With a huge amount of points, Zhou Mu returned to the top of the mountain satisfied.

【Current point balance 28200】After

returning to the room, Zhou Muchan sat on the bed.

"System, learn the trick of small into ten thousand beasts. "

[Points have been deducted, studying.] After

a few breaths.

[The Ten Thousand Beasts Technique has reached Xiaocheng. As

for the speed of the system, Zhou Mu was already surprised.

Urging the Ten Thousand Beasts Technique, the previous group-like phantom has turned into a human form, but it has no facial features.

And the silhouette is also somewhat similar to Zhou Mu.

Not only that, but the ghost has also become a lot bigger.

The previous ghost was just a lump with a diameter of one meter, but now it is a humanoid phantom three meters tall.

The phantom is partly inside the house and partly outside the house.

The little beasts that were undergoing training outside the house watched in amazement as the head of the dark golden phantom came out of the roof.

Then he involuntarily faced the shadow to worship.

Even the green bull bowed his head to the shadow.

Fortunately, there is now systematic protection, so that the wooden house has not been broken.

Otherwise, you have to spend time repairing the wooden house.

Zhou Mu dispersed the phantom and exchanged five [Exquisite Eggs] to incubate in the incubation room.

The incubation time turned out to be three days.

There are too few spirit beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and at present, I can only use this method to try to increase the number of spirit beasts.

Now there are 14200 points left.

Zhou Mu decided to exchange the fraction for a beast soul.

No matter how strong or weak the beast soul is, it can bring benefits to Zhou Mu to some extent, which can be described as a thousand benefits.

Especially the power displayed by the beast soul attached to the knife yesterday.

So Zhou Mu exchanged 42 random primary beast souls.

Primary beast souls can only appear mortal beasts and exotic beast souls.

This time, 30 mortal beast souls and 12 exotic beast souls appeared.

After reviewing the details and finding nothing special, they fused together.

There were 42 more points of light in the Beast Soul Starry Sky.

Zhou Mu's aura also sped up a lot.

While the iron was hot, Zhou Mu planned to quickly break through to the Spirit Rain Realm.


suddenly, there was a long noise outside the house.

The sound was like Xiao Sheng, the sound was like a bell and drum

, Zhou Mu walked outside the house when he saw this, and saw Bai Feng flying into the air and dancing.

At this time, the white phoenix wings were gradually full, and compared to a few days ago, the body size was also much larger.

The white phoenix feathers are white and flawless, soaring in the air, and the pure white tail feathers are extremely holy, although the body size is not large, but the body shape is extremely perfect.

White fluorescence gradually appeared on Bai Feng's body, and although it was daytime, it was still clearly visible.

"Is this a dance of blessings?" said Zhou Muxin.

After a while, the white phoenix did not fall after the dance, but flew around the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain with a full body of fluorescence.

Where the white phoenix passed, fluorescent light fell.

The surrounding monster beasts stopped and looked, and after the fluorescence was sprinkled on them, some monster beasts actually seized the inspiration of the moment and completed the breakthrough.

Finally, Bai Feng flew above Zhou Mu's head, and the remaining fluorescence all fell on Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu looked up at it, his face full of relief.

It is worthy of being raised by yourself.

Bai Feng noticed Zhou Mu's eyes and instantly raised his head proudly.

Then a center of gravity was unstable, the wings fluttered wildly, and a white feather fell on Zhou Mu's head.

It took a while for Bai Feng to stabilize himself and not fall.

Seeing that his feather actually fell on the head of the owner, he immediately made up the scene of Zhou Mu beating it, and fled.

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, he didn't understand what Bai Feng was running, and he hadn't thanked Bai Feng.

Zhou Mu reached out and took off the feather on his head and put it in his pocket.

This is a good thing, but it is much more useful than the transport charm asked for in the temple.

Not only that, because Bai Feng also had a demon beast to break the realm, allowing Zhou Mu to get another 50 points.

