The rolling thunder resounded in the sky, and the flickering majestic light was like a pair of cold eyes, staring at the forest of ten thousand beasts.

Zhou Mu looked up at the sky rather helplessly.

This momentum is strong, but I don't know how many thunders will fall.

Rao was a Zhou Mu cultivator in the Lingchuan Realm, and after seeing the power of the Heavenly Dao again and again, he couldn't even feel a sense of awe in his heart.

Without him.

The Abandoning Heaven Sect appeared, and the Heavenly Dao condensed thunder, but it was resisted by a light mask, and not a single thunder fell.

Chu Wei's state of mind changed, and the Heavenly Dao condensed thunder to punish her, but as a result, the panic Tianwei was blocked by the light mask, except for blowing up a mountain and killing some low-level demon beasts, there was no other power.

After that, the system said to shield, and the power of the Heavenly Dao was blocked from the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

There were two more and more and not four more and four more and four more.

The first two times Zhou Mu was in awe, but now he only has helplessness in his heart.

"How strong is Heavenly Thunder?"

Feeling the oppression brought by the black clouds and thunder in the sky, Zhou Mu muttered.

Above the sky, the thick black clouds condensed together in the blink of an eye, and then under Zhou Mu's incredible gaze, three voids appeared in the black clouds.

The thunder light flickered, shining on the three voids.

From a distance, it looks like a human face overlooking all living beings.

And the rolling thunder became its angry low roar.

The four holy places, the holy lords who had just been pure for two days once again stepped into the sky.

Their gazes once again broke through the distance limit and fell near the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, looking directly at the Heavenly Dao Mighty Light.

They originally wanted to continue to go deeper into the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, but when they were about to enter, they seemed to have encountered a barrier, and it was difficult to enter an inch.

They were only slightly surprised and didn't pay much attention.

After all, the Heavenly Dao condenses power in the sky above the forest, maybe it is because of the Heavenly Dao?

Tiandao seemed to feel that someone was looking directly at him, and his power suddenly soared.

A heaven-tearing thunder crossed the sky, and then the nearby aura shook.

The space near the Ten Thousand Beast Forest actually fluctuated at this moment.

Immediately after, the sky sounded.

Those prying eyes were crushed in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

The four holy lords all took half a step back and let out a long breath.

"It's been so many years, and you still have such power."

"It seems that it is still too early to enlighten the spirit at the age of sixteen."

The Ice Cloud Saint Lord was dressed in a blue robe, his eyes staring at the sky coldly, and black qi gushed out from the palm of his hand.

"Seeing that you are so powerful, then you shouldn't mind if I take another law, right?"

Saying that, the Ice Cloud Saint Lord's eyes flowed, and the power of law lingered in it.

In an instant, the power of that law seemed to be crazy, running wildly, as if it wanted to rush out of the body of the Ice Cloud Saint Lord.

"Hey, it's really dishonest."

The woman cursed lowly, and then her ice-blue eyes were engulfed in black qi.

After the black qi receded, the power of the law also became honest.

At this time, the space in front of the woman suddenly shattered.

A bright light came out of the shattered space.

The woman smiled and stepped into the light.

When the light dissipated, the Holy Lord of Hehuan and the Holy Lord of Thousand Mountains came into view.

There was also black qi rising in the eyes of the two of them.

In Wuji Sword Pavilion, the old man who was fishing collected the fishing rod and walked to the bottom of a pavilion with the fish basket.

"It's going to change!"

He looked up at the sky, his eyes not knowing whether it was joy or worry.

"Ten Thousand Beast Forest?"

"Hao'er!" The old man called.

Then a man over twenty years old and a hanging-like man walked over.

Ye Hao came to the pavilion and sat casually next to the old man.

Originally, he wanted to make a joke at the old man, but when he saw the old man's serious look, he couldn't help but become serious.

"Master?" Ye Hao asked.

The old man let out a turbid breath and said to Ye Hao: "You go all the way south, to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest. "

A very simple sentence that does not explain the reason and does not explain the result.

Although Ye Hao was very puzzled, he felt the current serious atmosphere, and he also felt that this matter might not be ordinary.

Ye Hao nodded in agreement.

"You can hold this Wuji Sword." The old man took off the fishing rod behind him and handed it to Ye Hao.

Without waiting for Ye Hao's reaction, the fishing rod had already been stuffed into Ye Hao's arms by the old man, and then his eyes flowered.

Ye Hao was already standing outside the door of the Wuji Sword Pavilion.

"Stinky old man, so anxious for me to go?"

"Hmph, just go!" Ye Hao yelled at the mountain gate, then patted his butt and headed south.

In the pavilion, the old man sighed, and a light flashed from the ring.

Then a jade pendant exuding black qi appeared in his hand.

The old man crushed the jade pei.

Then endless black qi poured into the old man's body like a beast that had broken through the cage.

The old man snorted, and the bottom of his eyes was already soaked with black qi.

After a few moments, the old man returned to normal.

At this time, the space in front of the old man shattered, and a female voice came out from inside.

"Old man, you finally didn't hold on!"

When the words fell, the old man stepped into the broken space and stood with the three.

At the same time, Zhou Mu looked at this heaven-tearing thunder with a strange face.

Have a new job?

But before Zhou Mu could return to his senses, a terrifying aura fell to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

The terrifying qi machine instantly locked Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu looked at the black clouds in the sky with a confused expression, and the terrifying aura almost crushed him down.

"How can I afford to look at you, you are like a trash."

"Now that I look down on you, you're going to give me the first blow?"

Qingniu looked at the lively expression on his face, looking at the sky while looking at Zhou Mu.

The words fell, and two purple thunders condensed in the sky.

One above Zhou Mu's head.

The other was above Chu Wei's head.

Son of Heaven's Dao, do not allow blasphemy!

Now that you're a slave, clean up the portal!

Fear and deterrence.

At this moment, almost no creatures in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest could move freely under the power of heaven.

I saw two thunderbolts without warning, crashing down.

In an instant, Zhou Mu's thunder talent broke out.

The arc around the body rushed, pouring into the sky like crazy.

The two thunders clashed, and the heavenly thunder fell on Zhou Mu in an instant.

The power of destruction seems to destroy everything.

At this time, the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast Beast Soul took the initiative to emerge.

It roared into the sky, and its breath soared in vain.

Then it stared at the two thunders, and its eyes flashed.

Another thunder that was about to fall on Chu Wei disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the sky above Zhou Mu.

A mighty shadow looked down at Zhou Mu, then raised its giant claw and slowly pressed down.

In an instant, the heavenly thunder seemed to be weaker.

At this time, the arc on Zhou Mu's body surged, gradually devouring the heavenly thunder.

The beast shadow pressed the heavenly thunder into Zhou Mu's body, quenched the flesh, and then turned into a brilliance and re-embedded in the beast soul starry sky.

Zhou Mu was numb, and purple thunder flashed around.

On the ground, the color of the arc around Zhou Mu was much darker.


Heavenly thunder fell, and neither of the two targets was killed!

Angry thunder roared, as if to shake the sky apart.

Thunder flashed in the sky, condensed.

This time, it was no longer Purple Thunder.

Because the black clouds shimmer with red majesty.

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