There are not many bells and whistles in the initiation ceremony.

"The unrelated people stand back and let the people who enlighten the spirit in front. "The voice of the city lord spread for a hundred miles, and everyone who heard it began to act as requested.

Zhou Mu is no exception.

"You go further, the city lord will use your aura to guide you to open the Spirit Palace in a while, don't be nervous, and feel it well."

"I'm waiting for you outside, come on." After Zhou Mu finished explaining, he had to go out.

"Brother. Zhou Li grabbed Zhou Mu's clothes and looked up at him.

"Huh?" "

I want revenge. Zhou Li's eyes were firm, and he said coldly.

Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment.

Revenge? They don't even know who the enemy is.

What's more, how could the power of a large family that could overthrow a large family overnight be something that Zhou Li could handle by himself.

Oh, now that I have a system, at least I shouldn't be dragging my feet.

"We are too weak and don't even know who the enemy is. Zhou Mu shook his head.

"I will definitely find them and kill them." Zhou Li's eyes were cold.

At this time, Zhou Li was like a demon who had killed countless people, and he regarded his life like a mustard. Zhou Mu, who watched it, felt cold in his heart.

What happened to Zhou Li today? It had never been like this before.

Zhou Li's hatred, Zhou Mu guessed a little.

After coming out of the Zhou family at that time, Zhou Mu carefully recalled that the pile of dried corpses seemed to be all male corpses, and many of them were without clothes.

And the withered hand that Zhou Li held was probably her mother, which was heard when Zhou Li was talking in her dreams.

After all, it is a feud of extinction, and it is normal to have such hatred.

As for himself, he has no talent and strength, and his soul is not the original owner, and the desire for revenge is actually not great.


of this, Zhou Mu took a deep breath and said, "You open the Spirit Palace first."

"If your Spirit Palace opens, I..."

"Try not to hold you back." "

Then if I become a murderous devil without blinking, do you still want me?" asked Zhou Li with expectation in her eyes.

Zhou Mu was stunned again.

What is going on with this girl today, how can I say something inappropriate? Shouldn't I say anything at this time, I will definitely open the Spirit Palace and so on? But

Zhou Mu's heart also came up.

In the past ten years, only Zhou Li has accompanied him, and in other people, Zhou Mu has never felt warmth.

For this world, Zhou Mu has no sense of belonging.

"This world is not my relatives, you are. As long as you still recognize me as a brother, even if you are an enemy of the world, I will stand behind you and support you. Zhou Mu suddenly remembered a sentence from his previous life, so he said it smoothly.

Even if you are an enemy of the world, I will stand behind you and support you.

These words echoed in Zhou Li's ears.

Zhou Li smiled, like a flower blooming, bright and moving.

After saying a few more words, Zhou Li turned around and walked towards the center of the square.

With a buzz.

The city lord stood in the sky, his eyebrows flickered, and the projection of the Spirit Palace appeared, covering thousands of miles.

Zhou Mu looked up and saw that there were hundreds of spirit rivers converging into the spirit sea in the middle from all directions, and the spirit sea was nearly a thousand miles wide and hundreds of feet deep.

Ten zhang of the Spirit Sea deposited into the Spirit Abyss, and the City Lord's Spirit Sea deposited hundreds of zhang.

Not only that, but more than a dozen lotus flowers were also born scattered above the spirit sea.

The lotus flower may be a symbol of Xuanling. Zhou Mu guessed.

At this time, nearly 100,000 people participated in the enlightenment in the square.

I saw the spiritual air flowing out of the city lord's spirit palace, scattered into tens of thousands of spiritual qi filaments under his control, surrounding the heads of these people.

The city lord began to guide the opening of the Spirit Palace.

After a while, with the continuous humming sound, a small number of people had already opened the Spirit Palace under the guidance of Spiritual Qi.

At the center of their eyebrows, a crystal clear, palace-like space appeared, large or small.

Some people already have Aura in their spirit palaces.

What's more, Reiki has a tendency to condense.

The various forces on the high platform have already set their sights on these people.

