With yesterday's experience, today's task was completed very quickly.

Let Qingniu run with himself almost the whole time.

And today the mission went very smoothly.

Sure enough, the six chickens had already exhausted my mold.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but rejoice.

The mission was completed before noon.

This time a total of fifty were marked and 68 points were earned.

In the past two days, Zhou Mu has marked more than 200 of them, but the progress of the main quest is only 0.2%.

Zhou Mu thought to himself, there are so many creatures in this forest, there is a long way to go! Zhou Mu

returned to the top of the mountain and bought a ration to feed to the green chicken cubs.

The green chicken cub happily spun around.

Bai Feng became the boss again, leading six chicken cubs of different colors to run around.

The courtyard was filled with chirping sounds.

So noisy that the green bulls pulled their ears down.

Zhou Mu returned to the house and let the system block out the sound outside.

The boring cultivation began again.


In the territory of the Wind Wolf King, four spirit beasts that were comparable to them came.

The Wind Wolf King protected his son and wife and roared low to the four beasts.

It didn't know why these four beasts suddenly came here together.

Although there had been no conflict before, it was difficult not to be vigilant when he came to his territory silently.

The spirit beasts of the Spirit Sea Realm were still speechless, so that now the communication all relied on roars.

The Wind Wolf King took the lead in asking with a low roar: "What are you doing here?" The

King Kong Ape King immediately "roared": "I heard that the cow came to you and beat you through, come to you to find out about the situation of that cow." The

Flame Lion King also roared, "That's right, that's right. The

Red Spirit Eagle King in the air landed on the ground, his huge wings flapping, raising a cloud of dust.

The Red Spirit Eagle King let out a long cry: "Brother Wolf, don't panic, we are here to discuss what to do next, after all, the description of that group of gray wolves is too rough, and you have seen it with your own eyes."

The Bishui Snake King, who was as thick as a bucket, also hissed and spat out the snake letter at this time: "This time is related to our future, the spiritual energy in the forest has become rich in the past two days, and most of it is also related to that cow." The

Wind Wolf King was silent, it had already bowed to Zhou Mu, and its children had also obtained the bloodline of immortal beasts, and by telling them the news, they had betrayed the young man.

The Wind Wolf King knew that when they discussed the day before yesterday, they were all in the main battle.

In the end, because I didn't know the strength of Qingniu, I decided to wait and see.

To say that before, it felt that the green bull was at most the Spirit Abyss Realm, and the five beasts could not be defeated by joining forces.

But after yesterday's defeat, it knew that Qingniu was far from being as simple as he thought.

"This morning, my men saw that the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain was inhabited, and that person was followed by a cow. The Red Spirit Eagle King looked at the Wind Wolf King who was silent and shouted.

"Isn't Ten Thousand Beast Mountain a barren mountain? The Flame Lion King roared.

The Red Spirit Eagle King gave it a blank look.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that someone lives right under our noses and we don't find out about it at the first time." The King Kong Ape King's thick hand touched his chin and roared.

"No matter what they do, we should act, if the cow does not go, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for us." The Bishui Snake King spat out the snake channel.

"Brother Wolf, what is the strength of that cow, is it about the same as me or is it stronger than me?" said the King of Kongo.

"Yes, if the strength is equal, this Ten Thousand Beast Forest has no extra territory for it to occupy, if it is stronger than us, the five of us can also compete together, so as not to let it be alone." The Flame Lion King roared confidently.

The other three kings nodded one after another.

The overall strength of the demon beasts in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts is not strong, and even the highest combat power is not as good as the head of a small sect.

The reason why they can guard the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest unharmed in this situation is that they are united enough.

It has never been like other demon beast forces, fighting to the death all day, just to fight for so much territory.

I also don't want to be like the human sect, intrigue all day long, and seek benefits.

Their territory is divided according to their own habits, do not interfere with each other, and occasionally visit doors.

Even if their subordinates fight occasionally, it does not affect their respective visits.

That's why they're confident they can compete.

In this open place, surrounded by small sects, how strong can the ox be to the Xuanling realm?

I saw that the Wind Wolf King shook his head and roared with some unspeakability: "I haven't survived a move in its hands, and that's not something we can fight together." The

sound fell, there was silence all around, and the drop of needles could be heard.

"Brother Wolf, are you kidding, didn't hold up a single move, is it the peak of the Spirit Abyss Realm?" the Flame Lion King was the first to break the silence and said in surprise.

The Wind Wolf King shook his head.

The four beasts widened their eyes in unison, in disbelief, followed by horror.

If the Wind Wolf King can't hold out a move, then it has become a joke for them to join forces to fight.

"Then why didn't it kill you?" said the Red Spirit Eagle King.

"Probably because... I took refuge in that teenager. Speaking of this, the eyes of the Wind Wolf King no longer dared to look at the four of them.

It's too humiliating to throw himself into a Aura Realm kid.

The four beasts looked at the Wind Wolf King with strange eyes.

"Make plans as well, whether the cow and the human will leave for a while." "The Wind Wolf King said.

The four beasts did not sneer.

After all, life is at stake, and at that time, the wife of the Wind Wolf King was about to give birth, and it was understandable to turn to them in order to save it.

The four beasts pondered what to do next.

The little wolf in the wolf den Xu felt that the four beasts had no malice, and chatted hotly with its father, so he ran to the feet of the Wind Wolf King in a few steps and rubbed its legs.

The she-wolf also hurriedly ran out, afraid that the little wolf would make some mistakes.

When the four beasts saw the little wolf, they all showed joy.

"Congratulations Wolf Brother" The four beasts congratulated one after another.

The Wind Wolf King looked at the little wolf doting and smiled.

"Whoosh!" The

little wolf looked at the "uncles" very happy, and cried out immaturely, and the coercion of the bloodline of the immortal beast also came out.

Since they were not wolves, they only felt trepidation and did not bow down.

"Brother Wolf, what's going on with your son, the ancient bloodline has awakened?" the Flame Lion King said in surprise after trepidation.

Just born, the cry made them panic, if they grew up, wouldn't it suppress them with a roar?

Seeing this, the Wind Wolf King did not hide it.

"That human gave it, saying that it was related to him, and I also turned to him because of this, and my life is only a small part. "The Wind Wolf King said.

"The little wolf is now the bloodline of the Swift Wind Heavenly Wolf, Immortal Beast. The Wind Wolf King took a deep look at them.

Hearing this, the four beasts were shocked.

They glanced at each other, and they all looked in the direction of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

The Red Spirit Eagle King took off first and flew towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain at full speed.

"This dead bird. The King Kong Ape King scolded, and didn't care about the other two, pulled out his legs and ran towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

Seeing this, the Bishui Snake King also ran away.

The Flame Lion King roared after returning to his senses.

"Wait for me, I'll take refuge in him too!"

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