Breath of the Dead

Chapter 85: Abandoned old city (please subscribe)

Chapter 85 Abandoned Old City (Please subscribe)

In the assembly hall of Alidovi City, Gu Xi was holding a glass of boiling water and sitting in front of the map table, drinking it.

At this time, the map on the desktop has completely changed. Alidovi City, which was originally only 0.9 square kilometers, has now become 2.15 square kilometers in size.

 Some of the vacant construction sites have also been marked with signs representing various buildings.

 Gu Xi's eyes were empty, and all his attention was focused on the corner of the map.

According to the map, the three abandoned laboratories are not concentrated together, but are located at three edge points of the abandoned old city.

The three laboratories all have their own names. What Gu Xi saw in the library was a building called Jushan Spiritual Technology Laboratory.

There is no explanation on the map, and Gu Xi didn't go near it, so he didn't know the function of this building, nor did he know the characteristics of this building.

 The other two laboratories are the Guli Genetic Laboratory and the Shixi Biological Laboratory.

ˆ As can be seen from the names of these three laboratories, the research directions of the three laboratories are different.

At the same time, Gu Xi also discovered a problem. There are many roads into the abandoned old city, but there is only one main street. If you follow the main street into the abandoned old city, no matter which direction you come in, you will definitely enter three laboratories. of a.

 Are you forcing people to enter three laboratories?

 What are they going to do?

Is it possible that there is something hidden in the laboratory?

While Gu Xi was thinking about this, Luna floated in from outside.

 “Sir, why are you here?”

"Luna, you are here. How is the situation at the dock warehouse and dock market?"

“It’s already been arranged, and we have enough resources. It only takes three hours to complete the construction.”

 Luna responded.

 “Three hours, that’s good.”

Gu Xi then stood up as if he had come back to his senses, "Luna, after the dock area is dealt with, we have to deal with the things in the abandoned old city. I don't like those three laboratories. You cut off these three pieces of land and give them up."

 Luna was also a little helpless regarding Gu Xi's request.

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to cut off the land, but my strength has not reached that level yet. If we want to give up, we will not only have to cut off all the abandoned old cities that we have just integrated into, but we may also have to lose some more land. ”

Hearing this, Gu Xi also frowned.

“Is there any other way? I don’t want to see these three laboratories exist on my territory.”


 Luna said decisively regarding Gu Xi’s request.

“This is actually a tricky method that other death cities cannot do, but you also know that Alidovi City is the mirror city of Victoria City.

 We can completely banish these three laboratories just like James I did. "

 After Luna said this, Gu Xi started to think about the feasibility of this plan.

I have to say that Luna’s idea is feasible.

It’s just that if these three laboratories are put out, they will definitely bring some trouble to Victoria City.

 It may even cause devastating damage to the city of Victoria.

Seeing that Gu Xi was silent about the pros and cons, Luna did not offer any words to persuade her. She knew exactly what she should do. When Gu Xi asked for his opinion, he answered honestly. When Gu Xi was thinking, she had to make any judgment.

Soon Gu Xi stood up and said, "Luna, you can arrange this matter and banish those three laboratories directly to me."


 Luna turned around and was about to go out.

At this time, Gu Xi said again: "Wait a minute, I will ask the incarnation of death to help you."

Luna did not refuse. When she left the meeting hall, the incarnation of death in the form of a bone dragon appeared in the open space outside the meeting hall.

When he saw Luna coming over, he nodded to her.

At the same time, ten ghosts have been following Luna. It seems that they have regarded Luna as their leader.

 Gu Xi did not follow Luna to handle matters in the laboratory. When Luna left, Gu Xi came to the second floor of the meeting hall, stood at a higher position, and looked in the direction of the laboratory.

 Gu Xi knew very well how tempting the laboratory was to him, and he didn’t want to go to the laboratory and ask for trouble.

But he was also concerned about the situation of Luna and his party, so he had no choice but to stare from afar.

At this time, in the abandoned old city, three abandoned laboratories are operating underground.

 Although the laboratory is abandoned, as long as there is electricity, the laboratory will run automatically. Even if there are no researchers, the inside of the laboratory will still operate.

Because of the names of the three laboratories in front of us, outsiders cannot tell what is being researched here.

 In fact, these three laboratories are one. They have been studying the body of a strong man who was contained.

The Jushan Spiritual Technology Laboratory that attracted Gu Xi's attention was studying the strong man's soul, while the Gulijin Genetic Laboratory and the Stone Breath Artifact Laboratory were studying the strong man's body and weapons and equipment respectively.

 At the same time, the three laboratories also have a common function, which is to suppress the body of this strong man.

The reason why this city was abandoned in the first place was because there was something wrong with one of the three laboratories, which resonated with the corpse of the strong man.

The strong man who had been dead for who knows how many years actually stood up again. He destroyed the city in one fell swoop. In the end, the body disappeared without a trace, leaving only an area like the abandoned old city.

 At present, the three laboratories still contain the soul slices, body cells and equipment replicas of the strong man.

 Although there is no strong main body, the remaining part is actually more dangerous.

Previously, Gu Xi wanted to go to the Jushan Psychological Technology Laboratory, which was the product of the strong man's soul fragments controlling his mental power.

 In the other two laboratories, there are also experimental products of this kind.

With no one under control, these things are like a powder keg filled with gunpowder. As long as there is a spark, it will explode directly.

 When Gu Xi was under the influence of mental power, it was the most correct choice to run away as soon as possible.

If Gu Xi had the slightest intention to enter the Jushan Psychological Science and Technology Laboratory, then what happened next would be beyond Gu Xi's control.

Those experimental subjects that were suppressed under the laboratory will be released, and then the resting Alidovi City will have only one way to be destroyed.

After all, this land title changed hands many times, and people who wanted to integrate the city encountered the same troubles. In the end, they had to cede land and abandon the old city in order to minimize losses.

At this time, Gu Xi didn't know this yet. Gu Xi, who was standing on the roof of the meeting hall, was staring in that direction, waiting for the result of the action.

 (End of this chapter)

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