Exhausted, its little brothers hurried to protect its surroundings, with a full of adoration in their eyes.

At this time, the Spirit Sea Realm demon beast whose breath had disappeared also came to the side of the Broken Heavenly Horse, and the surprise in his eyes could not be hidden.

"It turns out that there is still this demon beast in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest!"

"Owner, this can be hidden!"

"If they grow up, they will open up the territory in the future and defend the forest!"

"No, I can't put it on the table anymore, I want to cultivate!" I'm going to spill blood for the owner! The

demon beast roared in his heart, and seemed to have made up a major decision.

However, before cultivating, you still have to take care of the Heaven-Breaking Horse.

It's much more useful than I am.

The demon beast knew the importance and immediately guarded the Broken Heavenly Horse, waiting for it to recover.

Zhou Mu, who oversaw the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, had a full view of everything.

Other small beasts also found humans one after another and fought.

Of course, there must be losses and wins.

But in the end, it was not his demon beasts that died, but the group of cultivators.

A certain pile of disciples hiding in the cave wailed, "What the hell is going on in the sect! This trial is like this, how come it is not over! "

They watched the people around them being killed by monsters one after another, and they abandoned one classmate after another in order to live alone.

They are afraid in their hearts and have some regrets.

I regret participating in this trial, and regret that I looked down on the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest at first.

Who would have known that so many Lingchuan Realm demon beasts appeared in this unknown Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

They even felt that the number of Lingchuan Realm demon beasts was greater than the number of disciples of their five sects participating in the trial!

Almost everywhere you go, you can feel the breath of the Lingchuan Realm!

"Or let's escape this forest!"

"If you stay here all the time, you will definitely be discovered, and in the end you will die, so it's better to try to see if you can escape."

A woman said as her eyes wept and curled up.

They fled all the way, not knowing where they were in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Hearing this, a man with a resolute face looked at her with a frown and said in a deep voice: "Are you crazy? Escape the trial without permission, and the sect will punish you!

"So what! It's better than waiting to die here! Will the sect put me to death? The woman held back her tears and said unwillingly.

There was a sudden silence in the cave, and everyone had different faces, and most of them looked at the woman with a sense of approval in their eyes.

The man who spoke before paused for a moment and said, "Give up now, then everything before will be in vain, maybe tomorrow's trial will be over?" "

Maybe the elders just want to eliminate some waste disciples so they don't make a move."

"If we survive to the end, the sect will definitely be willing to vigorously cultivate us."

As soon as the words continued, everyone's eyes drifted.

"I don't care! I'm leaving this forest!

"I'm panicking right now! It always feels like something is going to happen! With

that, the woman got up and glanced at the disciples.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Everyone glanced at each other, and after waiting for a long time, many people secretly shook their heads.

Because most of the Lingchuan Realm cultivators were unwilling to leave, they all felt that what the man said was reasonable.

At this time, a beautiful figure stood up and walked slowly towards the woman.

Her voice was gentle, like a spring breeze: "I'll go with you, I also feel as if something is going to happen." The

person who spoke was none other than Chu Wei.

There were cultivators from five sects gathered here, so not everyone they recognized.

The woman felt the breath of Chu Wei Lingchuan Realm, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Seeing Chu Wei taking the lead, several more people appeared one after another to join.

In the end, the woman left the cave with four Spirit Chuan Realm and six Spirit Rain Realm cultivators.

"Idiot, with such a little strength, how dare she go!"

"More than twenty of us here don't dare to go out in the Spirit Chuan Realm!"

"It's really not a pity to die that there are fools from the Spirit Rain Realm who follow them as cannon fodder."

After they left, low cursing continued to come from the cave.

Zhou Mu watched the demon beasts keep fighting, and in the end, they couldn't even find humans.

Looking at the clusters of red dots in the surveillance, Zhou Mu sneered.

"Now you know the huddle?"

"But it's a pity that it's useless for you to huddle!"

When the words fell, Zhou Mu began to quietly control the demon beasts of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest to go to the periphery.

In this way, the cultivators in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts were wiped out!

Nearly 10,000 demon beasts died!

Almost every one of them had the blood of demon beasts on their hands!

It's not a pity to die!

In this way, the demon beasts in the center of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest gradually decreased.

And the number of peripheral demon beasts gradually increased, and the cultivation was all starting from the Spirit Rain Realm.

The Lingchuan Realm demon beasts that were still protecting ordinary animals went out, and the rest of the demon beasts were almost all gathered in the periphery.

Until the fifth day of the trial.

Zhou Mu's layout was finally completed.

In the system monitoring, the perimeter of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest is full of green dots, and the dense lines are formed.

In the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, there are groups of red dots distributed like colonies.

Roughly, there will be a thousand?

"Hehe, wait for the system to prompt the end of the trial!" Zhou Mu said leisurely, picking the seasoned crop of the pepper he had planted before.

As Zhou Mu's words fell, a "pop" sound appeared in the five beast kings' lairs one after another.

The five Spirit Sea Realm cultivators who had been suppressed by the Beast Kings before were completely killed.

They move their muscles and look out of the nest expectantly.

Can I finally fight with the Human Spirit Abyss?

On this day, the human monks felt more comfortable than ever.

"Hehe, look at what I said, this demon beast didn't move today, it must be that the elders killed the demon beast."

"We must be the elite disciples who live to the end!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of everyone in the cave were agitated, and they almost exclaimed.

On the contrary, those who were fleeing the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts felt that something was wrong.

"What's going on today?"

"Why haven't you met a demon beast for so long?"

The woman's heart was beating wildly and asked uneasily.

"Maybe the monsters are tired?" Someone replied.

The woman ignored him, but slowed down and continued to lead the group forward.

When Zhou Mu saw this group running around in the forest of ten thousand beasts, he didn't care, but he was stunned after accidentally seeing Chu Wei inside.

Then looking at the direction they were going, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Is it so lucky?"

"It's really worthy of being the son of Heaven's Dao!"

If this group of people keeps walking in this direction, then when they reach the edge, they will encounter the little wolves in the siege team.

"What a fate!"

Zhou Mu withdrew his gaze and continued to pick vegetables.

The outcome depends on their luck.

Time flies by quietly.

The sun sets on the hill and the moon takes its place.

The monks waited for a day, but they still did not wait for news from the elders.

But this increasingly quiet Ten Thousand Beast Forest made them very relieved.

Some people have even begun to walk out of the cave and want to continue exploring.

However, as the first glimmer of morning pierced the fog and shone on the earth.

Everyone was inexplicably nervous.

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