Breath of the Dead

Chapter 88: Death transformation (please subscribe)

Chapter 88 Death Transformation (please subscribe)

“Sir, something is wrong. There is still half a body buried under the abandoned old city.

   No, there was only one tenth of the corpse, only the right shoulder to the right waist. It had been extracted and suppressed by three laboratories before, but it was okay.

 That body seems to be a little out of control now. "

Gu Xi, who was rushing to the tavern, heard Luna's voice.

 One-tenth of the corpse only has the part from the right shoulder to the right waist?

 What is this situation?

Although Gu Xi didn't quite understand it yet, he already knew where the problem came from.

If it were something else, Gu Xi really couldn't deal with it, but the corpse.

 Gu Xi is not worried at all, there is no corpse that the necromancer cannot deal with.

If so, it must be that the level of the Necromancer is not high enough.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi said decisively: "I know, I'll hold him back, and you can deal with it how you want."

After saying that, Gu Xi glanced at the tavern in front of him, turned around and left quickly.

The wine girl who was already standing in front of the tavern to welcome him was a little confused when she saw this situation. She turned to look at the maid next to her and touched her skull.

"What's wrong with the city lord? Am I no longer beautiful? That's why he ran away when he saw me?"

Several skeleton maids shook their heads after hearing this. How dare they say anything casually.

Facing such a question, they can only shake their heads and pretend they don’t know.

As for Gu Xi, who was running towards the abandoned old city, he had no time to think about the wine girl's thoughts. Now he only had one thought. After going out, he must ask someone if there is a mount or something like that. trade.

Every time I run back and forth like this, I will feel tired.

 Before Gu Xi could reach the abandoned old city, the incarnation of death had already thrown himself on the ground.

 His target is the thickest and largest arm.

 When the incarnation of death flew down, this arm moved slightly as if it was stimulated.

Hands tried to reach out to grab the incarnation of death, but failed in the end.

The movement of this arm caused the Death Incarnation to fight back, and the Death Incarnation bit **** the largest arm.

 With one bite, the incarnation of death wanted to turn over quickly and cut off the arm.

 But the problem is that the arm is not only long, but also quite thick. Biting the bronze arm will not cause much damage at all.

 On the contrary, Death Incarnation was almost thrown out, which made Death Incarnation quite angry.

 He felt as if he had been provoked.

These are dead things, so he doesn’t believe it. What else can these dead things do to him?

So the incarnation of death flew high into the sky again, struck downwards, turned into black mist, and hit the bronze arm heavily.

Under this collision, the bronze arm that had been unable to bite finally moved.

 But not only did the bronze arm not fall down, but it turned back and slapped the incarnation of death heavily.

 The level of the incarnation of death has reached level 11. Under such circumstances, it was directly shot away, and its life was reduced by half on the spot.

If the bones of the incarnation of death were not relatively hard, the bones might have turned into powder now.

 Turning over on the ground, the incarnation of death rose up again. His body quickly turned into black mist, preparing to attack the bronze arm again.

At this moment, Gu Xi also rushed in from outside.

“Incarnation of Death, come back.” As soon as the Incarnation of Death heard the order, it quickly came to Gu Xi’s side.

At this time, some thoughts were flashing through Gu Xi's mind. He was already sure that there was an incomplete corpse connected under the bronze arm.

At the same time, the corpse was affected by some power and was constantly being revitalized. The bronze arms stretching out from the ground were the effects of the corpse's activation.

And based on the energy stored in that part of the body, I believe it won’t be long before the entire Aridovi will be covered with such arms.

It’s really not sure who the city of Alidovi belongs to in the end.

 When he called the incarnation of death back, Gu Xi had only one thought in his mind: give the corpse buried in the ground a hard blow and wipe it out from the source.

Others have no way to deal with this corpse, and the necromancer has many ways to deal with it.

 Corpse explosion is the best choice.

Although the explosion may have flattened the abandoned old city, to Gu Xi, it was not a big deal.

Anyway, the abandoned old city was obtained for free. Besides, only the urban area of ​​the abandoned old city was bombed, and the land that was integrated in was still there.

Just as Gu Xi was thinking about where to stand to blow up the corpses so as not to affect him, the ground in the abandoned old city suddenly shook.

Luna's voice sounded in Gu Xi's ears again.

 “My lord, suppress that corpse.”

Gu Xi didn’t think much, he immediately pointed at the incarnation of death.

 “Clone, suppress!”

As soon as the incarnation of death heard this, it turned into black mist and flew into the air. Then he turned sharply in the air and fell into the ground.

The next moment, Gu Xi only felt that his mana had been drained, just like when he summoned the incarnation of death.

 The incarnation of death also decomposed on the spot, turning into a precise power of death and sinking into the ground.

  It can be said that the entire abandoned old city was dyed black.

 After decomposing the incarnation of death, Gu Xi almost fell to the ground. The feeling of having all his mana drained out was even more uncomfortable than when he summoned the incarnation of death just now.

But Gu Xi had no intention of falling. He supported his body with the shattering staff, but stood hard.

As soon as the incarnation of death transformed into the power of death, the ground in the abandoned old city continued to shrink.

 At the same time, the three laboratories have been completely squeezed out of Alidovi and sent to Victoria City.

The current shrinkage of the land has just squeezed out the original location of the three laboratories. At the same time, those bronze arms have also undergone new changes under the influence of the power of death, from bronze muscles to bronze hand bones.

When the arm transformed into a hand, Gu Xi couldn't help but let out a sigh. He noticed that the bones inside the hand bones actually looked like animal bones.

The bones of each arm are different, and it seems that there may be more than one body that died underneath.

 It's just that Luna calculated it based on one corpse, and Gu Xi wouldn't say anything more. One corpse was just one corpse. Corpses were all like that anyway.

 Under the suppression of Gu Xi and the incarnation of death, Luna finally completed the transformation of this area.

The land in the abandoned old city turned black, and all the houses collapsed and rotted. In the end, it simply became a flat ground, leaving only bronze skeleton arms sticking out from the ground.

 The tallest arm was still the arm that was more than twenty meters long, but now Gu Xi had a feeling that this arm was under his control.

At this time, a voice came to Gu Xi's ear.

【Ding! Affected by the power of death, the abandoned old city was alienated, the area's open space was reorganized, and the area was transformed into a hundred-armed giant cemetery area. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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