Cheng Yue no longer lingered for the lustful aura in front of him, hiding fire under his eyes, and turned around and rushed into the jungle.

Zhou Mu only paid attention to Chen Ruoxi, the two Xuanling Realms, at this time, and forgot about this place.

If it weren't for the demon beast reacting to Zhou Mu, Zhou Mu wouldn't have known that Cheng Yue was gone.

Looking at this lewd scene, Zhou Mufu sighed.

Now they have no combat effectiveness at all.

The Spirit Sea Realm demon beast did not arrive, and Cheng Yue also ran away because of a momentary negligence.

"Kill it, it's an eyesore."

When the words fell, several nearby Lingchuan Realm monster beasts rushed out with dozens of Spirit Rain Realm monster beasts.


As the monster beasts roared, the happy men and women trembled.

I don't know if it's because of fear, or something else.

With Cheng Yue's departure, the nearby black fog gradually dispersed.

The fanaticism in the eyes of this group of cultivators gradually dissipated.

Seeing that the demon beast had arrived, they only eased up from the mood just now.

Dozens of naked men and women pushed each other away one after another.

The man was frightened and had an aftertaste under his eyes, while the woman was mostly ashamed.

But the demon beast has arrived, and now is not the time to worry about this.

However, due to Fangcai's excessive indulgence, the group had just run two steps before their legs went weak and they fell to the ground.

When they turned around, the monsters had already surrounded them.

A Lingchuan Realm demon beast walked to Bai Feng's side, raised its claws and tapped on the spiritual skill chain that blocked Bai Feng.

That chain shattered in an instant, turning into spiritual energy and dispersing with the wind.

Bai Feng moved his wings twice but did not stand up, still maintaining the posture he had just held and lying on the ground.

This demon beast looked at Bai Feng with a strange expression.

Seeing this, Bai Feng raised his head with shame on his face and signaled that he didn't have to care about himself.

The demon beast took a deep look at Bai Feng, and his gaze couldn't help but move to Bai Feng's butt.

Looking at the place from time to time, the demon beast showed a human smile on its face.

At this moment, Bai Feng's heart to die was there.

How can this black fog last so long!

Without giving Bai Feng a chance to speak again, the demon beast turned and walked towards the group of humans.

The mocking smile on Bai Feng's face just now instantly disappeared, replaced by an icy and violent one.

The owner made a mistake and let the human run.

Then my anger will be sprinkled on you!

Entering this forest, few humans have clean hands.

How many killed its "compatriots".

The demon beast opened its mouth and roared.

The rest of the demon beasts responded and rushed up.

In the case of weak enemies and strong us, this battle can already be regarded as a one-sided massacre.

With the last human being lifeless, the carnage was over.

Zhou Mu saw this scene of severed limbs and bodies all over the ground from the picture, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Clean up, remember to wash the floor."

Zhou Mu snorted coldly, his face full of disgust.

Who knows what those red and white things are, and washing the floor is necessary.

After this matter was over, Zhou Mu turned his gaze to the two Xuan Spirit Realms again.

It only took the demon beasts dozens of breaths to kill this group of human cultivators.

At this time, when Zhou Mu looked at the sky again, there was a part of the black mist that was surging, as if something was about to break through.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu locked the picture inside the black fog ball.

I saw that the man in black was in tattered clothes, his body was covered with sword wounds, and he was impacting a direction, wanting to get out.

"You can't escape." Chen Ruoxi's voice was cold, not mixed with a trace of emotion.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

When the words fell, Chen Ruoxi had a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was vicious and vicious.

Hearing this, the pupils of the man in black contracted violently.

How could he not know what was going to happen next.

That's going to ruin yourself!

At that time, his fate will be just like Cheng Yue, even if he is not dead for the time being, he will be taken away by someone to obtain inheritance.

In an instant, the man in black was angry, and there seemed to be a blazing flame burning in his eyes.

Endless black qi gushed out from his body and attached to the surface of his body.

These black qi were like black flames, burning continuously with the anger of the man in black.

"O angry guard! No wonder it's so brainless. Chen Ruoxi sneered and raised his hand to shrink the black mist around him.

"Give me your power!"

A black light burst out from Chen Ruoxi's eyes, and a monstrous black qi burst out from behind her like a vicious snake and scorpion, attacking the man in black.

"Get out of here!" The man in black roared angrily, and the black flame all over his body burned violently, blocking the incoming black qi.

He held his body full of scars and hit the black mist again and again.

The man in black seemed to have made up his mind.

"Psychic! Black Flame Overlord Gun! The

man in black bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

Then black qi passed from the corner of his mouth, and blood entered the black flame and burned continuously.

I saw the man in black raise a thick hand to hold it weakly.

In an instant, except for the black flame that was blocking Chen Ruoxi's attack, the rest of the black flame all poured into his hands.

In the blink of an eye, Black Yan condensed into a mighty black spear, imposing and with an evil breath.

The man in black burst into laughter, raised his hand and threw the spear out, pointing directly at the most vulnerable area.

The spear burst out like an arrow through the army, carrying majestic power and piercing the black mist.

The black spear ran out of energy and turned into a cloud of black qi floating in the air.

The man in black took advantage of the black fog to be broken, and hurriedly ran out of it, fleeing without looking back.

Now he no longer has the strength to confront Chen Ruoxi, so he can only escape.

He was also puzzled.

It stands to reason that the evil guards in the same realm should not be much different, not to mention the equal division, at least they have to fight back and forth.

How did he get to him, it became crushing.

"Could it be that I'm really crippled?" The man in black fled and secretly said in his heart.

Seeing this, Chen Ruoxi's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to put the black mist back, and by the way, he assimilated the wandering black qi that the man in black had not had time to take back.

Then Chen Ruoxi chased in the direction where the man in black fled.

In her eyes, Cheng Yue could be caught at any time.

And this Xuanling Realm angry guard, this time he ran, I don't know when he will meet it next time.

Looking at the two people chasing and fleeing in the sky and disappearing into the sky, Zhou Mu frowned, and once again felt the gap between himself and the outside world.

Just the sudden appearance of the two Xuan Spirit Realms left him helpless.

"It's still not strong enough!"

Zhou Mu let out a low sigh and continued to pay attention to the situation in the picture while thinking.

"Why are these five days so slow!"

Only when these five days have passed, can Zhou Mu rest assured to continue to improve his strength.

Not only that, but he also has to re-plan the layout.

After more than ten days of precipitation, there are now more than 3,000 Lingchuan Realm demon beasts.

And only a thousand or so were really put into battle.

The rest of Zhou Mu let them continue to cultivate.

After all, the strength of this group of humans is really not good.

There were only six or seven hundred Lingchuan Realm cultivators in the five sects.

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