Seeing Bai Feng fly away, Zhou Mu also returned to the room and began to cultivate.


"Junior Sister Zhou Li, double cultivate with me. A rather handsome man said with a smile.

Zhou Li had been in the Hehuan Holy Sect for three days.

At first, she dressed like a beggar, unkempt, and no one looked at her much.

Later, her master took care of her, and everyone found that Zhou Li had a beautiful appearance and a beautiful posture, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was a fairy.

The male disciples of the sect asked for Zhou Li Shuangxiu one after another.

Even if they already have one or even more than one double cultivator.

Zhou Li didn't pay attention to them, just took care of his own cultivation.

And the news that Zhou Li wanted revenge didn't know how it got out, everyone didn't know who her enemy was, but they were still very impressed to see her working hard to cultivate.

In fact, most of them began to rot after coming to this kind of holy place, even if they were a spiritual energy realm and a waste until they died, but the name of the holy place would still make the world impress them.

The male disciples of the sect admired Zhou Li, while the female disciples were sneering.

"It's just pretending, I want to seduce a powerful man to enjoy the blessing."

"That is, who knows if her revenge is real."

"So many people went to find her, she ignored it, this junior sister is really cold." Zhou

Li knew all these words, but it was only the left ear in and the right ear out.

"It's just a bunch of ants. Zhou Li's eyes were indifferent, and he said in his heart.

"Sorry, Senior Brother Cheng, Junior Sister doesn't have this idea yet. Zhou Li's indifference was hidden under his eyes, and with a pure smile on his face, he replied.

When Cheng Yue heard this, his smile was a little stiff, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Then disturb Junior Sister, if there is something, just come to Senior Brother." Cheng Yue said with an embarrassed smile.

"Thank you Senior Brother for your kindness!" said Zhou Li with a look of surprise on her face.

Seeing this, Cheng Yue felt itchy in his heart, but he still gritted his teeth and left.

After Cheng Yue disappeared from Zhou Li's sight, Zhou Li's face became cold.

After Cheng Yue walked not far away, his face showed a hideous look, and his eyes were mixed with cruelty and lewdness.

"I don't believe you can carry the lustful trick. Cheng Yue said with an evil smile.

Then a note is played.

After a while, a woman with a beautiful appearance and a slim figure came to Cheng Yue.

The woman looked at him with a complicated expression, but Cheng Yue said with a smile.

"Senior sister, don't have such an expression, I have to cooperate with you tonight."

Then Cheng Yue brought his face close to the woman and bit on her earlobe.

The woman's body couldn't help but tremble, and she looked disgusted, but she allowed Cheng Yue to take her into a cave mansion.

At night, Zhou Li held her cheeks with one hand and sat with her legs folded.

The white and tender calves peeked out from under the dress, which looked very attractive in the flickering light.

After a while, the window of the room was opened, and a figure ran in through the window.

The figure was disheveled, with his head bowed, and he was half-kneeling in front of Zhou Li.

"Cheng Yue cultivates the lustful god technique in the Seven Divine Techniques like you, then do as I say and drive him out of the Hehuan Holy Sect, otherwise he will affect your absorption of negative emotions. Zhou Limei's eyes stared at him, and there seemed to be a flash of red light.

"Obey. Tang Yin replied.

"Well, as soon as possible to ascend to the Xuan Spirit Realm, this sect leader has not found it except for the hatred guard, you are still in the Spirit Abyss Realm, don't just care about your own desires, when you are strong, what woman is not yours?" Zhou Li was dissatisfied with his search for pleasure all day, and his cultivation was backward, and he warned.

Tang Yin suddenly knelt on his knees and said with some shame.

"Follow the instructions of the Lord. Then

Zhou Li told him part of the plan and let him leave.

"I'll do whatever it takes to create a perfect world, and you'll definitely support me, brother." Zhou

Li smiled sweetly, fell on the bed, and fell asleep holding the pillow.

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