Zhou Mu thanked Xu Yuan: "Thank you Xu Daoyou."

Xu Yuan scratched his head and said with a smile: "Don't be like this, I can't practice, I can't be called a Taoist." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned and apologetic.

He didn't think about provoking the Spirit Sea Realm again.

After all, if it weren't for Qingniu, he wouldn't have been able to find out that the old man was a cultivator, let alone a mortal.

"Don't mention this, I don't know what your name is, brother." Xu Yuan waved his hand.

Looking at the optimistic little fat man in front of him, Zhou Mu actually felt a little unreal, there were mortals who could be so optimistic, and dare to talk to cultivators without inferiority.

Zhou Mu liked this little fat man quite much, and he did what Zhou Mu couldn't do before.

"The surname is Zhou Mingmu, the pastor who grazes herds. Zhou Mu said with a smile.

Xu Yuan looked at Zhou Mu quietly, and finally his eyes involuntarily fell on Zhou Mu's ring.

A hint of greed flashed under his eyes.

Zhou Mu took in this action, and his smile suddenly froze.

Sure enough, I still can't easily believe these people

! I even admire him! I really want to slap myself twice.

With this barrier, Zhou Mu suddenly didn't want to talk to him more, and said with a polite smile: "I still have to thank Brother Xu for your help, I have an urgent matter today, and I will definitely invite Brother Xu to drink another day when I am free."

Zhou Mu's words pulled Xu Yuan's gaze back, sensing the meaning of the words, Xu Yuan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, since Brother Zhou is so busy, I will leave first, if there is anything, you can go to the Yuntian Restaurant over there to find me."

The two smiled and left one after another.

Zhou Mu led the green cow, rubbed his stiff cheeks, and walked on the crowded street.

Xu Yuan's smile disappeared instantly after Zhou Mu left, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"Shhh Xu Yuan spat to the side and said coldly.

Then he walked to the grocery store with a gloomy face.

Seeing that his grandson had returned, the old man frowned and asked, "Didn't you think about getting that ring? "

The old man doesn't care if Xu Yuan bumped into him before, acting, he has to act enough.

Xu Yuan dragged a fat body, found a stool and sat on it, and said, "Don't mention it, that kid doesn't know what's going on and suddenly doesn't want to talk to me." Hearing

this, the old man smiled and said, "It seems that your acting skills are not good." "

You can go, you go!" said Xu Yuan without a good breath.

The old man did not answer his words, but asked: "Have you learned about his situation?" Xu

Yuan changed his sitting posture and said: "If you can understand something in a while, you will know that he brought a cow, probably because he was afraid that the people in the village would steal the cow." The

old man pondered when he heard this.

Seeing that the old man was slow to speak, Xu Yuan said impatiently: "My roast chicken hasn't finished eating yet, I'll go back first if it's okay." The

old man snorted coldly: "What are you in a hurry, follow that person, if he doesn't leave today, you will steal that thing at night, and if you can't steal it, find someone to do it when he leaves." The

old man gestured to wipe his neck, and then took out a bag of coins from the counter and handed it to Xu Zhiyuan.

Xu Yuan took the money bag and said puzzled: "You can just shoot directly, why is it so troublesome, I see that he can cultivate in the Spiritual Qi Realm at most."

I'm training you, otherwise how can you fight with my grandchildren." The old man gave him a roll of his eyes.

"Also, don't leak the wind, a storage ring is enough to befriend the Xuanling Realm powerhouse, but don't let the cooked duck fly, when the time comes, you can do it, I can't do it for you." The old man continued.

Hearing this, Xu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and he waited for his grandfather to promise to give him the bottom.

The old man was a Spirit Sea Realm cultivator, and in the past, Xu Yuan cultivators and old people also promised to go to the bottom, which made him feel much more secure in his heart, and he was also free to do things.

In this town, the Spirit Sea Realm is almost top-notch.

Some towns don't even have the Spirit Sea Realm.

Seeing Xu Yuan's appearance, the old man came out from behind the counter and kicked him.

"Hurry up!" Xu

Yuan patted his butt and ran in the direction where Zhou Mu had walked before.

He wanted to secretly follow Zhou Mu.

At this time, Zhou Mu was full of wariness of everyone around.

After walking on the street for most of the day, I finally found the blacksmith shop.

Bought a ready-made iron pot and spent 125 copper dollars.

Zhou Mu secretly smacked his tongue, it's really expensive!

This time there are 250 copper coins left, and it is difficult to say whether he can buy it or not.

Bought a couple of bowls and a spatula for 50 copper.

Tie the iron pot to the green cow and make a mockery first.

Later, passing by a shop selling fabrics, Zhou Mu asked them to measure the size and paid a deposit of 50 copper coins.

The shopkeeper told Zhou Mu that the clothes would not be made until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

Zhou Mu had to continue to wear rags and linen clothes and leave first.

Xu Yuan, on the other hand, kept following behind Zhou Mu.

Whenever Zhou Mu left a shop, he would go in and inquire.

After learning that Zhou Mu's clothes would be fine tomorrow afternoon, he returned to the restaurant.

There is only one place to stay in this town, Yuntian Restaurant, and Zhou Mu will definitely come here at night.

Xu Yuan felt that his tracking had not been discovered.

But Zhou Mu discovered him early under Qingniu's reminder.

"Sure enough, it's not good. Zhou Mu said in his heart, and at the same time he was disappointed in Xu Yuan.

I finally met someone who helped me, and it seemed that there was another purpose.

Looking at the ring in his hand, Zhou Mu couldn't help but wonder.

This ring looks so ordinary, they won't recognize it, right?

Zhou Mu took off the ring and put it in his pocket.

Whether they recognize it or not, the risk of wearing it is great, or it is better to put it away for the time being.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhou Mu began to look for a restaurant to spend the night.

On the way, I happened to come across a shop selling seeds.

The seeds that Zhou Mu needed were ordinary, and they were all available in this shop.

These seeds are difficult to identify, but they are all thanks to the fact that he has helped people farm the land in the past ten years, observing some seeds in his spare time and remembering the characteristics.

The shopkeeper didn't understand the seeds that Zhou Mu bought, because the shopkeeper didn't know the use of some of the seeds.

Zhou Mu paid 20 copper money to pack the seeds and take them away.

Then he found Yuntian Restaurant satisfied.

Two of the purposes of going out have been completed, and it is only left to get clothes tomorrow.

He took the green cattle under the wooden shed prepared by the restaurant and paid a feeding fee of 5 copper dollars.

And put the storage ring in Qingniu's mouth.

Later, he spent 25 copper dollars to open the room.

Now I have 120 copper coins left in my hand, and tomorrow I have to pay the final 80 copper coins for clothes.

Now he can still spend 40 copper dollars.

Looking at the menu of the restaurant, Zhou Mu felt a toothache.

It's too expensive, a roast chicken costs 15 copper dollars.

As soon as Zhou Mu was about to endure the pain and order, Xu Yuan stood up from not far away, walked to Zhou Mu's side, and said in surprise: "Brother Zhou, you are here, hurry up and drink together at my table." Zhou

Mu wanted to refuse, but Xu Yuan directly pulled Zhou Mu over.

"I don't have any friends, they all think that I am a mortal, and eating with me is a loss of identity, so you are willing to call me Brother Xu." Xu Yuan pulled a reason.

In desperation, Zhou Mu had to sit down.

However, Zhou Mu felt that the eyes of the surrounding customers were a little strange.

Xu Yuan picked up a glass of wine and said, "Come, Brother Zhou." "

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