Zhou Muyan paused when he heard this.

Then I thought that there was no conflict of interest with them now, and it was too much of a waste of time to deal with them.

Simply ignore them and go on their own.

If you really don't know how to find fault, then don't blame the old cow for being unkind.

After ten years of holding back, now it is finally easier and has a respectful backer.

If you grovel to the cultivators like before, it is better to die.

Zhou Mu simply didn't hide, straightened up, swaggered with Qingniu and Bai Feng, and didn't turn his head.

The other three glanced at their senior brother cautiously.

I saw that his forehead was bruised, and the hand holding the sword also used a little more force, causing the sword body to tremble slightly.

"Spiritual Qi Realm. Qin Fei gritted his teeth.

"Senior Brother Qin, if you don't bother to make a move on this matter, I can deal with it. "The person who spoke was Zhang Xiao, and it was the Lingyun grass he had just picked up.

Zhang Xiaoyue was eager to try, just because he was also a Spiritual Qi Realm, and it was a Spiritual Qi Realm that was about to condense rain.

Qingniu reminded Zhou Mu.

Only then did he turn to look at them.

One person held the sword in one hand, his face full of irritation; one was eager to try; the other two looked at Zhou Mu with contempt.

"It's a shame to be dressed like a beggar. The female disciple said.

"Just dare to ignore Senior Brother Qin, only blame Senior Brother Qin for having a good temper, and cut him off on me. Another man said.

"Don't say it, this smelly beggar offended Senior Brother Qin, I'll go clean him up." Zhang Xiao grinned and said confidently.

Bai Feng flew onto Zhou Mu's shoulder at this time.

"Don't interfere with this Aura Realm old cow, I'll see if I can fight." Zhou Mu said.

Qingniu gave him a blank look.


have only been practicing for a day, right? Everyone is about to condense the rain.

You said you couldn't beat it,

but the green bull didn't stop it.

Anyway, with himself here, Zhou Mu will not make a mistake.

Moreover, Bai Feng was still on Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu walked towards the four people.

"I'm just passing by, why do I have to be fine?" questioned Zhou Mu.

"Less nonsense, the Spiritual Qi Realm actually offended the Spirit Rain Realm, and it is not too much to kill you. Zhang Xiao said with a defiant expression.

This is why Zhou Mu does not like this world.

Human life is too cheap, and the class is still serious.

It is better to conspire with man than with beasts.

At this time, this thought appeared in Zhou Mu's mind.

Zhang Xiao Ling Palace emerged, and countless auras gushed out from the Spirit Palace.

Drawing out the long sword at his waist, spiritual energy poured into the sword.

A fallen leaf floated over the blade of the sword and was cut in half.

Zhou Mu was stunned.

You still have a weapon? You don't have it!

There is no chance of victory, you still use weapons.

Zhou Mu looked back at Qingniu.

"Old Niu, or you come, I'll wait a few days to practice again." Zhou Mu said vainly.

Then Qingniu condensed a rock sword and floated in front of Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu was just about to go get the rock sword.

But they never thought that the coercion of the Xuan Spirit Realm that appeared with the Qingniu Condensing Sword suddenly scared them out.

Just listen to two uproars.

The swords in Qin Fei and Zhang Xiao's hands fell to the ground in unison.

Then the four of them knelt on the ground.

"Spare your life!" the four men spoke in unison, and the woman had tears in her eyes.

Of course, the four people knew who to ask for, and anyone with discerning eyes could see that the green ox listened to Zhou Mu.

Although they have a sect, the sect will not offend Qingniu for these few little minions.

Moreover, they are only small sects, and the sect master cultivators do not know whether there is a green bull high.

They couldn't figure out how a person with a high cultivation to protect a demon beast would dress like a beggar.

Looking at the four people who knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, Zhou Mu seemed to see his former self.

It turns out that I used to be so humble.

No wonder Zhou Li didn't want to kneel.

