank road from the pier, and across the street are the core buildings of these two places.

“Let’s build it first. Anyway, it’s not that these two core buildings are fixed!”

“Yes, the function has been fixed, and we can’t change it even if we want to.”

While Luna was talking, Gu Xi suddenly thought of something.

“Luna, whether it is a core building or not, there will be corresponding manpower stationed there.”

  “That’s right.”

With Luna's confirmation, Gu Xi quickly drew a map of the dock area on the ground.

“Luna, look, the ground area of ​​the dock area is only 0.4 square kilometers, and the place where buildings cannot be built should be here, the river.

These three locations are three piers. Due to the topography of the dock area, the three piers are relatively close to each other.

Because the piers are relatively close, the plank roads are close to each other, and these two locations are reserved for the core building.

 Look here, can we build a walking trail to connect the three piers with the two core buildings? "

“Your Majesty, do you want to add these two core buildings to the regional linkage?”

Luna looked at the map drawn by Gu Xi and asked directly without any hesitation. "Yes, that's what it means. The three docks here, plus the dock warehouse and the dock market, why can't they be made into a linkage area."

Luna nodded, "This should be possible, but we need to move the dock warehouse and dock market a little further here, and then build the walking trail. This way, more resources will be invested."

“Invest, invest now, we are still short of mercury in the Keel Laboratory anyway, and there is no need to invest in other buildings, so use all resources on this.”

 Gu Xi waved his hand decisively.

 “I understand, sir, I will handle it well.”

"Okay, I'll leave the matters here to you. In addition, except for the skeleton shooters and the bone-cutting battalion, other skeleton troops are temporarily stationed nearby. If you need anything, you can ask them to deal with it."

As Gu Xi spoke, he waved to the incarnation of death.

 The incarnation of death fell in front of Gu Xi easily.

Placing his hand on the body of the incarnation of death, Gu Xi searched for the situation of the incarnation of death again.

 The previous battle between the incarnation of death and the shadow was witnessed by Gu Xi.

 Gu Xi has always been surprised that Death Incarnation can absorb ghosts, but he can't find out what the Death Incarnation is all about now.

Furthermore, among the three divine skills, each incarnation of death is different. The incarnation of death in the bone dragon state like Gu Xi is actually relatively rare, and he has no way to find anyone to ask about this matter.

 At this time, Gu Xi could only use his own method to study the situation of the incarnation of death.

 Fortunately, Gu Xi's knowledge of the undead and magic are already at a reasonable level.

 He noticed that there were some ghostly soul fragments in the black mist on the surface of the dead body.

These soul fragments have some activity.

This reminded Gu Xi of the black-robed cultists he saw outside the mirror before entering Aridovi.

These guys seemed to have lost their souls, standing motionless in front of the mirror. They would only react if they were hit.

 The soul of Shadow cannot come from them.

After having an idea, Gu Xi determined the direction in which to look. Soon Gu Xi discovered more information among these souls.

Gu Xi also had a better understanding of the flying state of the incarnation of death and the absorption of the power of the shadow.

It turns out that Gu Xi’s death incarnation looks like a bone dragon, but in fact it is the God of Death in the Victorian magical world.

 The reason why it looks like a bone dragon is entirely because of the silver dragon attribute on the invisibility cloak.

 So the bones of the Death Incarnation Bone Dragon are all metal, which represents the identity of the metal dragon.

 But in fact, the essence of the incarnation of death is a story in the fairy tales of the Victorian wizarding world, and the same is true for skills and so on.

 Turn into black mist and fly, and flying can destroy everything nearby, and can absorb the vitality of shadows. These are all the hidden characteristics and fighting style of the God of Death in the magic world.

The Shadows are originally cultists belonging to Victoria City. It is very reasonable to use the characteristics of the God of Death in the magic world to absorb the lives of these Shadows to strengthen themselves.

Gu Xi, who understands this, no longer cares about this matter, as long as there are no problems with the incarnation of death.

As for things like influence, Gu Xi doesn't care at all. He also wants his death avatar to be as powerful as possible in combat.

After understanding this, Gu Xi felt relieved. When Luna went to build the two core buildings in the dock area, Gu Xi still had some time, and he planned to go to the library.

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 (End of this chapter)

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