The words fell, and a figure walked out from the jungle on the side.

The aura fluctuations on his body had not completely subsided, and everyone felt that he was a Lingchuan Realm cultivator.

I saw that he was dressed in a silver cloud pattern robe, with a beautiful face with a demon smile, and a black glow flashed in his black eyes.

Cheng Yue shook off the blood on his hand and said lightly: "This beast is really brainless, and he actually hid on the road." Saying

that, a burly man behind Cheng Yue walked out holding a demon beast corpse and stood behind Cheng Yue.

Feeling the breath on the corpse that had not yet dissipated, everyone was horrified.

Lingchuan Realm Demon Beast!

They were shocked and alerted at the same time.

From hearing the screams of the demon beast just now to disappearing from life, it was only a few breaths, and their battle was not very loud.

From here, it can be confirmed that the person in front of you is pressing this monster beast.

Being able to suppress the demon beast of the same realm so easily is enough to see the strength of this person.

The man casually threw the demon beast corpse aside.

The demon beasts that were ambushed nearby suddenly had red eyes and a violent heart.

If it weren't for Zhou Mu being appeased through the beast seal in time, they would have already roared and rushed out.

"Wait a while, this person is not simple, I will transfer a spirit sea realm to the past, and then kill it when the time comes."

Zhou Mu gritted his teeth and told this sentence to the group of demon beasts.

In order to prevent them from recklessly going up and sending them to death and causing more losses, Zhou Mu could only mobilize the Spirit Sea Realm to pass.

After all, discerning people can see that this person is very strong.

If it weren't for the system forcing himself to extend the task time, he would have done this group of humans a long time ago.

It won't let them kill their own monsters.

Bai Feng nestled on the ground, curled his neck and looked at this scene, and his heart was horrified.

This group of fools is going to die!

Dare to kill the Lingchuan Realm demon beast of the field owner!

Cheng Yue looked at the people who were not moving, spread his hands and smiled: "What do you guys see me doing?" What to do!

"I'm still waiting to add some medicine to you!"

Saying that, a trace of lewdness flashed in Cheng Yue's eyes, the corners of his mouth hooked, and he looked at this group of people playfully, just like looking at a group of supplements.

The group of women trembled at this look, and a strange feeling suddenly welled up in their hearts.

Tian Gou and the others had ugly faces.

The two Spirit Chuan Realms regarded their four Spirit Chuan Realms as if they were nothing.

Even if they knew that Cheng Yue was strong, but they didn't really fight, they wouldn't feel worse than Cheng Yue.

"Your Excellency is trying to meddle in this?"

Tian Gou didn't understand his intentions, so he could only guess.

"Meddle? With such good conditions here, you thought of meddling? Cheng Yue replied.

Hearing this, everyone understood what Cheng Yue meant, and their faces were ugly.

"Since Your Excellency is not going to interfere, then please leave quickly, you have influenced us here."

Saying that, Tian Gou took a deep look at him, and several Lingchuan Realms behind him simultaneously put their hands on the long sword, ready to draw their swords at any time.

Looking at the group of female disciples who were fenced up, Cheng Yue's face was full of teasing, and he was a little disappointed in this group of male disciples.

I'm not here to see you guys stunned here!

Hurry up and do it!

I want to cultivate the Obscene God Technique!"

Although he roared in his heart, his face did not change color on the surface.

"If you do it, you won't be able to beat me."

"Oh~ I see, you guys are shy, right?"

"Then I'll turn my back on it, okay? Hurry up!

Cheng Yue said with a mocking tone, with eagerness in his tone.

Saying that, Cheng Yue turned around with his back hand, leaving them with a back.

Another Lingchuan Realm cultivator who was with him also turned his back.

This behavior of the two completely angered Tian Gou and the others.

Left their backs to them in an upright manner?

How much do you look down on them?

The female disciple of Feiyumen laughed when she saw Tian Gou's annoyed and angry look, and did not hesitate to praise Cheng Yue.

"Gongzi is so great! As long as you get me out, you can do whatever you want.

She also saw that only Cheng Yue could save her now, and her voice became loud.

Seeing this, some female disciples' eyes flickered, and they seemed to want to say something to seduce.

They can still tell the difference between one and a group.

As a result, Cheng Yue's words directly hit the female disciple in the face.

"Girl, don't talk, I'm disgusted by you on my back."

The woman gritted her teeth and looked ugly, but stopped talking.

Just as some of them were about to speak, Tian Gou and the other three Lingchuan Realms glanced at each other and rushed forward together.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

The four-person spirit palace hangs overhead, and the spirit river above each person's head has dozens of tributaries.

These rivers haunt them, and a sense of oppression arises.

Those Spirit Rain Realm cultivators couldn't even stand firmly at this time.

At this time, Cheng Yue had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a black light flashed in his eyes.

He took out a black jade from his arms and threw it into the sky.

Suddenly, a transparent black aperture covered the area.

The corners of the man's mouth beside Cheng Yue rose, looking at this group of cultivators who were only dozens of streams, his face full of disdain.

I saw his eyebrows flickering, the Spirit Palace appeared, and there were hundreds of tributaries beside the billowing river.

The river projection lingered around him, and the sense of oppression was stronger than the other four combined.

The faces of the four changed drastically, but the arrow was on the string, and they had to be sent.

"Why bother, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the joy of nature?" Cheng Yue muttered on his back.

"Don't kill, just keep that function."

When the words fell, the man burst out, and the essence light bloomed on his fist, and a trace of black qi lingered on his fist, which was mighty.

Then a fight was heard.

Four muffled snorts in quick succession.

Finally, with a gust of wind blowing the corners of Cheng Yue's clothes, the battle was over.

Cheng Yue turned around.

I saw that the group of Spirit Rain Realm disciples either trembled with fear or collapsed to the ground.

And Tian Gou and the other three Lingchuan Realm cultivators had broken limbs, and only one body was good.

The female Lingchuan Realm was pierced by the man with a sword and nailed to the ground.

The scene was bloody, but Cheng Yue did smile even more when he saw it.

"No objection now."

"Then I'll start adding medicine!"

Cheng Yue scanned these Spirit Rain Realms that were unable to resist, and he couldn't wait.

As for the white bird on the side?

He is not rare.

When the words fell, Cheng Yue's entire eyes were instantly infected with black qi.

In a short time, countless black qi overflowed from the body and rushed in this aperture.

Fill the aperture in the blink of an eye.

As the black qi was inhaled into the abdomen by this group of cultivators, subtle changes appeared in their bodies.

The male friar was inexplicably excited, as if he had endless experiences, his forehead was bruised, and he wanted to release something.

The group of nuns were flushed, whispering from time to time, and some were even unstable on their feet, lying on the ground and clamping their legs.

The corners of Cheng Yue's mouth twitched, feeling the beautiful breath in the air.

"Come on, give me strength!"

The white phoenix on the side "cooed" and screamed, and it kept squirming when it was sealed in place.

Looking at the group of humans hugging together in front of him, Bai Feng slammed his head on the ground.

What's going on here!

Why does it work for me too!

It's so uncomfortable!

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