Zhou Mu sighed.

It fell into the ears of the four people, but it was like pitying their dying life.

The heads of the four people had already been broken, and finally they were clinging to the ground, trembling all over, and did not dare to raise their heads.

"Kill them. Zhou

Mu's voice was very soft, but it was like the whisper of an abyss demon

for a long time, and when he found that he was not dead, he simply looked up.

The original green cow and boy have disappeared.

Call the other three.

The four of them had a feeling of the aftermath of the disaster.

Qin Fei stood up, his face gloomy.

When the female disciple saw it, she quickly stepped forward to comfort her.

Without waiting for her to speak, Qin Fei suddenly drew his sword and slashed at her neck.

Under the shock of Zhang Xiao and another disciple, the female disciple was in a different place, and the fragrance disappeared.

"I'm embarrassed here, I don't want others to know, you know what I mean?" Qin Fei's eyes were cold, and his tone was serious.

"Senior brother, we promise not to say it! Zhang Xiao said in horror.

The other person also quickly nodded in agreement.

Qin Fei came with his sword in hand and didn't listen to them at all.

The two hurriedly retreated.

The sense of respect and inferiority in their bones made the two of them not resist until death.

Wipe the blood off the sword and put it in its sheath.

Behind him, there were three corpses with different heads.

"So no one knows I've knelt." Qin Fei said to himself.

Pick up the Lingyun grass, walk into the forest, and return the same way.


"This person is so ruthless?" Zhou Mu was shocked.

If your own classmates say kill, kill.

He had been watching the four of them from the surveillance map since he left.

Just now, he saw the three red dots disappear and moved his perspective to see this amazing scene.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but smack his tongue, and then slapped himself.

"I'm so stupid that I want to release them, old cow, kill him, scourge one." "

Anyway, they are all dead, it makes no difference whether one more or one less."

In fact, it didn't matter if Qin Fei was dead or alive, Zhou Mu was not worried about him telling Qingniu out.

After all, their whereabouts were uncertain, and outsiders could not imagine that this small forest of ten thousand beasts had a Venerable Xuan Spirit Realm at this time.

It's just that the kid's behavior shocked Zhou Mu.

If you don't kill, you can't.

I can't beat it now, there are green.

Just listen to a buzz.

That red dot on the surveillance map is gone.

Qingniu "mooed" towards Zhou Mu and signaled that the task was completed.

Zhou Mu nodded, no longer thinking about this matter,

at this time Zhou Mu just wanted to quickly complete the task and then go to cultivate.

Now he is too weak.

As their thoughts flew away, they had already arrived at the new Lingyun Grass location.

With the help of the green ox, Zhou Mu marked the alien beast that was guarding next to the spirit grass.

Then he picked the Lingyun grass.

[Successfully marked the Aura Realm Black Leopard and obtained points 2

] [Successfully picked the Spirit Cloud Grass and obtained two hundred points]

Halfway through, Zhou Mu found a large leaf to hold these things.

Sigh softly.

"System, do you sell storage rings?" asked Zhou Mu.

[Storage rings have nothing to do with farming, they are not sold]

"Nothing to do? You look at what I have in my hand now, the absence of a storage ring has seriously affected the efficiency of my mission. Zhou Mu flicked the big leaf in his hand and said.

The system was silent for a moment.

[Whether to spend a thousand points to buy a ten-cubic meter storage ring]

Zhou Mu originally thought that the system was silent because he was too lazy to deal with him, and he didn't think of changing the system in a word.

But as expected, the system actually started selling storage rings.

A thousand points earned back in a day.

This wave is simply a gift for nothing.

The storage ring is in hand, and his point balance is only 942.

Looking at the unpretentious ring in his hand, it is difficult to imagine that it is actually a storage prop with ten cubic spaces.

Although ten cubic meters is not a lot, it is enough for now.

Zhou Mu put the things in his hand into the ring, and he was relaxed.

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