"Oh, that handsome little guy is good, suitable for our Hehuan Saint Sect. Zhou Yao chuckled, looked at Tang Yin in the distance and licked his sexy red lips, and then bent his fingers to pop out a jade talisman and landed in front of Tang Yin.

The others around did not see the strange and did not speak, but just continued to pick the seedlings.

Zhou Li, who was in the queue, looked at the aura above his head, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The diamond-shaped crystal from before appeared in her hand, and as soon as she held it in her palm, the crystal shattered.

With a hum, the spirit palace in the crystal appeared in mid-air, and then stopped at the heart of Zhou Li's eyebrows.

The Holy Spirit Continent had never heard of anyone who could deprive the Spirit Palace.

Therefore, to outsiders, this seems to be her spiritual palace.

Zhou Li was surprised in his heart when he saw this Spirit Palace.

This has just come out, and there are already spiritual energy raindrops in this spirit palace.

That boy turned out to be a genius.

It's a pity.

Because there were too many people, and Zhou Mu was far away, he didn't see his sister's situation.

With the appearance of Zhou Li's false spirit palace, the people on the high platform became agitated.

They had never heard of the Deprivation of the Spirit Palace, and their strength was not enough for them to probe a person in great detail.

Seeing this situation, all they thought was to hurry up and grab people.

But they were just agitated, but they didn't say anything.

If the Holy Land does not speak, how dare they under these Holy Lands speak first?"

"This woman, I want it from the Wuji Sword Pavilion." The white-robed old man who had been silent all this time spoke, his gaze like a sword, scanning the people of the other three holy places.

"This little girl is not suitable for swords at first glance, it is better to come to me to learn the art of charm, conquering men is more interesting than learning swords." Right, Lin Zhi" Zhou Yao's voice was charming, did not look at the old man, and his gaze fell on the blue-clothed woman.

"you Hehuan Saint Sect scratching your head, my Ice Cloud Holy Palace is the genius woman of the Southern Spirit Domain. Lin Zhi's voice was cold and he snorted coldly.

"Eh... Your Ice Cloud Holy Palace is all female, what if she wants to find a Daoist? It's not as good as my Thousand Yue Holy Gate, not only is there a balance between men and women, but there are not so many broken things. Chen Tai said with a slight chest straightening.

"Then it's up to her who she chooses." An engraved sword and jade talisman appeared in the old man's hand, flicked his fingers, and landed in front of Zhou Li's eyes.

The other three also sent Zhou Li the exclusive jade talisman of their holy place one after another, and said the benefits of joining their holy land.

The rest of the people on the high platform were not surprised, after all, this genius basically went to the Holy Land except for some special reasons.

The people around Zhou Li were full of envy when they saw that she had just appeared in the Spirit Palace and had jade talismans from the four holy lands.

But there are still people looking for trouble.

A few people saw Zhou Li wearing sackcloth clothes, and they were there hi.

Zhou Li didn't even look at them, just held the jade talisman of the Hehuan Holy Sect in her right hand, and the rest was held by her left hand.

Seeing this, the corners of Zhou Yao's mouth on the high platform slightly hooked, and he looked at the other three proudly, especially Lin Zhi.

"Hey, the Zhou family has been extinguished for so long and is still so proud, which old monster is on the list?"

"You are looking for death!" Zhou Yao flashed and rushed towards Lin Zhi, the Spirit Palace appeared, the Spirit Chuan Hundred Lines, the Spirit Sea eight hundred li, and six lotus flowers floating above the Hundred Zhang's Spirit Abyss.

The three men beside Zhou Yao also summoned the Spirit Palace one after another, they were weaker than Zhou Yao, and they were only tens of zhang Spirit Abyss Realm.

Even so, four people were enough to kill Lin Zhi.

The old man of Wuji Sword Pavilion quickly struck, and the sword with the scabbard suddenly landed in front of Zhou Yao, while Chen Tai stopped the three with a smile.

From beginning to end, the city lord only glanced back, while Lin Zhi always wore a faint smile, calm, as if mocking Zhou Yao's incompetence.

