"Dead. The

Qingniu Spirit Thought passed into Zhou Mu's mind.

Although Zhou Mu could no longer see those two at this time, the Qingniu Xuan Spirit Realm Spiritual Mind covered a wide area, and he could still detect the situation of those two people.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu paused and spoke, "How did you die?" "

How long has it been since then?"

Qingniu said.

Zhou Mu nodded when he heard this, and sighed in his heart.

He probably guessed.

It must have been the man who could not find himself as a murderer and sprinkled fire on mortals.

Oh, mortals are really pigs and dogs here!

I just killed a person who was looking for trouble, but I caused a mortal to be killed because of myself.

This unreasonable way of the world.

Zhou Mu looked up at the sky with deep eyes.

"It's not me who kills, it's the world. Saying

that, Zhou Mu's eyes were clear.

He couldn't go back to help that mortal avenge him, and no one could do anything about it.

I just hope that mortal will not be born here in his next life.

Then Zhou Mu thought about his clothes again.

This is a world of strength, but also a world of appearance, except for some special circumstances, such as entering the city to prevent being slaughtered by a wave of servants.

Most people try to wear the best clothes and the most expensive jewelry to show their strength.

In this way, others will be afraid of themselves, so that they will not ride on their heads by any person.

Although these actions are useless in the face of a truly strong person, it is enough to deal with some rogue cultivators with low eyes.

Looking at the clothes on his body, Zhou Mu found another reason for being troublesome, and then urged: "Let's go quickly, change this clothes when you get to the town."

Zhou Mu quickened his pace, and Qingniu followed unhurriedly.

Two hours later, Zhou Mu finally saw the town.

Walked over with the green bull.

I saw three words written on a huge archway.

Zhaonan Town.

The town is bustling with people, but most of them are richly dressed.

Few dressed like Zhou Mu.

Therefore, from time to time, his eyes fell on Zhou Mu.

Zhou Muyi looked back one by one.

There is no pity and sympathy on their faces, only mockery and disdain.

Even those mortals who were slightly better dressed had this expression, feeling that they were higher than Zhou Mu.

The world is still like this.

There are no inspectors at the entrance of the town, so there is no need to bribe into the town, just go in.

Zhou Mu led the green ox into the town, carefully avoiding everyone to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Those strong young people raised their chins slightly, did not squint, and did not pay attention to the people nearby at all.

However, those who were thirty or forty years old but still stuck in the aura realm had their eyes wandering, not knowing what they wanted to do.

The group suddenly stood up and walked towards a woman who was unkempt and dressed on a par with Zhou Mu.

I only listened to the lewd laughter of the man at the head: "This lady must have deliberately made herself ugly, I have been staring at it for a while, that body, hehe."

Everyone laughed in unison.

The woman sensed something was wrong and tried to run away but was grabbed by someone.

Then six or seven men surrounded the woman and laughed lewdly.

Zhou Mu took in these scenes, there was no wave under his eyes, and he turned and left.

Let go of the helping complex and respect the fate of others.

He has nothing to do with her, it is his duty to help, and it is his duty not to help.

But this affection provoked six or seven cultivators.

Although Zhou Mu was not afraid of them, if there was a force behind them, it would only cause a steady stream of trouble.

So it's better to do the duty.

In this way, Zhou Mu walked down the street without psychological pressure, went to find a grocery store and exchanged the things he brought into silver money.

Just after walking far, there was a shout behind him.

"Stop. A

white figure floated from the second floor into the street.

Chu Wei stood on the street and glared angrily at the group of men.

When the men saw this, their eyes lit up.

Just because Chu Wei is so beautiful, her eyes are bright and her teeth are beautiful, and her posture is slim, like a fairy.

Looking at the woman who was surrounded, I suddenly felt that it was just that.

Sensing the aggressive gazes of this group of men, Chu Wei's face was full of disgust, and all the cultivation in the late stage of the Spirit Rain Realm was revealed.

The breath released by the Spirit Palace made these men take in the lustful evil under their eyes, and their faces were solemn.

Then Wang Ze and Xu Qi also came to Chu Wei's side, and the two summoned the Spirit Palace in unison, and the aura of the middle of the Spirit Rain Realm emanated and pressed towards the group of people together.

The men's faces changed drastically, which was no longer something they could provoke.

Six or seven people with the highest cultivation are only in the late stage of the Spiritual Qi Realm, and even if one of them has something to do with the servants in the town, that cultivator will not offend the three Spiritual Rain Realm cultivators because of them.

The man smiled and slapped himself twice as if flattering.

"Fairy, this is all a misunderstanding. Then

he let the woman out.

The woman's clothes were already a little untidy at this time, her face was full of tear stains, and her dirty face was scratched by tear marks, revealing a white and tender trace.

Chu Wei signaled the woman to come over, and then left here with the woman.

Before leaving, Chu Wei looked around and happened to meet Zhou Mu's line of sight.

Zhou Mu was shocked in his heart, how could it be this woman, that rotten good person.

Do I have to thank her, after all, I gave me the pill.

Chu Wei just saw that Zhou Mu was more familiar, and he had forgotten where he saw it.

After all, she saved too many people to remember them all.

Just glanced at each other and looked away.

She didn't delve into who Zhou Mu was, and she was used to saving people without being thanked.

From Zhou Mu's hesitant eyes just now, he already knew that he was also that kind of person.

In the woman's thanks, Chu Wei and the three took her into the inn, preventing the group of people from coming to find trouble again.

Later, a few servants came over to take a look at the situation, and when they learned that there were three Spirit Rain Realms, they stopped delving into it.

It was done after a show.

After all, only a small number of Yan Servants cultivated to reach the Spirit Rain Realm, and they couldn't be captured in the later stage of the Spirit Rain Realm.

This matter ended, Zhou Mu didn't look any more, and began to look for the grocery store on the street.

I walked to the end of the street until I saw a grocery store.

But the shop is big and stylish.

Standing at the door of the grocery store, Zhou Mu was expecting someone to look down on people, maybe he could hit them in the face.

Entering the shop, I saw an old man sitting on a chair, his eyelids lowered, holding a dry cigarette in his hand, and smoking from time to time.

Sensing that someone was coming, the old man looked up.

After seeing the rags and linen, the interest suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, Zhou Mu didn't look like someone who would bring good things.

However, out of professional ethics, he still felt that he needed to receive it.

So he sat down in his seat and asked, "What do you need?" "

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