"Oh yes, the shield of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain has also been lifted."


In a clearing in the middle of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, a mountain peak thousands of meters high appeared out of thin air.

With the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain lifted together, there was also a shield for the Heavenly Dao.

Zhou Mu looked up at the sky, thinking that the face-shattered Heavenly Dao would drop heavenly thunder again.

But in fact, the sky was so blue that I couldn't even feel the breath of Heavenly Dao.

Chu Wei's mind suddenly buzzed, and in an instant it returned to its original state.

The five beast kings stepped into the air, and five streams of light streaked over the forest, gathering towards the position of the five elders.

The breath of the beast kings was overwhelming and became the last straw that crushed many cultivators.

"It's over... It was useless for the elders to come. A monk muttered with a blank gaze.

"What the hell is going on in this Ten Thousand Beast Forest!"

"Why did so many powerful demon beasts suddenly appear!"

"Why did the sect let us die! Even the elders don't know where to go! A middle-aged cultivator felt deep despair.

He understood that when it came to the rescue above the combat power of the Spirit Abyss Realm, it was basically impossible for the sect to send people, not to mention that they were just a group of ordinary cultivators.

The five beast kings soon came to the sky above the cave, they were full of fighting intent, but they did not fall.

Just because they felt Chen Ruoxi's breath.

But they are not afraid, otherwise they would not even fall to the ground.

Since the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain has appeared, then the green bull will definitely be able to come out.

Thinking of this, the green bull at the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain slowly opened his eyes.

At the same time, Zhou Mu's gaze collided with Qingniu.

"Let's go." Zhou Mu walked slowly to the Qingniu and put his hand on the solid back of the Qingniu.

I saw Qingniu get up slowly and moo softly.

Then one cow and one person disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived a hundred meters behind Chen Ruoxi.

Chen Ruoxi's attention had been focused on the five beast kings in the sky, not paying the slightest attention to the people behind her.

I couldn't help but muttered in my heart: "This group of demon beasts is also too arrogant, seeing that the Xuan Spirit Realm doesn't even fall to the ground, especially that wolf, I always feel that the breath is a little familiar!" After

thinking, all five beast kings fell from the sky and landed around Chen Ruoxi, and their originally high heads were all lowered, extremely respectful.

"That's right." Chen Ruoxi thought that these five demon beasts had returned to their senses, and came to greet him, and couldn't help but say proudly.


At this time, the sound of footsteps stepping on dry leaves sounded, and Chen Ruoxi was terrified in his heart and immediately became vigilant.

She quickly held the sword in front of her chest, the black light in her eyes flickered, and she suddenly turned around, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Zhou Mu.

"Are you?"

Chen Ruoxi recognized Zhou Mu, the person who almost killed her with an arrow outside Sakura City.

Also the elder brother of the sect leader!

She gritted her teeth and put the sword back.

At this time, Zhou Mu spoke, "Thank you Miss Chen for your help."

Before Chen Ruoxi could speak, a glittering egg appeared out of thin air in Zhou Mu's hand.

Chen Ruoxi looked at Zhou Mu puzzled.

I saw Zhou Mu hand over the egg: "Thank you."

Chen Ruoxi did not move, and his tone was flat: "There is no need for this, but it is just a matter of convenience."

Seeing this, Zhou Mu pretended to be displeased: "Take it!" Zhou

Mu would not tell her how much damage her actions had saved him.

It's just an egg, it's giving.

Saying that, the egg actually floated slowly in front of Chen Ruoxi, and then Chen Ruoxi stretched out his hands uncontrollably and held the egg in his arms.

Her eyes widened and she looked at the ordinary green bull beside Zhou Mu with a shocked expression.

"Go back and hatch this egg in a place where the aura is strong, remember to inject your own breath."

"As for what will hatch, it's up to your luck."

"In addition, I like Zhou Li's gift very much, say hello to her for me

" "Don't give this egg to Zhou Li, I have better ones, I will go to her after a while."

"Can the Hehuan Holy Sect find her?" Zhou Mu smiled gently and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Chen Ruoxi didn't say a word and nodded.

"Well, there's nothing for you here."

"Remember, the eggs must hatch!"

Zhou Mu repeatedly advised.

When the words fell, Chen Ruoxi still wanted to ask something, but his eyes suddenly flowered.

When her vision regained her clarity, she had already arrived a hundred miles away from the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Looking at the glittering egg in his arms, Chen Ruoxi looked complicated: "These brothers and sisters, there is no simple ah!"

"Is giving me this thing to make me loyal to the sect leader?"

"Hmph, I don't need you to bribe me to fight for the Sect Leader."

Saying that, Chen Ruoxi glanced at the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and then flew away in a certain direction.

Sending Chen Ruoxi away, Zhou Mu's smile faded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"It must be hatched, that egg is opened by the white phoenix."

"If you dare to backstab, hehe."

Zhou Mu is the first master of these demon beasts, and they can only be regarded as the second master.

Zhou Mu slowly came to the entrance of the cave and said in a low voice, "Still not coming out?"

"Huh! Little ghost of the Lingchuan Realm, who gave you the courage to speak like this? Can't find death? Feeling

Chen Ruoxi's aura disappear, the five people were in high spirits, and they felt that they could do it again.

Even if they knew that there were five Spirit Abyss Realm demon beasts outside, they were not vain at all.

Monster beasts, they can't beat and run.

But this brat from the Lingchuan Realm turned out to be so ignorant of the height of the sky.

If you don't kill him, it's hard to calm your heart!

I saw five people holding their heads high, throwing their sleeves and robes out of the cave, even if they were embarrassed in the original picture.

"Poof!" Zhou Mu sneered.

"Before he died, he was still so decent, he was worthy of being an elder of the sect."

The five people faced the five beast kings head-on, neither humble nor promiscuous.

As for Zhou Mu of the Lingchuan Realm and the plain green ox, they didn't put it in their eyes at all.

Now that he heard Zhou Mu mocking them like this, he immediately triggered the Spirit Palace and waved his hand to destroy Zhou Mu.

"Damn, Lao Tzu has been holding back for five days, and now he can still let you have a Lingchuan Realm miscellaneous mockery?"

The five people thought this in their hearts, but no one really said it.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu snorted coldly.

The beast soul starry sky instantly appeared behind him, and the deep starry sky was dotted with countless stars with different breaths.

The Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow in his hand emerged, and the bow was drawn and aimed in one go.

Then the stars turned into three divine beast souls separated one after another and fell on the bow, turning into an arrow.

A faint sense of oppression appeared on the arrow, and the arrow with the intention of annihilation pointed at the five people, and the arrow body surrounded the dragon shadow and phoenix shadow, and the divine flame loomed.

The light arrows were restless, and if it weren't for Zhou Mu pinching them, they would have rushed straight out.

"Want to do it? I don't know if this will pick you up a blow. When

the five people heard this, their Adam's apple moved, feeling the strange and powerful aura on the light arrow, and the movements that were ready to attack Zhou Mu also stopped.

It's hard to say whether they can catch it, but they don't want to have too much friction with strange forces.

"The last meaning of your life is left as their whetstone."

Zhou Mu looked at them coldly, collected his longbow, and retreated next to Qingniu.

Just as the five were preparing to raid, the aura on Qingniu's body suddenly erupted.

In an instant, a huge water cover surrounded the surroundings.

Then a solid ice platform slowly rose under his feet, dragging the Beast Kings and the five people into the air.

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