Zhou Yao's angry teeth were about to be crushed, originally to scare Lin Zhi, but she not only did not change her face, but also laughed at her.

Zhou Yao returned to his position, extremely depressed.

After a while, the initiation ceremony ended.

More than 60,000 people opened the Spirit Palace.

The city lord took out a large number of jade talismans from the storage ring, and three jade talismans appeared in front of each person who opened the spirit palace.

"The person who opens the Spirit Palace can write on the jade talisman the forces you want to join, if the other party agrees, the jade talisman will light up, otherwise it will be broken, each person has three chances, if there are no forces to join, you can choose to join the Yunshan City Guard. "The city lord said.

So, more than 60,000 people began to choose.

In the process of enlightenment, there are also some people who have obtained some exclusive jade talismans of some forces like Zhou Li, and as long as they use exclusive jade talismans, they can directly join this sect.

In the square, after someone used a jade talisman, the jade talisman lit up and was overjoyed.

Someone used three jade talismans, all shattered, lost their souls, and walked towards the guards.

Some people also used three jade talismans to break them, and then used exclusive jade talismans, causing the representative of that force to turn blue.

Zhou Li, on the other hand, looked around, and after seeing Tang Yin, he threw the Hehuan Saint Sect jade talisman in his hand and signaled him to join the Hehuan Holy Sect.

Tang Yin nodded.

So the two of them injected spiritual energy into the jade talisman at the same time, and the jade talisman lit up.

Zhou Yao's depression was swept away, and the two people he fancy came to him.

After a while, after everyone had used up the jade talisman, the people on the high platform began to return to the sect with their new disciples.

Zhou Mu looked at them with envy.

Suddenly remembering his own system, he asked.

"System, can I

cultivate?" [Start scanning the host] [Scan successful] [

Ding, the host

spirit palace is locked, temporarily cannot cultivate]


For the time being

, that is to say, he is not without a spirit palace, but is locked.

"Then how can you unlock the Spirit Palace?" [

Does the host want to become stronger

?] "Think!"[


"The weak obey the Mandate of Heaven, and the strong change the Mandate of Heaven." Zhou Mu replied.

[Ding, detect the host's desire to become stronger, triggering growth tasks.] 】【

Growth Mission】Reason to become stronger

[Task content] Cultivation to reach the Aura Realm

[Mission Reward] Ten Thousand Beast Tips, 100 points [Mission

Duration] No


but what does this have to do with unlocking the Spirit Palace?

Zhou Mu was also silent.

【Ding, release task

】【Task】The first step of breeding 【Task

content】Cultivate two organisms belonging to the host in the farm. (The creatures provided by the system or the creatures marked by the beast seal belong to the host)

[Mission Reward] Unlock the Spirit Palace [Mission

Duration] Without

seeing this, Zhou Mu became excited.

You will be able to cultivate right away, and you will also become a cultivator yourself.

"Brother. Zhou

Mu looked back at him, and Zhou Li followed a feminine man walking towards his side.

Although he didn't know the situation of Zhou Liling Palace, this man Zhou Mu knew, after all, he almost fought on the high platform just now.

Zhou Mu's eyes widened.

I won't let you dress like that demon girl of the Hehuan Holy Sect, and you will join the Hehuan Holy Sect for me?

I can only hope that this holy place will not be as bad as I think in my heart.

Zhou Mu explained some words, and Zhou Li said that he wanted him to visit her often.

After Zhou Mu nodded and agreed, Zhou Li was taken away by the man and sat on the big red bird.

After seeing Zhou Li leave, Zhou Mu found an uninhabited alley.

"Use fixed-point teleportation to teleport to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts. "


As a white light appeared on his body, Zhou Mu disappeared in place.

Zhou Li on the back of the bird suddenly looked back at Yunshan City, slightly uneasy.

"The breath disappeared, was it dead, or..." said Zhou Lixin.

"Sect Master Sister, the big brother suddenly disappeared. Zhou Li's hand held the red jade hidden in his sleeve and received a spiritual message.

Zhou Li looked at Yunshan City and pondered for a moment.

Softly said.

"Brother, what the hell are you. "

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